Pakete vom Typ symfony-bundle










  • ap/cpanel-bundle

    Symfony ApCpanelBundle

    • PHP
    • api
    • cpanel
    new_releases1.0.0 6 star 64 file_download
  • ap/resellerclubbundle

    Symfony ApResellerclubBundle

    • PHP
    • Resellerclub Bundle
    new_releases1.0 6 star 31 file_download
  • apb/hello-world-bundle

    This bundle render hello world in a template

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0 0 star 5 file_download
  • apelaez-link/assetic-bundle

    Integrates Assetic into Symfony2

    • PHP
    • assets
    • compression
    • minification
    new_releases2.0 0 star 5 file_download
  • apnet/bootstrap

    • PHP
    new_releases3.1.1 0 star 884 file_download
  • apnet/html5shiv

    • JavaScript
    new_releases3.7.1 0 star 983 file_download
  • apnet/jquery

    Symfony2 Bundle Skel

    • PHP
    new_releases1.11.0 0 star 1.015 file_download
  • app-verk/block-bundle

    AppVerk block bundle

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 3.093 file_download
  • appshed/auth-bundle

    Bundle for login using the single appshed cookie

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 44 file_download
  • appventus/assetic-injector-bundle

    This bundle allow you to define global javascripts and stylesheets

    • PHP
    • assetic
    • injector
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 26.777 file_download
  • appventus/swiftmailerdbbundle

    Database spooling for SwiftMailer with sms support

    • PHP
    • doctrine
    • swiftmailer
    • spool
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 15.133 file_download
  • arcasolutions/google-map-bundle

    Provides a google map integration for your Symfony2 Project.

    • PHP
    • google map symfony2
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3.836 file_download
  • archer/clickatell-bundle

    Symfony ClickatellBundle

    • PHP
    • clickatell
    new_releases0.1.0 2 star 49.631 file_download
  • ardenexal/symfony-form-handler

    Symfony form handler

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.01-alpha 0 star 0 file_download
  • ardiakov/string-stack-calc

    Calculator bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 3 file_download
  • argentum/feed-bundle

    Symfony Bundle to generate RSS Feed with custom namespaces and elements

    • PHP
    • feed
    • rss
    new_releasesv1.0.0 1 star 82.771 file_download
  • armin/font-awesome-bundle

    Symfony bundle to provide Font Awesome svg icons as inline svg sprite.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 286 file_download
  • arnulfosolis/apihistogram

    ApiHistogram is a Symphony Bundle that allows you to create historical data from your web services

    • PHP
    • sql
    • http
    • api
    • response
    • doctrine
    • history
    • save
    • Persist
    • qcharts
    • apihistogram
    • histogram
    new_releases1.0 0 star 39 file_download
  • artack/svg-inline-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 8 file_download
  • artesanus/conekta-bundle


    • PHP
    • payment
    • gateway
    • conekta
    • ConektaBundle
    new_releases0.1.0 3 star 155 file_download
  • artgris/easy-admin-commands-bundle

    EasyAdminBundle config generator

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • bundle
    • commands
    • easyadmin
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 112 file_download
  • arthem/config-file-bundle

    Inject files from env vars in your Symfony configuration

    • PHP
    • file
    • env
    • docker
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 173 file_download
  • arthem/object-reference-bundle

    Object reference bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 25 file_download
  • artox-lab/aws-sdk-php-symfony

    A Symfony bundle for v3 of the AWS SDK for PHP

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • Symfony2
    • amazon
    • sdk
    • aws
    • symfony3
    new_releasesv2.5.0 0 star 7 file_download
  • asgoodasnu/google-spreadsheet-bundle

    Integrates asimlqt/php-google-spreadsheet-client with Symfony2 and google/apiclient

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 6 star 2.591 file_download
  • asoc/assetic-angular-js-bundle

    Assetic filter to output AngularJS templates for the template cache

    • PHP
    • template
    • assetic
    • angular
    new_releases0.1.0 7 star 22.135 file_download
  • assistenzde/simple-cryptographic-bundle

    A simple cryptographic service to encode/decode an input string with openssl_encrypt methods like aes128, aes256, blowfish and other cipher methods.

    • PHP
    • cryptograhy
    new_releases0.0 0 star 20 file_download
  • astina/money-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 938 file_download
  • atheon/barcode-bundle

    provide barcode rendering service into your Symfony application.

    • PHP
    • barcode
    • qrcode
    • datamatrix
    • pdf417
    • barcodes
    • ean
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 16 file_download
  • atm/my_theresa_api

    My Theresa api bundle

    • my theresa api bundle
    new_releases1.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • atournayre/doctrine-types-bundle

    This bundle adds Doctrine Types.

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • atournayre/dotenv-updater-bundle

    .env updater bundle for Symfony 4

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • aubes/csp-bundle

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • bundle
    new_releasesv1.0.0 1 star 11 file_download
  • aubes/ecs-logging-bundle

    Symfony bundle providing the Ecs log format

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • bundle
    • ECS
    • mobolog
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 303 file_download
  • aurimasniekis/scheduler-bundle

    A simple Symfony Job Scheduling Bundle

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • cron
    • job
    • cronjob
    • scheduler
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 5 file_download
  • austral/cache-bundle

    Cache Austral Bundle

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • cache
    • Austral
    new_releasesv3.1.0 0 star 861 file_download
  • austral/graphic-items-bundle

    Graphic Items for Austral

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • Austral
    • Graphic Items
    • Simple Icons
    new_releasesv3.1.0 0 star 919 file_download
  • austral/social-network-bundle

    Social newtork for Austral

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • social network
    • Austral
    new_releasesv3.1.0 0 star 887 file_download
  • autobus-php/autobus-bus-export-bundle


    • PHP
    new_releases2.2.0 0 star 87 file_download
  • avator/symfony-turbosms

    Symfony2/3 send sms from by SOAP Edit

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • sms
    • bundle
    • symfony turbosms
    new_releases1.0 1 star 158 file_download
  • avegao/spain-validator-bundle

    Symfony2 Validators for Spain Postcodes and Personal identifications

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • Symfony2
    • validator
    • postcode
    • spain
    • CIF
    • DNI
    • NIE
    new_releasesv1.0.0 3 star 129 file_download
  • avkluchko/postgres-doctrine-extensions

    Doctrine extensions for work with PostgreSQL database

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 1 star 339 file_download
  • avoo/elo-bundle

    Integration of the Elo library calculator

    • PHP
    • rewards
    • competition
    • points
    • elo
    • rank
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 35 file_download
  • avris/stringer-symfony

    Wtyczka integrująca Avris Stringer z frameworkiem Symfony2

    • symfony
    • php
    • polski
    • odmiana
    new_releasesv2.0 0 star 22 file_download
  • avro/stripe-bundle

    Symfony2 Bundle for managing user subscriptions and payments with Stripe.

    • PHP
    • subscription
    • billing
    • credit card
    • plan
    new_releases0.1.0 16 star 384 file_download
  • avtonom/creole-bundle

    A bundle for Symfony 2 PHP Framework with support for Creole 1.0 Wiki markup language.

    • PHP
    • parser
    • markup
    • wiki
    • creole
    • wikitext
    new_releasesv1.0.0 1 star 17 file_download
  • avtonom/delay-exponential-backoff-bundle

    Exponential backoff to delay for Symfony2 bundle for PHP

    • PHP
    • Symfony2
    • bundle
    • retry
    • job
    • backoff
    • delay
    • Jitter
    • exponential backoff
    new_releasesv1.1.0 2 star 18 file_download
  • awaresoft/doctrine-bundle

    Symfony Awaresoft DoctrineBundle

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 14 file_download
  • axelbest/sendbird-client

    Sendbird API handler for Symfony

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 1 star 12 file_download
  • axelvnk/sylius-mollie-payum-bundle

    A Mollie payment gateway implementation for use in a Sylius webshop with Payum.

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.1 5 star 157 file_download
  • axstrad/extra-framework-bundle

    Extra framework bundle for Symfony 2 applications

    • PHP
    • Symfony Bundle
    new_releasesv0.1 0 star 93 file_download
  • axstrad/use-case-test-bundle

    Method to test Symfony 2 bundle in different use cases

    • PHP
    • Symfony2
    • testing
    new_releasesv0.1.0 0 star 2.667 file_download
  • axsy/transactional-bundle

    Provides transactional wrapper for the controllers and services

    • PHP
    • annotations
    • transaction
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 15 file_download
  • aymdev/fregata-bundle

    Symfony bundle for the Fregata migration framework.

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 2 star 2 file_download
  • aziz403/ux-zoom

    Zoom integration for Symfony

    • PHP
    • zoom
    • symfony-bundle
    • symfony-ux
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 17 file_download
  • b3da/pusher-bundle

    Symfony bundle for Android and Ios push notifications

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • notification
    • push
    • android
    • gcm
    • ios
    • apns
    • push notifications
    • firebase
    • ionic
    • cordova
    • FCM
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 642 file_download
  • babaganoush/foundation-bundle

    ZURB Foundation Bundle for Symfony

    • HTML
    • symfony
    • javascript
    • responsive
    new_releases5.5.1 0 star 18 file_download
  • babymarkt/influxdb2-bundle

    Bundle service integration of official influxdata/influxdb-client-php client package

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • InfluxDB2
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 2.595 file_download
  • babzich/logentries-bundle

    A simple wrapper for the Logentries library

    • PHP
    • log
    • symfony
    • logentries
    new_releases0.1 2 star 20 file_download
  • baconmanager/generator-bundle

    This bundle of symfony2

    • HTML
    • Generator Bundle
    new_releases1.0 0 star 1.134 file_download
  • baconmanager/language-bundle

    This bundle of symfony2

    • PHP
    • Language Bundle
    new_releasesv0.1 0 star 506 file_download
  • baconmanager/media-library-bundle

    This bundle of symfony2/3

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.1 1 star 912 file_download
  • baconmanager/menu-bundle

    This bundle of symfony2

    • PHP
    • menu
    • bundle
    • custom
    • KnpMenuBundle
    new_releasesv0.1 0 star 1.109 file_download
  • baidu-bundle/baidu-push-bundle

    baidu push 3 bundle for Symfony 3

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 1 star 10 file_download
  • baikal/dav-services-bundle

    Baïkal DAV Services Bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.0-alpha1 1 star 2.056 file_download
  • baikal/kernel-bundle

    Baïkal Kernel Bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.0-alpha1 0 star 2.043 file_download
  • baikal/model-bundle

    Baïkal Model Bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.0-alpha1 2 star 2.225 file_download
  • baikal/rest-bundle

    Baïkal REST Bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.0-alpha1 0 star 2.028 file_download
  • baikal/wellknown-bundle

    Baïkal Well-known Bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.0-alpha1 0 star 2.001 file_download
  • baiseiit/form-request-bundle

    An adaptation of the Laravel Form Request for Symfony

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 2.938 file_download
  • baks-dev/avito

    Модуль Avito

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • plugin
    • library
    • module
    • bundle
    • avito
    • baksdev
    new_releasesv7.1.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • baks-dev/avito-board

    Модуль объявлений Avito

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • plugin
    • library
    • module
    • bundle
    • board
    • avito
    • baksdev
    new_releasesv7.1.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • baks-dev/products-parameters

    Модуль параметров продукции

    • Twig
    • symfony
    • product
    • plugin
    • library
    • module
    • bundle
    • parameters
    • baksdev
    new_releasesv7.1.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • bangpound/elasticsearch-bundle

    Symfony ElasticSearchBundle

    • PHP
    • elasticsearch
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 15 file_download
  • baptiste-contreras/symfony-request-param-bundle

    Symfony bundle to be able to use object request parameter

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 1 star 3 file_download
  • bartlomiejbeta/di-env-loader-bundle

    • PHP
    • dependency injection
    • loader
    • env
    new_releasesv0.0.1 0 star 653 file_download
  • baudev/php-object-converter-bundle

    This Symfony bundle converts PHP objects into ones of different languages

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • bbit/airgram-bundle

    symfony BBITAirGramBundle

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0 1 star 17 file_download
  • bbit/auditlog-bundle

    symfony BBITAuditLogBundle

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1 0 star 91 file_download
  • bbit/sqs-command-queue-bundle

    symfony BBITSqsCommandQueueBundle

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0 4 star 4.010 file_download
  • bburnichon/bbn-security-bundle

    Simple Api Key based Authentication bundle for Symfony2

    • PHP
    • security
    • bundle
    • apikey
    new_releasesv0.1.0 1 star 593 file_download
  • bcc/extra-tools-bundle

    A set of extra tools in a bundle for Symfony2: a translation extractor, a locale date parser/formatter, a unit converter...

    • PHP
    • datetime unit converter formatter parser
    new_releasesv1.0 95 star 58.979 file_download
  • bdjurisic/tinymce-bundle

    This Bundle integrates TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor into a Symfony2 project.

    • PHP
    • Symfony2
    • bundle
    • wysiwyg
    • tinymce
    • editor
    new_releases3.0.3 0 star 28 file_download
  • beatgeb/terrific-composer-bundle

    Makes it easy to develop frontends based on the terrific concept

    • PHP
    • frontend
    • terrific
    new_releasesv0.1 1 star 19 file_download
  • beats/beats-bundle

    Symfony BeatsBundle

    • JavaScript
    new_releasesv0.1-alpha 1 star 193 file_download
  • bechir/vite-bundle

    Integrate Vite.js into your Symfony application

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0 1 star 9 file_download
  • behat/behat-bundle

    Behat bundle for Symfony2

    • PHP
    • BDD
    • Behat
    new_releasesv1.0.0 66 star 20.109 file_download
  • bendar/lorem-ipsum-bundle

    Happy Lorem Ipsum

    • PHP
    • generator
    • text
    • lorem
    • ipsum
    • loremipsum
    • Unicorns
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • benelori/alice-bundle

    Symfony bundle to manage fixtures with Alice and Faker.

    • PHP
    • orm
    • symfony
    • faker
    • Fixture
    • alice
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 7.657 file_download
  • benjam1/object-routing-bundle

    Introduce the ObjectRouting library into your Symfony2 project.

    • PHP
    • annotations
    • routing
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 7.008 file_download
  • benjaminlazarecki/scarepiceditor-bundle

    Provides an EpicEditor integration for your Symfony2 Project.

    • PHP
    • epiceditorbundle
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 35 file_download
  • benkle/auto-preflight-bundle

    A simple bundle to automatically generate responses for CORS preflight.

    • PHP
    new_releases0.90 0 star 209 file_download
  • benmacha/mousetracker

    Symfony Mouse Tracker

    • JavaScript
    • framework
    • flow
    • symfony
    • tracker
    • heatmap
    • mouse
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 51 file_download
  • benr77/classes-cache-warmer

    Automatically create the classes.php file when warming the cache

    • PHP
    • Symfony2
    • warmer
    new_releasesv0.1 0 star 312 file_download
  • beshkenadze/oauth-bundle

    Support for authenticating users via oauth in Symfony2.

    • PHP
    • security
    • oauth
    • oauth2
    • github
    • twitter
    • firewall
    • google
    • facebook
    • linkedin
    • windows live
    • vkontakte
    • oauth1
    • sensio connect
    new_releases0.1-alpha 0 star 7 file_download
  • betsol/assets-referencer-bundle

    Assets referencer bundle for Symfony

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 2 star 363 file_download
  • bettergist/hautelook-alice-bundle

    An archive of the now-lost Symfony bundle to manage fixtures with Alice and Faker. Archived by the Bettergist Collective.

    • PHP
    • orm
    • symfony
    • faker
    • Fixture
    • alice
    new_releases2.7.2 2 star 14.386 file_download
  • biberltd/contact-information-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releasesv3.4.0 0 star 110 file_download
  • biberltd/social-network-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releasesv3.1 0 star 187 file_download
  • bibsdb/citation-portrait-bundle

    Bibsdb citation-portrait template.

    • CSS
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 57 file_download
  • bicycle/tesseract-bridge-bundle

    Symfony bundle for integration with tesseract bridge

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • Tesseract
    • Bridge
    new_releases1.0 1 star 100 file_download
  • billhance/remote-assets-bundle

    A Symfony2 console command that copies a remote file to the public assets directory

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • assets
    • command
    new_releasesv0.1 1 star 14 file_download
  • binaryspanner/quickforms

    A Symfony bundle to allow the creation of forms from YML files.

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 14 file_download
  • biplane/yandex-direct-bundle

    Integration of the biplane/yandex-direct with Symfony2

    • PHP
    • yandex
    • Яндекс.Директ
    new_releases0.1.0 1 star 42 file_download
  • bitbirddev/trustkey-webhook-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases1.00 0 star 209 file_download
  • bitgrave/persona-bundle

    Integrate mozilla persona authentification service into your Symfony2 application.

    • PHP
    • Authentication
    • user
    • login
    • Persona
    • identification
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 17 file_download
  • bkstg/notification-bundle

    Provides the backstage notifications.

    • PHP
    new_releasesv2.0.0-BETA1 0 star 33 file_download
  • bkstg/timeline-bundle

    Provides the backstage timelines.

    • PHP
    new_releasesv2.0.0-BETA1 0 star 47 file_download
  • blast-project/resource-bundle

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • blast
    new_releases0.6.4 1 star 775 file_download
  • blitzr/api-client-bundle

    The official Blitzr API Client for Symfony

    • PHP
    • blitzr api bundle
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 604 file_download
  • blockchainrndhub/bitcoin-bundle

    Bitcoin bundle provide us to use bitcoin services.

    • PHP
    • bundle
    • bitcoin
    • blockchainrndhub
    new_releases1.0.0 3 star 84 file_download
  • blockchainrndhub/ethereum-bundle

    Ethereum bundle provide us to use ethereum services.

    • PHP
    • bundle
    • ethereum
    • blockchainrndhub
    new_releases1.0.0 3 star 90 file_download
  • bluetea/setting-bundle

    Symfony2 settings Bundle for application and entity settings

    • PHP
    • Symfony2
    • bundle
    • Settings
    • setting
    new_releases0.1 0 star 38 file_download
  • bmatzner/popcorn-bundle

    Popcorn.js Bundle for Symfony2

    • JavaScript
    • symfony
    • media
    • javascript
    • HTML5
    • video
    • popcorn
    new_releases1.3.0 0 star 29 file_download
  • bnza/job-manager

    Simple job manager

    • PHP
    • task
    • runner
    • job
    new_releasesv0.1 0 star 717 file_download
  • bobrd/messagebus-bundle

    Message bus bundle

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.1.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • bogdanfinn/the-games-db-bundle

    A symfony bundle for accessing the Api

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • api
    • bundle
    • theGamesDB
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 16 file_download
  • boolean-type/lorem-ipsum-bundle

    Happy lorem ipsum

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 21 file_download
  • bordeux/cron-bundle

    Symfony GeoNameBundle

    • PHP
    • cron
    • cronbundle
    new_releases1.0 0 star 3.367 file_download
  • borsaco/pushe-notification-bundle

    PHP API wrapper for Symfony applications

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • Symfony2
    • api
    • notification
    • push
    • Push-Notification
    • symfony3
    • pushe
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • borsaco/tcpdf-bundle

    A bundle to easily integrate TCPDF into Symfony

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • Symfony2
    • pdf
    • TCPDF
    • symfony3
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 6 file_download
  • boruta/star-rating-bundle

    Star Rating Bundle for Symfony 7.

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • bundle
    • Rating
    • star
    • symfony7
    new_releases7.0.0 0 star 41 file_download
  • boson/excepciones-bundle

    Paquete de excepciones de Boson

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0 2 star 19 file_download
  • boulzy/behat-api-platform-bundle

    A Symfony bundle to test API Platform projects using Behat

    • symfony
    • api
    • client
    • Behat
    • test
    • api-platform
    • http-client
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 169 file_download
  • brainwasher/feed-bundle

    Feed manager integration for symfony

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • xml
    • atom
    • feed
    new_releases2.0.0 0 star 41 file_download
  • brandcodenl/n1ed-editor-bundle

    Use the N1ED editor in a Symfony form

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0-BETA 1 star 571 file_download
  • brandcodenl/symfony-notification-bundle

    A simple notification bundle

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.1-beta 1 star 493 file_download
  • brandoriented/doctrine-encryption-bundle

    Doctrine encryption bundle for Symfony to aid with GDPR and general field encryption

    • PHP
    • orm
    • symfony
    • bundle
    • doctrine
    • encryption
    • gdpr
    new_releases1.1.1 0 star 13 file_download
  • braune-digital/message-bundle

    Message bundle

    • PHP
    • message chat conversation bundle
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 8.587 file_download
  • braune-digital/query-filter-bundle

    Query filtering in your frontend

    • PHP
    • api query sql frontend
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 8.081 file_download
  • braunstetter/paragraphs

    Create polymorphic forms like drupal/paragraphs but for Symfony.

    • PHP
    • form
    • polymorphic
    • form-type
    • paragraphs
    new_releasesv0.2.0 0 star 381 file_download
  • braunstetter/valid-form-event

    Fires an event whenever a root form is submitted and valid. So child forms can react and do stuff afterwards.

    • PHP
    • event
    • form
    • form-event
    new_releasesv0.1.0 0 star 55 file_download
  • brazilianfriendsofsymfony/frete-bundle

    Symfony BFOSFreteBundle

    • PHP
    • Brasil frete shipping
    new_releasesv0.1.0 4 star 211 file_download
  • brazilianfriendsofsymfony/pagamento-bundle

    Symfony BFOSPagamentoBundle

    • PHP
    • pagamentos
    new_releasesv0.1.0 1 star 115 file_download
  • brazilianfriendsofsymfony/pagamento-digital-bundle

    Symfony BFOSPagamentoDigitalBundle

    • PHP
    • pagamento digital
    new_releasesv0.5.0 2 star 61 file_download
  • brnfrts/brnfrtssulu

    Some addons for the Sulu CMS

    new_releases0.0.2 1 star 14 file_download
  • brokalia/doctrine-entity-generator

    Generates a doctrine entity and mapper from domain entity

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 2 star 902 file_download
  • bskton/lorem-ipsum-bundle

    Happy lorem ipsum bundle.

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • bueue/oracle-migrations-bundle

    Bueue OracleMigrationsBundle

    • PHP
    • migrations
    • doctrine
    • oracle
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 1.204 file_download
  • bugbuster/contao-xing-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 4 star 202 file_download
  • bugloos/api-versioning-bundle

    API Versioning Bundle

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0-ALPHA1 2 star 635 file_download
  • bugloos/export-bundle

    Export everything you need in an easy way

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.1.0-ALPHA1 10 star 447 file_download
  • bujanov/dto-bundle

    Symfony simple data transfer object bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases0.8.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • byte-artist/menu-bundle

    Provides a configurable symfony and twig compatible menu for frontend application

    • PHP
    • generator
    • menu
    • navigation
    new_releases0.1 1 star 21 file_download
  • c33s/maker-extra-bundle

    additional makers for the symfony maker bundle

    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 92 file_download
  • campusdomar/pmk2-cmar-sonar-bundle

    CMAR SonarBundle.

    • HTML
    • Symfony2
    • theming
    • bundle
    • pumukit
    • teltek
    • campusdomar
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 28 file_download
  • cannibal/sort-bundle

    Provides a standard interface for sorting any resource collection internally or via a uri request

    • PHP
    • rest
    • search
    • sort
    • sorting
    • criteria
    • sorts
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1.038 file_download
  • capdigital/ntlmsoapclient

    NTLM Soap Client

    • PHP
    • soap
    • webservices
    • NTLM
    • dynamicsNAV
    new_releasesv1.0.2 0 star 93 file_download
  • caponica/amazon-mws-bundle

    Symfony2 service wrapper for Amazon MWS PHP API

    • Twig
    • symfony
    • amazon
    • mws
    new_releasesv0.0.2 3 star 959 file_download
  • captjm/clear-cache-bundle

    Clear cache for EasyAdmin

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.14 0 star 16 file_download
  • captjm/elfinderwidget-bundle

    • JavaScript
    • admin
    • backend
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 16 file_download
  • carlescliment/handy-tests-bundle

    A handy toolkit for testing in Symfony 2

    • PHP
    • testing
    new_releases1.0.0 6 star 27.091 file_download
  • carteni/maintenance-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 12 file_download
  • catch-of-the-day/elastica-bundle

    Elasticsearch PHP integration for your Symfony2 project using Elastica

    • PHP
    • mongodb
    • propel
    • search
    • doctrine2
    • elastica
    • elasticsearch
    new_releasesv2.1.3 0 star 276 file_download
  • catchamonkey/console-logger-bundle

    Symfony2 bundles that adds logging of exceptions thrown in console commands.

    • PHP
    • logging
    • symfony
    • logger
    • bundle
    • console
    new_releasesv1.0.0 1 star 1.538 file_download
  • caxy/audit-log-bundle

    A Symfony2 bundle for auditing entities managed by Doctrine ORM

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.1.0 4 star 19 file_download
  • caxy/easy-sonata-admin

    Simplified Configuration system for Sonata Admin.

    • PHP
    • sonata admin configuration
    new_releases1.0 0 star 67 file_download
  • caxy/elasticsearch-bundle

    Symfony ElasticSearchBundle

    • PHP
    • elasticsearch
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 41 file_download
  • ccdn-forum/common-bundle

    CCDN Forum common bundle

    • forum
    • board
    new_releasesv1.4 0 star 116 file_download
  • ccdn-forum/forum-bundle

    CCDN Forum main bundle

    • forum
    • board
    new_releasesv1.4 0 star 155 file_download
  • ccwwonebyone/thinkorm-bundle

    Symfony Think Orm Bundle

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.0.1 1 star 13 file_download
  • cedricziel/shariff-bundle

    Symfony2 bundle for Heise Shariff

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 731 file_download
  • cekurte/userbundle

    This bundle is a custom of FOSUserBundle

    • PHP
    • user
    new_releasesv1.0.0 2 star 4.585 file_download
  • cengizhancaliskan/views-counter-bundle

    Symfony document/entity views counter

    • PHP
    • views counter
    • view count
    • view counter
    • entity views
    • entity view counter
    new_releasesv1.0.0 3 star 2.112 file_download
  • cethyworks/doctrine-paginator-decorator

    Decorator/helper for Doctrine Paginator

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 272 file_download
  • cethyworks/invitation-bundle

    Provides a way to secure routes behind a special 'invitation code only' security firewall.

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0 2 star 205 file_download
  • chaplean/elasticsearch-bundle

    The Bundle base to fork

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 156 file_download
  • chaplean/monolog-extra-bundle

    Provides support for extra fields in request header

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 5.029 file_download
  • chaplean/ovh-logs-bundle

    Provides support for sending logs to OVH's graylog

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 4.978 file_download
  • chapuzzo/notificationsbundle

    Onesignal notifications bundle

    • PHP
    • notifications
    • push
    • onesignal
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 15 file_download
  • chargily/epay-symfony

    Chargily epay plugin for symfony.

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 3 star 0 file_download
  • chellem/doctine-prefixr-bundle

    Symfony DoctrinePrefixrBundle

    • PHP
    • doctrine
    • prefix
    new_releasesv1.0 1 star 280 file_download
  • chrisdahl/star-wars-names-bundle

    Generates random Star Wars names

    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 16 file_download
  • christian-riesen/password-hash-bundle

    Custom password encoder for symfony2, using the new password hash api from php 5.5 (with fallback for 5.3 + 5.4)

    • PHP
    • Symfony2
    • password
    • bcrypt
    • password hash
    • php5.5
    new_releases1.2 0 star 36 file_download
  • christyb/sftp-api-bundle

    list files and directories of a sftp server, possibility to search by file or content

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • chrzanek98/pimcore-object-event-listeners-bundle

    This bundle lets create event listeners for pimcore DataObjects in easy and flexible way

    • PHP
    • pimcore
    • dataobjects
    • EventListeners
    • Pimcore EventListeners
    new_releases1.0.0 8 star 87 file_download
  • cibincasso/barcode-bundle

    Symfony2 Barcode Generator Bundle with Twig function extension

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • generator
    • twig
    • Symfony2
    • bundle
    • barcode
    • qr code
    • qrcode
    new_releases1.0 0 star 12.839 file_download
  • ciloe/graphql-client-bundle

    A symfony GraphQL Client Bundle based on GraphQL Client PHP

    • PHP
    • client
    • bundle
    • graphql
    new_releasesv0.0 1 star 3 file_download
  • cimus/gearman-bundle

    Symfony CimusGearmanBundle

    • PHP
    • gearman
    • gearman bundle
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 54 file_download
  • ciricihq/match-against-bundle

    A search bundle for symfony, using MySQL FULLTEXT MATCH AGAINST

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • Symfony2
    • mysql
    • full-text
    • match-against
    new_releasesv1.0.0 7 star 2.985 file_download
  • cleentfaar/doctrine-table-prefix-bundle

    This bundle allows doctrine to recognize any prefix you might use on your table names (e.g. acme_)

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • doctrine
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 726 file_download
  • cluster28/monolog-config-bundle

    Monolog config bundle

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0-alpha1 0 star 4 file_download
  • cmath10/mapper-bundle

    Symfony bundle for cmath10/mapper

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • mapper
    • automapper
    • symfony5
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • cmedia/drive-bundle

    Tag bundle for symfony2.

    • php
    • Symfony2
    • Taggable
    • tag
    new_releasesv0.1.0 0 star 113 file_download
  • cmiecom/cmi-pay-bundle

    CMI gateway payment library

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0 2 star 382 file_download
  • cobhimself/api-services-bundle

    The ApiServicesBundle provides classes which aid in the creation and use of commands associated with API endpoints.

    • PHP
    • api
    • bundle
    • command
    • services
    • description
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • cocorico/swift-reader-bundle

    CocoricoSwiftReaderBundle is a free symfony bundle to read emails sent by Swift Mailer.

    • PHP
    • mail
    • mailer
    • email
    • swiftmailer
    • reader
    new_releasesv0.1.0 4 star 408 file_download
  • codedmonkey/semantic-ui-bundle

    Integrates Semantic UI 2 into the Symfony framework

    • HTML
    • symfony
    • semantic-ui
    new_releases2.0.0 4 star 909 file_download
  • codeplace-io/preview-password-type-bundle

    show/hide value of password field

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • Codeplace
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1.130 file_download
  • codingculture/doctrine-rest-bundle

    • PHP
    • symfony4 bundle request
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 7 file_download
  • coffreo/jms-translation-js-extractor-bundle

    Add javascript translation extractor for jms/translation-bundle package

    • PHP
    • i18n
    • translation
    • javascript
    • JS
    • translate
    • js-translation
    • bazinga
    • jms-translation-bundle
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 4.199 file_download
  • coka/notifier-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 296 file_download
  • colemando/ratchetio-bundle

    Integrates error reporting into your Symfony2 application.

    • PHP
    • errors
    • exceptions
    • debugging
    • monitoring
    • Ratchet
    new_releasesv0.2.0 3 star 132 file_download
  • cometcult/braintree-bundle

    Symfony 2 Bundle for Braintree's PHP client library

    • PHP
    • payment
    • bundle
    • card
    • credit
    • braintree
    new_releases0.1.0 22 star 85.029 file_download
  • cometcult/credit-bundle

    User credit bundle for use with Symfony2

    • PHP
    • credit
    • balance
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 274 file_download
  • comolo/contao-branding

    Comolo Branding

    • PHP
    new_releases4.2.3 1 star 45 file_download
  • connectx/entity-angular-bundle

    Symfony bundle to convert entities into Angular TS files.

    • PHP
    • converter
    • entity
    • angular
    new_releases1.1 2 star 446 file_download
  • contextualcode/platformsh-siteaccess-matcher-bundle adopted eZPublish Map\Host site access matcher.

    • ezpublish
    • platformsh
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 12.114 file_download
  • coreshop/inventory-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.0-alpha.5 0 star 2.252 file_download
  • cos/rest-client-bundle

    Symfony rest client bundle - Work in progress

    • PHP
    • rest
    • client
    • bundle
    new_releases1.0.0 10 star 182 file_download
  • countxvat/aws-secrets-bundle

    Loads ENV vars from AWS Secrets Manager

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • aws
    • env
    • Secrets Manager
    new_releases1.2.0 0 star 4.710 file_download
  • craffft/contao-oauth2-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 4 star 38 file_download
  • craffft/css-style-selector-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases1.2.0 11 star 24.488 file_download
  • craffft/logo-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases1.4 2 star 1.398 file_download
  • craffft/secure-accessdata-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases2.5 0 star 20 file_download
  • creadev/cron-bundle

    This bundle provides scheduled execution of Symfony2 commands

    • PHP
    • time
    • cron
    • schedule
    new_releasesv1.0 1 star 100 file_download
  • creads/api2symfony-bundle

    A Symfony bundle to automatically create Symfony controllers from a standard API specification.

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • php
    • api
    • bundle
    • controller
    • converter
    • raml
    new_releases1.0.0 52 star 566 file_download
  • creative-web-solution/svg-graph-bundle

    Generate the beautiful graph.

    • PHP
    • bundle
    • graph
    • front
    • svg
    • symfony4
    • cws
    • creative-web-solution
    • symfony5
    • symfony6
    • svg-graph
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 177 file_download
  • creavio/pdf-bundle

    Symfony Bundle for generating PDF with mPDF

    • PHP
    • Symfony2
    • bundle
    • pdf
    • mpdf
    • symfony3
    • creavio
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 12 file_download
  • creonit/sendpulse-mailer

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • sendpulse
    • creonit
    new_releasesv1.0.0 2 star 3.760 file_download
  • crifi/zabbix-bundle

    Crifi Zabbix Bundle

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 176 file_download
  • crisistextline/user-profile-bundle

    Crisis Text Line User Profile Bundle

    • PHP
    • User management
    new_releases0.0.1 1 star 6 file_download
  • crovitche/swiss-geo-bundle

    Import swiss building addresses, streets and localities locally on your MySQL database using Doctrine ORM

    • PHP
    • orm
    • doctrine
    • addresses
    • symfonx-ux
    new_releases1.0-alpha 3 star 479 file_download
  • crs/stripe

    Bundle used to make payment amd manage client payment by stripe

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • cscfa_tool_division/collections

    This bundle provide collections class and method to store data

    • PHP
    • collections
    • bundle
    • tool
    • collection
    • division
    • cscfa
    new_releasesV1.0.1 1 star 81 file_download
  • ctors/pledge-symfony-routing

    Adds OpenBSD pledge/unveil support to Symfony routing

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • security
    • openbsd
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 5 file_download
  • ctsmedia/contao-phpbb-bridge-bundle

    phpbb 3.1 Bridge for Contao 4

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 6 star 1.152 file_download
  • cunningsoft/achievement-bundle

    Provides an achievement system for Symfony2

    • PHP
    • game
    • achievement
    • browsergame
    new_releases0.2.0 11 star 2.250 file_download
  • cuteninja/memoria-bundle

    Common code handling fixtures for Cute-Ninja projects (Fixtures declared in config.yml, Command to load DB)

    • PHP
    • api
    • common
    new_releases0.0.0 0 star 1.346 file_download
  • cuteninja/persona-bundle

    Common code handling User for Cute-Ninja projects

    • PHP
    • user
    new_releases0.0.0 0 star 61 file_download
  • cvele/multitenant-bundle

    Symfony MultiTenantBundle

    • PHP
    • User multitenancy
    new_releasesv0.1-alpha 6 star 72 file_download
  • cwd/chillbill-bundle

    Integrates Chillbill API as Symfony Bundle

    • symfony
    • bundle
    • chillbill
    new_releases0.2.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • cyberomulus/php-toolbox-bundle

    Integrate cyberomulus/phpToolbox in symfony service

    • PHP
    • php
    • functions
    • Toolbox
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 13 file_download
  • cyclear/game-bundle

    A cyclinggame in the Cyclear-tradition

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • game
    • cycling
    • cqranking
    • cyclinggame
    new_releases0.7.0 1 star 145 file_download
  • cyril-verloop/templates-bundle

    Some basic templates for Symfony 7+.

    • Twig
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 92 file_download
  • czogori/dami-bundle

    Dami bundle

    • PHP
    • dami
    new_releasesv0.9.1 1 star 1.706 file_download
  • d1oxyde/kafka-bundle

    Kafka Bundle for Symfony Framework

    • PHP
    new_releases1.2.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • da-vinci-studio/file-bundle

    File Bundle

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.1.0 1 star 15 file_download
  • da/auth-common-bundle

    Symfony2's bundle sharing commons for DaOAuth* and DaApi* bundles

    • PHP
    • api
    • oauth
    • bundle
    • auth
    • common
    • da
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 88.002 file_download
  • dabsquared/wells-fargo-ach-bundle

    This bundle is used to help communicate with the Wells Fargo ACH Service

    • PHP
    • payment
    • pay
    • gateway
    • merchant
    • ach
    • wells fargo
    • wells
    • fargo
    new_releases1.0 2 star 728 file_download
  • daddl3/imap_symfony_bundle

    Symfony Bundle to implement imap with webklex/php-imap

    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 243 file_download
  • danielbackes/symfony-casts-lorem-ipsum-bundle

    Happy lorem ipsum

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • darkanakin41/core-bundle

    Pierre LEJEUNE CoreBundle

    • Twig
    • symfony
    • bundle
    • core
    new_releasesv1.0.0-beta 2 star 671 file_download
  • darkanakin41/media-bundle

    Pierre LEJEUNE MediaBundle

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • media
    • image
    • bundle
    new_releasesv1.0.0-beta 1 star 27 file_download
  • darkanakin41/table-bundle

    Pierre LEJEUNE TableBundle

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • bundle
    • doctrine
    • table
    new_releasesv1.0.0-beta 1 star 92 file_download
  • darvinstudio/darvin-sitemap-bundle

    This bundle provides simple sitemap generating functionality for Symfony2-based applications.

    • PHP
    • Sitemap
    new_releases5.0.0 0 star 132 file_download
  • darylseven/editorjs-bundle

    Symfony bundle for Editor.js

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.1.6 0 star 7 file_download
  • das-l/youtube-dl-bundle

    Symfony bundle that provides service injection and config for norkunas/youtube-dl-php

    • PHP
    • youtube
    • youtube-dl
    • yt-dlp
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 9 file_download
  • datafactory/http-cache-bundle

    Set path based HTTP cache headers and send invalidation requests to your HTTP cache

    • PHP
    • http
    • esi
    • caching
    • varnish
    • invalidation
    • purge
    new_releases1.3.12 0 star 764 file_download
  • david2m/prooph-event-store-doctrine-adapter-bundle

    Integrate prooph/event-store-doctrine-adapter into a Symfony application.

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 9 file_download
  • daviddlv/clarifai-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0 0 star 23 file_download
  • davidmikesimon/botticelli-bundle

    Adds an interactive PHP shell to Symfony2

    • PHP
    • console
    • shell
    • interactive
    • irb
    • botticelli
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 805 file_download
  • dawen/api-doc-property-bundle

    A extension for nelmio api doc bundle to expose properties

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • api
    • bundle
    • doc
    • extension
    • property
    • nelmio
    • api-doc-bundle
    new_releases0.1.0 2 star 6.829 file_download
  • dawen/config-to-js-bundle

    Provides a command to dump defined config to js file

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • javascript
    • dump
    • bundle
    • config
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 6.295 file_download
  • dawen/js-logger-bundle

    A bundle that catches javascript errors and passes them to monolog for Symfony

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • javascript
    • monolog
    • logger
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 6.461 file_download
  • dayspring-tech/logging-bundle

    Adds additional context data to log messages

    • PHP
    • logging
    • session
    • request
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 7.720 file_download
  • dbout/svg-loader-bundle

    Small bundle to load Svg files for Symfony 4.

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • php
    • twig
    • bundle
    • dom
    • loader
    • svg
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 14 file_download
  • dbp/composer-test

    Testing composer

    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • ddeboer/data-import-bundle

    A Symfony2 bundle for the ddeboer/data-import library

    • PHP
    • csv
    • import
    new_releases0.1.0 69 star 1.202.589 file_download
  • ddeboer/guzzle-bundle

    This Bundle provide integration for guzzle http client to access RESTful API's with Symfony2

    • PHP
    • curl
    • http
    • rest
    • http client
    • api
    • client
    • web service
    • Guzzle
    new_releasesv1.0.0 64 star 4.025 file_download
  • dderenko/inertia-bundle

    A Symfony adapter for Inertia.js

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 6 file_download
  • ddmaster/postgre-search-bundle

    Tools to use full-text search PostgreSQL in Doctrine.

    • PHP
    • Symfony2
    • search
    • doctrine2
    • postgresql
    new_releasesv1.0 13 star 73.501 file_download
  • deepaspl/theme-bundle

    Provides theming support for Symfony4 Bundles

    • PHP
    • themes
    • theming
    new_releases1.0 0 star 50 file_download
  • dekalee/autopilot-bundle

    A bundle to wrap the autopilot lib

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • dekalee/enom-bundle

    The bundle for the enom adaptor

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 17 file_download
  • dekalee/pubsub-swarrot-bundle

    The bundle for the pubsub adaptor for swarrot

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 20 file_download
  • delocker/sphinxsearch-bundle

    Sphinx search bundle for Symfony 2

    • PHP
    • Symfony2
    • sphinx
    • sphinxsearch
    new_releases1.1.0 0 star 294 file_download
  • denisok94/symfony-export-xlsx

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 1 star 1.881 file_download
  • dennis-learning/learning-budle

    A Symfony bundle that ???

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • learning
    new_releases1.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • dennis-learning/symfony-response-bundle

    A Symfony bundle that ???

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • learning
    new_releases1.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • dennisberg91/my-test-bundle

    Test bundle to practice making a Symfony bundle.

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 4 file_download
  • dennisvandenberg/learning-bundle-2

    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • desarrolla2/async-event-dispatcher-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 18.061 file_download
  • desarrolla2/blog-bundle

    This Bundle provides a simple blog site features.

    • PHP
    • blog
    • cms
    new_releasesv0.1.0 23 star 713 file_download
  • desarrolla2/planet-bundle

    This Bundle provides a simple planet site features.

    • PHP
    • cms
    • planet
    new_releasesv0.1.0 4 star 196 file_download
  • desarrolla2/twitter-client-bundle

    This Bundle provides a way to get twits friendly.

    • PHP
    • client
    • twitter
    new_releasesv2.0.0 2 star 82 file_download
  • desarrolla2/web-bundle

    This Bundle provides some general features that i usualy need.

    • PHP
    • web
    new_releasesv0.1.0 2 star 132 file_download
  • development-x/media-bundle

    Symfony 3 Media Bundle Manager

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 27 file_download
  • devfusion/maker-bundle

    This bundle is a code generation tool. It draws heavily on the symfony/maker-bundle by adding several features and more flexibility.

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • generator
    • template
    • search
    • pagination
    • filter
    • code generator
    • crud
    • update
    • Skeleton
    • maker
    • delete
    • read
    • create
    • override
    • scrud
    • multi-select
    new_releasesv1.0.0 1 star 395 file_download
  • devhelp/flow-control-bundle

    Provider integration with Devhelp/FlowControl library

    • PHP
    • flow
    • checkout
    new_releases1.0 2 star 22 file_download
  • devigner/dynamics-crm-bundle

    Wrapper around MS Dynamics (AlexaCRM)

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.0.1 0 star 0 file_download
  • devigner/kunstmaan-api-bundle

    Kunstmaan API Layer

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • devim/symfony4-rpc-server-bundle

    Symfony RPC Server Bundle

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • devster/rad-mailer

    Symfony rad mailer

    • PHP
    • mailer
    • rad
    new_releases1.0.0 6 star 39 file_download
  • devtime/raffler-bundle

    Raffler backbonejs bundle example.

    • JavaScript
    • backbonejs
    • raffler
    new_releasesv1.0.0 11 star 290 file_download
  • devture/symfony-web-command-bundle

    Symfony bundle that allows console commands to be called from the web in a secure manner

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • bundle
    • console
    • cron
    • command
    new_releases1.0.0 6 star 404 file_download
  • dexodus/user-bundle

    User Bundle

    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 439 file_download
  • dezull/help-bundle

    Documentation browser/generator for Symfony2

    • PHP
    • help
    • Documentation generator
    new_releases1.0.1 2 star 32 file_download
  • dgero/roadrunner-symfony-dumper

    Added dumps functionality for roadrunner with symfony

    • PHP
    • dev
    new_releasesv1.3 1 star 11 file_download
  • didweb/myresourcesbundle

    My Helpers for Symfony

    • symfony
    • twig extensions
    • services
    new_releases1.0.9 0 star 22 file_download
  • digipolisgent/sock-api-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 105 file_download
  • digitalap/fcmhttpbundle

    A bundle to send notifications to mobile devices through Google FCM with the HTTP protocol

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • php
    • notifications
    • bundle
    • google
    • cloud
    • android
    • chrome
    • ios
    • firebase
    • FCM
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 492 file_download
  • digitaldream/symfony-access-token

    Symfony Access Token Authentication Bundle.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • digitalframe/beta-datetimepicker-bundle

    Symfony bundle for Bootstrap DateTime picker

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • bootstrap
    • bundle
    • datepicker
    • picker
    • timepicker
    new_releases1.0.1 1 star 15 file_download
  • dimkabelkov/rabbit-bus-bundle


    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.0.1 0 star 220 file_download
  • dimkinthepro/http-bundle

    Request validation bundle for Symfony

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • http
    • bundle
    • validation
    • request
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 7 file_download
  • dimkinthepro/jwt-auth-bundle

    This bundle provides JWT authentication

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • bundle
    • jwt
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 30 file_download
  • dimkinthepro/wireguard-bundle

    Wireguard bundle for Symfony

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • bundle
    • vpn
    • WireGuard
    • wire-guard
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 6 file_download
  • dinhkhanh/mongodb-acl-bundle

    MongoDB ACL Bundle

    • PHP
    • mongodb
    • security
    • acl
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 407 file_download
  • 17734027950/pagerfanta-bundle

    Bundle to use Pagerfanta with Symfony2

    • PHP
    • page
    • paging
    new_releasesv1.1.2 0 star 15 file_download
  • 20steps/drupal-bundle

    Integrate Symfony2 with Drupal

    • PHP
    • components
    • drupal
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 19 file_download
  • 21torr/bundle-helpers

    RAD features for common Symfony apps.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 9.899 file_download
  • 24hoursmedia/tesla-api-key-security-bundle

    security bundle

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 34 file_download
  • 24hoursmedia/tesla-client-bundle

    client bundle

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 48 file_download
  • 25carat/oro-api-logger

    This bundle will allow you to log all api requests and responses

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • 25carat/oro-show-orders-by-shopping-list

    This bundle will add shopping list information to the frontend order grid

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • 2do/contao-zomedia-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.1 0 star 3 file_download
  • 2lenet/bpm-bundle

    The 2LE's bpmbundle. Manage buisness process based on workflow

    • PHP
    • workflow
    • bpm
    • lle
    new_releases1.0 0 star 6 file_download
  • 2lenet/invoice-bundle

    Invoice Bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases3.1.0 1 star 17 file_download
  • 3slab/vdm-library-amqp-transport-bundle

    Vdm AMQP Transport

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.0-beta1 0 star 43 file_download
  • 3slab/vdm-library-doctrine-transport-bundle

    Vdm Doctrine Transport

    • PHP
    new_releases3.0.0 0 star 250 file_download
  • 3slab/vdm-library-elastic-transport-bundle

    Vdm Elastic Transport

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.0-beta1 0 star 7 file_download
  • 7rin0/seven-manager-bundle

    Seven Manager - Core Bundle

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • sonata
    • seven-manager
    new_releasesv1.2.0 0 star 498 file_download
  • a5sys/mantis-api-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 4 star 404 file_download
  • a5sys/monitor-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releasesV1.0.0 2 star 573 file_download
  • aadrian-alexandru/guzzle-bundle

    A bundle integrating GuzzleHttp >= 4.0

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • abimus/fetch-bundle

    Symfony bundle for fetching mails from IMAP

    • mail
    • imap
    new_releasesv0.1.0 0 star 284 file_download
  • aboutcoders/supervisor-command-bundle

    A symfony bundle that provides console commands to control supervisor instances on top of the

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • command
    • supervisor
    • supervisord
    new_releases0.1.0 2 star 5.983 file_download
  • acgranter/acgranter-bundle

    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 12 file_download
  • actualys/drupal-commerce-connector-bundle

    Akeneo PIM bundle to export to Drupal commerce platform

    • PHP
    • rest
    • ecommerce
    • drupal
    • e-commerce
    • connector
    • PIM
    • akeneo
    • drupal commerce
    new_releasesv0.1 7 star 199 file_download
  • adimeo-data-suite/security

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0 0 star 551 file_download
  • adiog/syntax-highlight-bundle

    Raindrop Symfony Syntax Highlight Bundle

    • CSS
    • editor
    • html
    • syntax
    • highlight
    new_releases0.9.1beta 0 star 23 file_download
  • adnedelcu/summernote-bundle

    Summernote bundle, adds Summernote WYSIWYG editor to your Symfony2 project

    • HTML
    • wysiwyg
    • editor
    • summernote
    new_releases0.1 2 star 80 file_download
  • adrenalinkin/visualize-entity-bundle

    Provides possibility for visualize entity data by yaml configuration

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • bundle
    • visualize-entity
    • visualizer
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 16 file_download
  • adrianbaez/easysf-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 5 file_download
  • adrianbaez/markdown-bundle

    Markdown and markdown extra bundle for Symfony

    • PHP
    • markdown
    • Symfony Bundle
    • parsedown
    • markdown extra
    • parsedownextra
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 6 file_download
  • adrien-mallet/secured-container-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.0 0 star 12 file_download
  • adsign/filemanager-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • adtechpotok/symfony-open-tracing

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.4 0 star 11 file_download
  • aescarcha/business

    A bundle providing a RESTful API to handle business

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • business
    new_releasesv1.0 1 star 34 file_download
  • aescarcha/employee

    A bundle providing a RESTful API to handle Employees on BusinessBundle

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • business
    • employee
    new_releasesv1.0 1 star 27 file_download
  • aescarcha/oauth

    A bundle to wrap FOSOauthServerBundle and provide oauth to APIs

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • oauth
    new_releasesv1.0 1 star 38 file_download
  • afe/translation-tool-bundle

    Check for duplicated translations code, unused translations codes, ...

    • PHP
    • unsused duplicated translation
    new_releases0.1.0 2 star 110 file_download
  • aferrandini/disable-bundle

    Symfony2 bundle for disable controllers with annotations.

    • PHP
    • annotation
    • disable
    new_releasesv1.0 4 star 203 file_download
  • aferrandini/image-bundle

    Symfony2 bundle for image resizing.

    • PHP
    • image
    • resize
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 1.617 file_download
  • aferrandini/xhprof-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.2 0 star 18 file_download
  • agavee/toolbox

    Symfony AgaveeToolboxBundle

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.1 1 star 367 file_download
  • agencednd/dpd-france-orocommerce-bundle

    Agence Dn'D - DPD France Shipping Bundle

    • PHP
    • integration
    • shipping
    • commerce
    • france
    • ORO
    • dpd
    • OroCommerce
    • DPD France
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 10 file_download
  • agentsib/jsonrpc-bundle

    Symfony2 JsonRpcBundle

    • PHP
    • rpc
    • json
    • api
    • json-rpc
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 4.432 file_download
  • agg/theme-bundle-modern

    Provides theming support for #Symfony2 Bundles

    • themes
    • theming
    new_releases1.0 0 star 13 file_download
  • agluh/outbox-bundle

    Implements Outbox pattern for DDD-based Symfony applications

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.1.0 8 star 16 file_download
  • ahuang/lorem-ipsum-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.1.0 1 star 0 file_download
  • aibianchi/exact-online-bundle

    A Bundle for Exact Online API

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • php
    • api
    • online
    • exact
    new_releases4.4 0 star 184 file_download
  • ailove-dev/vk-api-helper-bundle

    Extended methods for VK php sdk

    • PHP
    • Symfony2
    • api
    • vkontakte
    • vk
    new_releases1.0 1 star 97 file_download
  • ajgl/jqgrid-bundle

    Adds JqGrid javascript widget to Symfony2

    • JavaScript
    • symfony
    • jquery
    • javascript
    • bundle
    • jqgrid
    • grid
    new_releases4.4.1 0 star 21 file_download
  • ajgl/jqueryui-bundle

    Adds jQuery Ui javascript library to Symfony2

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • jquery
    • ui
    • javascript
    • bundle
    • jQueryUI
    new_releases1.8.24 0 star 53 file_download
  • ajgl/twig-extensions-bundle

    Symfony bundle to integrate some Twig extensions.

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • twig
    • bundle
    new_releases0.1.0 1 star 1.631 file_download
  • akeneo-labs/dev-toolbox-bundle

    Developer Toolbox for Akeneo PIM

    • PHP
    • ecommerce
    • e-commerce
    • Toolbox
    • PIM
    • akeneo
    • developper
    new_releasesv1.0.0 1 star 17 file_download
  • akeneo-labs/direct-to-mongodb

    Akeneo PIM Bundle to use direct to DB method to save products

    • PHP
    • data
    • ecommerce
    • e-commerce
    • PIM
    • akeneo
    • performances
    new_releases0.1 2 star 5 file_download
  • akeneo/icecat-demo-bundle

    Akeneo PIM Icecat Demo Bundle (For more information about Icecat, please see

    • PHP
    • generator
    • data
    • demo
    new_releasesv1.0.0-BETA3 2 star 129 file_download
  • akeneo/piivo-connector

    Extended API to connect with PiiVO DAM

    • PHP
    • api
    • PIM
    • akeneo
    new_releasesv1.1.0 1 star 58 file_download
  • akondas/symfony-actuator-bundle

    Production-ready features for your Symfony application

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • php
    • symfony-bundle
    • actuator
    • health-status
    • api-endpoints
    new_releases0.1.0 7 star 2.147 file_download
  • akuma/import-export-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 17 file_download
  • akuma/social-bundle

    Akuma Social Bundle

    • PHP
    • User management
    new_releases1.0.1 0 star 24 file_download
  • alanpoulain/api-platform-events-bundle

    Makes API Platform send its own events

    • PHP
    • events
    • API Platform
    new_releasesv0.1.0 17 star 4.245 file_download
  • aldaflux/doc-img-bundle

    Symfony Bundle for test

    • PHP
    • doc
    • img
    new_releasesv0.0.2 0 star 12 file_download
  • aldaflux/table-triable-bundle

    Symfony Bundle for have a confirmation window

    • JavaScript
    • table
    • table-triable
    new_releasesv0.0.1 0 star 23 file_download
  • alessandro-amos/cycle-bundle

    Cycle DBAL & ORM Bundle for the Symfony Framework.

    • PHP
    • database
    • orm
    • persistence
    • dbal
    • cycle
    • cycle-bundle
    new_releases1.0.4 0 star 12 file_download
  • aleste/generator-bundle

    Extension of SensioGeneratorBundle with paginator, filters, and more...

    • HTML
    • symfony2 crud generator filter paginator wbtwitter bootstrap
    new_releasesv1.0 1 star 558 file_download
  • alexandermatveev/bootstrap4-bundle

    Bootstrap Bundle for Symfony3+

    • JavaScript
    • symfony
    • jquery
    • javascript
    • bootstrap
    new_releases1.0 0 star 62 file_download
  • alexandermatveev/fancybox-bundle

    Fancybox Bundle for Symfony3+

    • JavaScript
    • symfony
    • javascript
    • fancybox
    new_releases1.0 0 star 666 file_download
  • alexandermatveev/fontawesome-bundle

    Fontawesome Bundle for Symfony3+

    • CSS
    • symfony
    • javascript
    • FontAwesome
    new_releases1.0 0 star 4.262 file_download
  • alexandermatveev/jquery-bundle

    jQuery Bundle for Symfony2

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • jquery
    • javascript
    new_releases1.0 0 star 74 file_download
  • alexandermatveev/moment-bundle

    Moment.js Bundle for Symfony2

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • javascript
    • moment
    new_releases1.0 0 star 248 file_download
  • alexandermatveev/popper-bundle

    Popper.js Bundle for Symfony3+

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • javascript
    • popper
    new_releases1.0 0 star 4.779 file_download
  • alexandre-mace/sniffer

    Provides DTO classes extraction and validation

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • api
    • validation
    • request
    • extraction
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 2 file_download
  • alexandrupietrareanu/lorem-ipsum-bundle

    Happy lorem ipsun

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • alexdpy/simple-acl-bundle

    Simple Acl Bundle

    • PHP
    • acl
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 17 file_download
  • alexeyshockov/plain-commands-bundle

    The bundle provides a way to configure your commands with annotations

    • PHP
    • annotations
    • commands
    new_releasesv0.1.0 1 star 9 file_download
  • alexeyshockov/postman-bundle

    Mail handling for Symfony 2

    • PHP
    • mail
    • symfony
    new_releasesv0.1.0 2 star 18 file_download
  • alexivanou/text-functions-bundle

    Some text functions

    • PHP
    • text
    • plural
    • num2str
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • alexlcdee/messenger-tarantool-bundle

    Symfony MessengerTarantoolBundle

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 15 file_download
  • alexlcdee/symfony-worker

    Run workers with Symfony Console

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 1 file_download
  • alexsabur/antispam-bundle

    This bundle provides some basic features to reduce spam in symfony forms.

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • twig
    • form
    • bundle
    • spam
    • antispam
    • protection
    new_releases3.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • alhames/filter-bundle

    Filter Bundle

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • bundle
    • filter
    new_releases1.0.1 0 star 2 file_download
  • alkhvalko/sphinxsearch-bundle

    Sphinx search bundle for Symfony

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • sphinx
    • sphinxsearch
    new_releases1.0 0 star 34 file_download
  • allekslar/monofony-menu-extension

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 11 file_download
  • allies/oro-bugsnag

    BugSnag integration for OroCRM

    • PHP
    • crm
    • bugsnag
    • OroCrm
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 266 file_download
  • allmega/announcement

    Announcement management system for Allmega CMS

    • Content management system
    • Announcement management system
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 70 file_download
  • allmega/auth

    Authentication system for Allmega CMS

    • Content management system
    • Authentication system for Allmega CMS
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 210 file_download
  • allmega/blog

    Symfony based content management system

    • Content management system
    • Personal Blog
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 406 file_download
  • allmega/media

    Media management system for Allmega CMS

    • Content management system
    • Media management system
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 195 file_download
  • allmega/meeting

    Meetings management system for Allmega CMS

    • Content management system
    • Meetings management system
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 71 file_download
  • allmega/message

    Messages management system for Allmega CMS

    • Content management system
    • Messages management system
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 67 file_download
  • allmega/theme

    Theme management system for Allmega CMS

    • Content management system
    • Theme management system
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 82 file_download
  • allmega/ticket

    Tickets management system for Allmega CMS

    • Content management system
    • Tickets management system
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 91 file_download
  • allprogrammic/resque-bundle

    Symfony ResqueBundle

    • JavaScript
    • Asynchronous task management
    new_releasesv1.0.0 1 star 9.191 file_download
  • almacbe/weird-bundle

    A weird bundle

    • PHP
    • bundle
    • weird
    new_releases0.1 0 star 25 file_download
  • alpari/messenger-bundle

    Integrates symfony/messenger component into symfony 2.7+

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 2 star 589 file_download
  • alphalemon/al-valum-uploader-bundle

    AlValumUploaderBundle adds upload capabilities to any symfony project. This bundle encapsulates the valum uploader javascript tool

    • JavaScript
    • javascript
    • cms
    • upload
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 460 file_download
  • alpixel/adminmenubundle

    This bundle is used by our team to manage a custom admin menu

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • Symfony2
    • bundle
    • Admin menu
    • alpixel
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 2.972 file_download
  • alpixel/phoneformatterbundle

    Provides helper to format phone number easily

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • Symfony2
    • bundle
    • twig extension
    • formatting
    • phone number
    • alpixel
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 22 file_download
  • alpixel/redirect-bundle

    A Symfony bundle for handling redirection

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0 0 star 10 file_download
  • alpsify/reset-password-api-bundle

    Reset password logic for multiple user types over API endpoint.

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0-BETA 0 star 5 file_download
  • alsciende/make-registry-bundle

    Symfony Maker Bundle extension to create Registry for tagged Services

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • altaviatech/kong-oauth2-server-bundle

    Kong OAuth2 Server Bundle

    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 83 file_download
  • alten/syntax-highlight-bundle

    Raindrop Symfony Syntax Highlight Bundle

    • CSS
    • editor
    • html
    • syntax
    • highlight
    new_releases0.9.1beta 2 star 11 file_download
  • alterway/rest-problem-bundle

    way to respect Problem Details for HTTP APIs RFC (

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.0.1 5 star 628 file_download
  • amarkhai/parallel-downloader-bundle

    The bundle for downloading files concurrently

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.1 0 star 2 file_download
  • amaxlab/backend-design-bundle

    Provides standard backend design

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.1 0 star 96 file_download
  • amenophis/prince-bundle

    Prince bundle. It integrates Prince XML library into Symfony2 application.

    • PHP
    • pdf
    • htmltopdf
    • prince
    new_releasesv1.0 1 star 600 file_download
  • amf/foursquare-bundle

    A bundle for integrating foursquare API

    • PHP
    • foursquare
    • venue
    new_releases0.1.0 1 star 20 file_download
  • amillot/meeting-bundle

    Bundle that manage meeting.

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 28 file_download
  • amillot/survey-bundle

    Bundle that manage survey.

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 29 file_download
  • amirjon/sms-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • ampluso/pinger-bundle

    PingerBundle (bundle for Symfony2) is a service to update different search engines that your blog or website has updated.

    • PHP
    • bundle
    • google
    • service
    • xml-rpc
    • pinger
    • ping
    • extended ping
    new_releasesv0.0.1 1 star 175 file_download
  • analyzer666/jquery-ajax-enx-bundle

    This bundle provides a Twig functions that generate js function to send ajax request.

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • twig
    • ajax
    • jQyuery
    new_releasesv1.1 1 star 62 file_download
  • andrewcarteruk/nomoreleaksbundle

    A Symfony bundle that kills memory leaks using lasers and ninja stars

    • PHP
    • bundle
    • memory
    • no
    • nomoreleaks
    • leaks
    • more
    new_releasesv0.1.0 21 star 140 file_download
  • andvab/geonames-bundle

    Geonames bundle. Create tables and populate them with data from the service

    • PHP
    • Symfony2
    • geonames
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 37 file_download
  • andyhobbs/gedmo-translation-form-bundle

    Translate your doctrine objects easily with some helps

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • i18n
    • translation
    • form
    • doctrine2
    • gedmo
    • translatable
    • internationalization
    new_releases1.0 0 star 19 file_download
  • ang3/aws-polly-bundle

    AWS Polly bundle for Symfony apps

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • anh/content-charts-bundle

    Content charts bundle

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.1.0 0 star 18 file_download
  • ansien/simple-job-queue-bundle

    Simple background jobs for your Symfony application without RabbitMQ or other external dependencies.

    • PHP
    • queue
    • symfony
    • php
    • cron
    • background
    • Simple
    • job
    • scheduled
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 12 file_download
  • answear/boxnow-bundle

    Symfony bundle for BoxNow API.

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 1 star 3.165 file_download
  • answear/fan-courier-bundle

    Symfony bundle for FanCourier API.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2.169 file_download
  • answear/poczta-polska-bundle

    Poczta Polska integration for Symfony.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 5 file_download
  • antoinelemaire/blacklist-bundle

    Provides a Blacklist system for Symfony using Annotations with Sonata admin integration.

    • PHP
    • email
    • blacklist
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 48 file_download
  • antqa/dataexporter-bundle

    Easy export data to CSV, XML, HTML, JSON or XLS

    • PHP
    • json
    • xml
    • xls
    • csv
    • exporter
    new_releasesv0.7.0 2 star 2.621 file_download
  • antwebes/help-bundle

    Help bundle

    • HTML
    • help bundle
    new_releasesv0.1.0 0 star 710 file_download
  • constantable/odm-document-maker

    The ODM Document Maker helps you create Doctrine ODM Documents

    • PHP
    • generator
    • maker
    • document generator
    new_releases1.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • dittto/symfony-custom-request

    Allows use of custom requests in controllers

    • PHP
    • controller request
    new_releases1.0.0 3 star 3.629 file_download
  • dittto/symfony-request-logger

    Handles logging external requests via guzzle

    • PHP
    • logging external requests guzzle
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 18.847 file_download
  • divante-ltd/woohoolabs-yin-bundle

    woohoolabs yin Bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 419 file_download
  • divineomega/symfony-password-exposed-bundle

    Symfony bundle that checks if a password has been exposed in a data breach

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • bundle
    • password
    • pwned
    • haveibeenpawnd
    • exposed
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 204 file_download
  • divlooper/elastic-apm-bundle

    Elastic APM Client for Symfony

    • PHP
    • elastic
    • apm
    new_releasesv0.1 5 star 554 file_download
  • dmp/aop-bundle

    Adds AOP capabilities to Symfony5

    • PHP
    • annotations
    • aop
    new_releases0.1 0 star 292 file_download
  • dmp/loggable-bundle

    Bundle for support of Loggable AOP annotation

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 284 file_download
  • dms/meetup-api-bundle

    DMS Meetup API Bundle, enables Meetup API clients in services

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • api
    • bundle
    • dms
    • meetup
    new_releasesv1.0.0 1 star 6.467 file_download
  • dmykos/ip-store-bundle

    Ip Store Bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.1 0 star 10 file_download
  • dnwk/doctrine-readonly-middleware

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 2 file_download
  • docdigital/cdn-bundle

    manages file uploads and downloads at Resources\media\%s

    • PHP
    • assets
    • upload
    • pdf
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 60 file_download
  • docker-client/client-bundle

    Symfony bundle for docker-client/client.

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.2.2 0 star 10 file_download
  • docplanner/tasks-bundle

    Tasks bundle based on RabbitMQ

    • PHP
    • rabbitmq
    • task
    • Tasks
    • job
    • jobs
    • rabbit
    • asynchronous job
    • asynchronous jobs
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 483 file_download
  • docteurklein/repository-service-bundle

    A symfony bundle to help you register automatically doctrine ORM repositories as services

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 13.154 file_download
  • docteurklein/test-double-bundle

    Easily create test doubles using symfony DIC

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 41 star 95.954 file_download
  • doctrine/couchdb-odm-bundle

    Symfony2 Doctrine CouchDB Bundle

    • PHP
    • persistence
    • couchdb
    • symfony
    new_releasesv2.1-alpha1 49 star 18.305 file_download
  • dodev34/sdk-domoticz-bundle

    PHP Domoticz API Bundle for symfony.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 37 file_download
  • dodev34/sdk-orange-iot-m2m-bundle

    Manage your SIM cards effectively, carry out remote analysis and reduce costs. Starter-kits available for trials.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 26 file_download
  • dodev34/sdk-sierra-iot-m2m-bundle

    Airvantage PHP SDK. Manage your SIM cards effectively, carry out remote analysis and reduce costs. Starter-kits available for trials.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 20 file_download
  • dokapi/swagger-bundle

    Generate Swagger documentation

    • PHP
    • api
    • bundle
    • doc
    new_releasesv0.1.0 7 star 5.764 file_download
  • dol/mpdf-bundle

    This bundle integrates mPDF library into your Symfony project.

    • PHP
    • pdf
    • mpdf
    new_releases0.1 0 star 5 file_download
  • domtomproject/wubookapi-bundle

    Bundle which helps handle API

    • PHP
    • Symfony2
    • api
    • wubook
    new_releases0.1 0 star 55 file_download
  • donkeycode/mail-bundle

    An easy way to send mail with swiftmailer and twig

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 3 star 7.750 file_download
  • donkeycode/pmi-bundle

    An interface to show propel datas

    • CSS
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 5.499 file_download
  • dontdrinkandroot/crud-admin-bundle

    Generic CRUD Admin with Doctrine Support

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.1.0 0 star 2.703 file_download
  • dontdrinkandroot/doctrine-bundle

    Symfony Bundle that provides Doctrine Utilities

    • PHP
    • orm
    • dbal
    • doctrine
    • utils
    new_releasesv0.1 0 star 4.270 file_download
  • dos/oauth-server-bundle

    Symfony OAuthServerBundle

    • PHP
    • security
    • oauth
    new_releases1.0 1 star 1 file_download
  • dovstone/blog-admin-bundle

    A Symfony Blog Administrator as simplest as complete

    • PHP
    new_releasesv3.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • dovstone/keyval-db

    A MySQL NoSql Key-Value database

    new_releasesv0.0.1 0 star 1 file_download
  • dovstone/mynosql

    A NoSql database based on MySQL

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 5 file_download
  • dovstone/symfony-blog-admin-bundle-mynosql-based

    A Symfony Blog Administrator based on MyNoSQL

    • PHP
    • nosql
    • database
    • symfony
    • admin
    • blog
    • mysql
    • dovstone
    • mynosql
    new_releasesv0.0.1 0 star 2 file_download
  • dovstone/symfony-blog-admin-bundle-sleekdb-based

    A Symfony Blog Administrator as simplest as complete based on SleekDB

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • dozoisch/cachedbuzz

    Browser with caching handling over Buzz

    • PHP
    • curl
    • http client
    • cache
    new_releases1.0 0 star 36 file_download
  • draeli/mysql-bundle

    Mysql utils

    • PHP
    • Quick Import
    new_releases1.0.28 1 star 48 file_download
  • dreadlabs/kunstmaan-config-bundle

    Opinionated configuration for your Kunstmaan CMS instance.

    • PHP
    • cms
    • config
    • kunstmaan
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 56 file_download
  • dsdeboer/propel-bundle

    Integration of Propel in Symfony2

    • PHP
    • orm
    • persistence
    • propel
    new_releases1.5.3 0 star 1.501 file_download
  • dsi-iepg/test-bundle

    this's a test !! :)

    • PHP
    • test
    new_releasesv0.1.2 0 star 50 file_download
  • dsj/snelstartapi

    A communication bundle for talking with the SnelStart api

    • api
    • snelstart
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 353 file_download
  • dubture/async-bundle

    Provides an easy to use abstraction for async backend workers in Symfony2

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • rabbitmq
    • background
    • async
    • resque
    new_releases0.0.1 3 star 21 file_download
  • dubture/customerio-bundle

    Integrates into Symfony

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • customer retention
    new_releases0.0.1 3 star 19.985 file_download
  • dunglas/digital-ocean-bundle

    DigitalOcean API v2 client for Symfony and API Platform

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • api
    • vps
    • digitalocean
    • Cloud Hosting
    • SSD
    new_releasesv1.0.0 26 star 1.744 file_download
  • durimjusaj/cron-bundle

    Symfony cron

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 18 file_download
  • duylecampos/jwt-oauth2-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0.1 1 star 1 file_download
  • dvlpm/google-api-bundle

    Google API Client Symfony Bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases0.2.0 0 star 25 file_download
  • dyvelop/current-user-bundle

    Symfony bundle for fetching the user which is currently logged in

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0-alpha 0 star 2.357 file_download
  • dziuba/user-bundle

    This bundle provides a simple user management

    • user
    • management
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 21 file_download
  • easytek/doctrine-cache-invalidator-bundle

    Invalidate easily your doctrine cache

    • PHP
    • cache
    • doctrine
    • invalidation
    new_releasesv0.1 0 star 284 file_download
  • easytek/sf-guard-password-bundle

    Symfony 2 compatibility bundle for symfony1 sfGuard plugin

    • PHP
    • password
    • legacy
    • sfguard
    new_releases1.0 0 star 25 file_download
  • ebitkov/update-lock-bundle

    Locks access to a Symfony app while it's updating to prevent errors

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 26 file_download
  • ecentria/twig-js-bundle

    Integrates twig.js into your Symfony2 application

    • PHP
    • templating
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • ecocentricenergy/nusoap-bundle

    Symfony2 bundle for NuSOAP - SOAP Toolkit for PHP

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • noiselabs
    • soap
    • ecocentric
    new_releasesv1.0 1 star 327 file_download
  • edo/daemons-bundle

    A simple bundle to deamonize your Symfony's commands

    • PHP
    • background
    • daemon
    • background process
    new_releasesv0.0.1 0 star 4.926 file_download
  • edrush/extbaser-bundle

    Create a TYPO3 Extbase Extension from an existing Symfony database schema.

    • PHP
    • database
    • orm
    • export
    • extbase
    new_releasesv0.1.0 0 star 21 file_download
  • edsi-tech/gandi-bundle

    Gandi Bundle by EDSI-Tech for the Gandi V3 API

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.2 1 star 32 file_download
  • edsi-tech/redis-safe-client

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1 0 star 1.452 file_download
  • edweld/aclbundle

    An Alternative ACL for symfony 3

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 1.519 file_download
  • edwines/updater-bundle

    Symfony2 Bundle that allows updating the git repository, through services hooks (POST data)

    • PHP
    • Symfony2
    • git
    • bundle
    • update
    new_releasesv1.0.0 3 star 59 file_download
  • effectiveactivism/schema-org-api

    A Symfony bundle offering a GraphQL representation of classes and properties

    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 0 file_download
  • efficience-it/microphonetest-bundle

    Microphone test

    • JavaScript
    new_releasesv1.0.0 1 star 1 file_download
  • egeloen/serializer-bundle

    Serializer for PHP 5.6+ supporting JSON, XML, YAML & CSV

    • PHP
    • serializer
    new_releases1.0.0 6 star 233.783 file_download
  • egulias/egulias-provinces-bundle

    Bundle for provinces

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.2 5 star 21 file_download
  • egulias/tag-debug-command-bundle

    Symfony 2 console command to debug services tags

    • PHP
    • container
    • dic
    • tag
    • Depency Injection
    • Serice Definitions
    new_releases1.0.0 8 star 17 file_download
  • eikona-media/akeneo2-3-tessa-connector

    Extension to connect TESSA to Akeneo

    • PHP
    • ecommerce
    • integration
    • PIM
    • akeneo
    • DAM
    • mam
    • eikona
    • tessa
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • ejm/flow-bundle

    Bundle for build and visualize the network of messages flowing on a message bus

    • PHP
    • flow
    • network
    • bus
    • command bus
    • message bus
    new_releases0.1.0 1 star 16 file_download
  • ejsmont-artur/php-proxy-builder

    PHP Proxy Builder - proxy objects and code reuse library.

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 17 star 48 file_download
  • ekanto/json-api-specifications

    An implementation of json api specifications @see

    new_releases0.1.0 1 star 8 file_download
  • ekrouzek/pagination-filters-bundle

    Filtering, sorting and pagination bundle for paginated http requests.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 121 file_download
  • ekyna/advertisement-bundle

    Advertisement management

    • PHP
    • Symfony2
    • bundle
    • advertisement
    new_releasesv0.1.0 1 star 78 file_download
  • ekyna/file-manager-bundle

    Files management

    • PHP
    • Symfony2
    • bundle
    new_releasesv0.1 0 star 190 file_download
  • ekyna/fontawesome-bundle

    FontAwesome Symfony2 integration

    • PHP
    • Symfony2
    • bundle
    • FontAwesome
    new_releasesv0.1 0 star 266 file_download
  • ekyna/install-bundle

    Runs bundles installers

    • PHP
    • Symfony2
    • installer
    • bundle
    new_releasesv0.1 0 star 780 file_download
  • ekyna/mailing-bundle

    Mailing management

    • PHP
    • Symfony2
    • bundle
    • mailing
    new_releasesv0.1 0 star 107 file_download
  • ekyna/news-bundle

    News management

    • PHP
    • Symfony2
    • bundle
    • news
    new_releasesv0.1 0 star 141 file_download
  • ekyna/setting-bundle

    Parameters management

    • PHP
    • Symfony2
    • bundle
    • Settings
    new_releasesv0.1 0 star 1.116 file_download
  • ekyna/sitemap-bundle

    Sitemap management

    • PHP
    • Symfony2
    • bundle
    • Sitemap
    new_releasesv0.1 0 star 820 file_download
  • ekyna/subscription-bundle

    Various utilities

    • PHP
    • Symfony2
    • bundle
    new_releasesv0.1 1 star 511 file_download
  • ekyna/survey-bundle

    Survey management

    • PHP
    • Symfony2
    • bundle
    • survey
    new_releasesv0.1 3 star 97 file_download
  • ekyna/table-bundle

    Table component integration

    • HTML
    • Symfony2
    • bundle
    • table
    new_releasesv0.1 1 star 1.131 file_download
  • elao/profiler-dashboard-bundle

    This bundle compile metrics of last requests into one view.

    • HTML
    • profiler
    • elao
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 284 file_download
  • elao/theme-bundle

    Handle elao themes.

    • PHP
    • theme
    • elao
    new_releasesv0.1.0 2 star 179 file_download
  • elbformat/icon-bundle

    Ibexa fieldtype to select an icon from a predefined set.

    • PHP
    • icon
    • field-type
    • ibexa
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • elcweb/requestlogger-bundle

    Record Request/Response/User in a table

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.1.0 0 star 158 file_download
  • eldomagan/form-handler-bundle

    Add FormHandler to Symfony 3

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.1.0 0 star 54 file_download
  • elenyum/api-doc-bundle

    Generates module structure for your REST API and documentation from annotations

    • PHP
    • documentation
    • rest
    • api
    • doc
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 16 file_download
  • elenyum/open-api

    This bundle generates documentation and returns JSON formatted according to the OpenAPI specification.

    • PHP
    • documentation
    • rest
    • api
    • doc
    new_releases1.0 0 star 5 file_download
  • elkuku/sf-startstop

    Some scripts to control a Symfony/Docker dev environment.

    • Shell
    new_releases0.1 0 star 21 file_download
  • ellinaut/com-view-server-bundle

    Symfony integration for eos/com-view-server

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 460 file_download
  • ellinaut/cors-bundle

    A bundle to allow CORS request to the server

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 264 file_download
  • ellinaut/ellirpc-bundle

    Symfony integration for ellinaut/ellirpc

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 336 file_download
  • elnur/validator-bundle

    Common validators

    • PHP
    • validator
    • validation
    new_releases0.1.0 3 star 33 file_download
  • emanueleminotto/knp-snappy-autodetect-bundle

    Symfony Bundle for KnpSnappy autodetect

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • knp
    • bundle
    • snappy
    • wkhtmltopdf
    • wkhtmltoimage
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 14 file_download
  • emanueleminotto/safe-browsing-bundle

    Symfony Bundle for Google Safe Browsing

    • PHP
    • bundle
    • google
    • safe
    • browsing
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 548 file_download
  • emarref/pubnub-bundle

    Implement Pubnub into your Symfony application.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 3.050 file_download
  • emc/xmlhttprequest-bundle

    This bundle gives a unified way to handle and control AJAX requests. For more informations

    • PHP
    • ajax
    • xmlhttprequest
    new_releases3.0 2 star 189 file_download
  • empcorp/assetic-bundle

    Integrates Assetic into Symfony4

    • PHP
    • assets
    • compression
    • minification
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 96 file_download
  • emran/logstash-bundle

    Symfony2 Bundle for writing logs to logstash through redis broker/input.

    • PHP
    • log
    • logging
    new_releases1.0.0 10 star 1.840 file_download
  • endroid/documenter-bundle

    Endroid Documenter Bundle

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • php
    • bundle
    • endroid
    • documenter
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 6 file_download
  • endroid/import-bundle

    Endroid Import Bundle

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • php
    • import
    • bundle
    • endroid
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1.522 file_download
  • endroid/import-demo-bundle

    Endroid Import Demo Bundle

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • php
    • import
    • bundle
    • endroid
    • demo
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1.476 file_download
  • endroid/twitter-bundle

    Endroid Twitter Bundle for Symfony

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • php
    • bundle
    • twitter
    • endroid
    new_releases2.0.0 0 star 47.383 file_download
  • enm/elasticsearch-5-bundle

    Symfony integration for enm/elasticsearch-5

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 642 file_download
  • enterprisephp/doctrine-lock-bundle

    Lock object against delete, update events

    • PHP
    • doctrine
    • lock
    • lockable
    new_releasesv1.0 11 star 2.427 file_download
  • eoidigital/eoi-blackboard-bundle

    A Symfony2 Wrapper for the Blackboard's SOAP Web Service API

    • PHP
    • Blackboard API
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 75 file_download
  • eonx-com/schedule-bundle

    Provides the Command Scheduling logic of Laravel in a Symfony application

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 1.644 file_download
  • epam/ci-bundle

    This bundle provides functionality for Continuous Integration & Automated Deployments for Symfony-based projects

    • PHP
    • ci
    • phing
    • capifony
    • jenkins
    • deployment
    • continuous integration
    • capistrano
    • hudson
    new_releasesv1.0.0 28 star 7.630 file_download
  • epicoftimewasted/crypto-bundle

    Crypto bundle for Symfony 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 19 file_download
  • epwt/array-jms-serializer-bundle

    JMS/SerializerBundle extension to serialize & deserialize to array format

    • PHP
    • serialization
    • deserialization
    • array
    • jms serializer
    • jms serializer-bundle
    • serializer-bundle
    new_releases1.0.0 4 star 51.399 file_download
  • epwt/cache-bundle

    EPWT/Cache Symfony Bundle PSR-6 Cache Item Pool

    • PHP
    • redis
    • symfony
    • cache
    • bundle
    • psr-6
    • epwt
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 10 file_download
  • epwt/utils

    EPWT Common used utils

    • PHP
    • utils
    • epwt
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 593 file_download
  • epwt/xhprof

    EPWT XHProf Symfony Profiler Integration

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • bundle
    • profiler
    • xhprof
    • epwt
    new_releasesv1.0.0 7 star 243 file_download
  • eresults/email-template-bundle

    Easily render email subject, body, etc. from a single template or even a database entry.

    • PHP
    • twig email
    • doctrine email
    • emails integration
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 855 file_download
  • ergnuor/criteria-bundle

    • PHP
    • bundle
    • criteria
    new_releasesv0.1.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • ergnuor/domain-model-bundle

    • PHP
    • model
    • domain
    new_releasesv0.1.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • ergnuor/serializer-bundle

    • PHP
    • serializer
    new_releasesv0.1.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • ergnuor/table-data-gateway-bundle

    • PHP
    • data
    • bundle
    • gateway
    • table
    new_releasesv0.1.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • erichard/cloudfront-proxies-bundle

    Trusts the AWS Cloudfront proxies IP in your Symfony projects

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 9.568 file_download
  • eriodesign/webpack-encore-bundle

    Integration of your Symfony app with Webpack Encore

    • PHP
    new_releases2.1 0 star 2 file_download
  • ernestre/sms-payment-bundle

    SMS payment bundle, with Paysera payment gateway integration.

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 13 file_download
  • ertan/foobundle

    ideasoft test bundles

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • ertanusta/trendyol-api-bundle

    Trendyol API servislerini kullanmayı sağlayan bundle

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • api
    • bundle
    • trendyol
    new_releases1.0 1 star 2 file_download
  • es/dompdf-bundle

    This bundle provides a wrapper for using dompdf inside symfony.

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • bundle
    • pdf
    • dompdf
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 9.810 file_download
  • eschmar/taskchain-bundle

    Cronjobs made easy for symfony2.

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • cronjob
    new_releasesv0.1 0 star 29 file_download
  • eshta/fixtures-bundle

    Doctrine Persistent Fixtures

    • PHP
    • database
    • persistence
    • Fixture
    • doctrine
    • seed
    new_releasesv1.0.0 1 star 17 file_download
  • evaneos/hector-bundle

    AMQP wrapper of php C extension in order to easily manipulate connection, channel, queue and exchange

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • bundle
    • AMQP
    • wrapper
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 154 file_download
  • everymove/oauth-bundle

    Symfony OAuth Bundle

    • PHP
    • oauth
    • bundle
    • Twitter oAuth
    • facebook oauth
    • vk oauth
    new_releasesv1.0.0 1 star 99 file_download
  • everymove/settings-bundle

    Symfony emSettingsBundle

    • PHP
    • bundle
    • config
    • Settings
    • Save different information
    new_releases2.1 4 star 114 file_download
  • evgeniy-it/widget-bundle

    WidgetBundle is something similar to modx snippets, makes your content managment system powerful.

    • PHP
    • templating
    • widget
    • chunk
    • shortcode
    • v1.0.0
    • snippet
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2.084 file_download
  • evgenyvas/crud-bundle

    This Bundle provides CRUD operations for Symfony

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • crud
    • symfony-ux
    new_releasesv0.1.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • evheniy/html5-verti-template-bundle

    The HTML5VertiTemplateBundle adds the ability to add free responsive site template by HTML5 to your application.

    • CSS
    • symfony
    • template
    • HTML5
    • responsive
    • Verty
    new_releases1.0 1 star 654 file_download
  • evheniy/robots-txt-bundle

    The RobotsTxtBundle adds the ability to generate robots.txt file to your application.

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • robots.txt
    • robots
    • Google standards
    new_releases1.0.0 5 star 15.377 file_download
  • evheniy/simple-task-fsm-bundle

    The SimpleTaskFSMBundle adds the ability to use FSM tasks runner in your application.

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • Tasks
    • Simple
    • fsm
    • finite-state machine
    • latest
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 10.929 file_download
  • evheniy/sitemap-xml-bundle

    The SitemapXmlBundle adds the ability to generate sitemap.xml file to your application.

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • Sitemap
    • sitemap.xml
    • Google standards
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 18.374 file_download
  • evotodi/wave-bundle

    Waveapps graphQL integration

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.8 0 star 11 file_download
  • evozon-php/simple-bruteforce-bundle

    Symfony 3+ Simple Brute Force Bundle

    • PHP
    • security
    • login
    • brute force
    new_releasesv1.0.0 1 star 5.279 file_download
  • eward/rate-limit-bundle

    symfony 限流

    • symfony
    • bundle
    • throttle
    • rate-limit
    new_releases5.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • ex3v/formerrorsbundle

    A service and Twig method that displays all form errors on all levels.

    • PHP
    • twig
    • form
    • twig extension
    • form errors
    new_releasesv0.0.1 11 star 8.627 file_download
  • exsyst/security-bundle

    Some security tools to help symfony development

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.0.1 0 star 8 file_download
  • extendy/jormall-sms-bundle

    A Symfony bundle to send SMS using Jormall SMS API

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • facile-it/openid-bundle

    A Symfony bundle to integrate OpenId login

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • OpenId
    • bundle
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 50 file_download
  • fagforbundet/notification-api-mailer-bundle

    Notification API transport for Symfony Mailer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 112 file_download
  • fagforbundet/validator-constraints-bundle

    Symfony bundle for Fagforbundet specific validator constraints

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 254 file_download
  • fastartconsulting/email-bundle

    FastArtConsulting Symfony EmailBundle

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • fastartconsulting/log-bundle

    FastArtConsulting Symfony LogBundle

    • PHP
    new_releases0.8 0 star 1 file_download
  • fatpanda-gmbh/bexio-connector-bundle

    This bundle wraps the fatpanda-gmbh/bexio-connector library for symfony apps

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • bexio
    new_releases0.1.1 1 star 1.119 file_download
  • fazland/oauth-bundle

    Easily integrate OAuth authentication in your Symfony application

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 3 star 680 file_download
  • fbeen/dateextensionbundle

    This Bundle adds some date functions which are usefull if you cann't use the intl php extension.

    • PHP
    • Date Extension Bundle
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 15 file_download
  • fchris82/time-traveller-bundle

    Helps to handle 'now' in tests.

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • fcm-unicamp/themebundle

    Default theme for FCM - Unicamp

    • JavaScript
    • FCM Theme Bundle
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 20 file_download
  • feft/address-bundle

    This is a Symfony2 bundle that lets using international mailing address.

    • PHP
    • address
    • validator
    • post
    • postal
    new_releases1.0 2 star 35 file_download
  • ferror/phpscan

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 15 file_download
  • fighting-pie/symfony-rbac

    symfony bundle rbac

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 1 star 1 file_download
  • fightmaster/porpaginas-bundle

    Symfony bundle for the porpaginas beberlei/porpaginas.

    • PHP
    • page
    • paging
    • paginator
    • pagination
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 506 file_download
  • filament-uno/json-request-bundle

    Symfony JsonRequest Bundle

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • json
    • bundle
    • angular
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 2.215 file_download
  • firma/swoole-http-bundle

    Symfony Swoole HTTP Server Bundle

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 3 star 15 file_download
  • fkeloks/ezplatform-logs-ui

    • PHP
    • admin
    • ui
    • bundle
    • logs
    • ezplatform
    new_releasesv1.0.0 1 star 1 file_download
  • fkolcu/attribute-authorization-bundle

    This bundle provides attribute to authorize user on class or method level

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • fle/json-hydrator-bundle

    This bundle is an alternative to an ORM like doctrine

    • PHP
    • orm
    • symfony
    • json
    • postgresql
    • serializer
    • hydrator
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 68 file_download
  • flexix/api-bundle

    Universal api

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 22 file_download
  • flexix/chat-bundle

    Universal api

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 22 file_download
  • flexix/icon-generator-bundle

    Hidden entity type bundle

    • CSS
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 21 file_download
  • flexmodel/flexmodel-elasticsearch-bundle

    FlexModel-based Elasticsearch integration for Symfony 3+.

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 1.386 file_download
  • flexphp/payroll-bundle

    Payroll bundle for Symfony

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 20 file_download
  • flexycms/assetpack-bundle

    Symfony bundles tutorial example project

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 1 star 8 file_download
  • flexycms/flexyadminhome-bundle

    Home page for admin panel

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 29 file_download
  • flexycms/flexytemlates-bundle

    Module for template editing

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 24 file_download
  • flexycms/flexyutils-bundle

    Разные утилиты

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 24 file_download
  • flibidi67/open-meteo

    Symfony SDK for Open-Meteo API

    • symfony
    • sdk
    • weather
    • forecasts
    • meteo
    • open-meteo
    • open meteo
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 21 file_download
  • flintci/jquery-ujs-bundle

    Symfony bundle adapter for jQuery-ujs and CSRF protection

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.1.0 0 star 89 file_download
  • flofrad/google-map-form-type-bundle

    Set latitude and longitude values on a form using Google Maps

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • form
    • google maps
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 19 file_download
  • florianajir/rabbitmq-sql-bundle

    RabbitMQ to sql consumer, using doctrine/dbal and php-amqplib/rabbitmq-bundle

    • PHP
    • sql
    • rabbitmq
    • consumer
    • RabbitMQ to Sql
    new_releasesv1.0.0 2 star 2.601 file_download
  • floriansemm/boris-bundle

    This Bundle provide REPL shell in application context for symfony console

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0 2 star 18 file_download
  • flosch/messagebird-bundle

    Symfony 3 bundle to easily integrate MessageBird SDK into a Symfony project.

    • symfony
    • php
    • sms
    • bundle
    • chat
    • voice
    • messagebird
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 1.220 file_download
  • flotz/txtlocal

    Wrapper for

    • PHP
    • textlocal txtlocal
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 463 file_download
  • flub/bigbang-bundle

    Utility classes for speed up your Symfony dev

    • PHP
    • utility
    • rad
    new_releases0.1.0 3 star 301 file_download
  • fluid-adapter/symfony-fluid-bundle

    Fluid integration for Symfony

    • PHP
    • templating
    • symfony
    • fluid
    new_releases1.0.0 5 star 331 file_download
  • flying/css-classes-bundle

    Symfony bundle to simplify integration of flying/css-classes library

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • fm/cache-bundle

    Symfony2 bundle that provides a ORM caching layer for entities

    • PHP
    • cache
    new_releasesv0.1.0 0 star 1.166 file_download
  • foodcheri/routific-bundle

    Routific PHP SDK bundle

    • PHP
    • SDK Routific bundle
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 3.794 file_download
  • forci/epay-bundle

    A Symfony2 bundle for working with the payment gateway.

    • PHP
    • epay
    • wucdbm
    • forci
    • epay bundle
    • bundle
    new_releasesv0.1.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • forelse/version-bundle

    Manage your application version

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 4 file_download
  • foreverglory/routing-bundle

    Symfony RoutingBundle

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • route
    • routing
    • bundle
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 15 file_download
  • forkrefactor/apixception-bundle

    Bundle to handle and render custom exceptions in API-Style projects using symfony kernel events.

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • fotomerchant/paypal-rest-bundle

    Allows you to interact with the PayPal REST API via the PHP SDK

    • rest
    • payments
    • paypal
    new_releases0.0.1 1 star 3 file_download
  • fpn/tag-bundle

    FPN Tag Bundle

    • PHP
    • tag
    • tagging
    new_releasesv0.9.0 76 star 387.537 file_download
  • francisbesset/sfcontextbundle

    The symfony's sfContext in Symfony2

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • bundle
    • sfContext
    new_releasesv1.0.0 13 star 498 file_download
  • franjid/api-wrapper-bundle

    API Wrapper Bundle. Consume API's from Symfony

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • php
    • api
    • bundle
    • wrapper
    new_releasesv1.0.0 6 star 68 file_download
  • frankspress/sg-parser-bundle

    Parses and validates SendGrid email content sent to the WebHook

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 3 file_download
  • frcho/pdf-bundle

    PDF Bundle for Symfony2

    • PHP
    • pdf
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 603 file_download
  • fredb/admin-bundle

    Create Back-office by annotations in Entities

    • JavaScript
    • annotations
    • Create Back-office
    new_releases0.1 4 star 30 file_download
  • fredtro/mailer-bundle

    Symfony2 bundle for sending emails using twig templates.

    • PHP
    • mailer
    • swiftmailer
    • twigswiftmailer
    • twigmailer
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 14 file_download
  • freedomsex/health-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 885 file_download
  • discutea/tuto-bundle

    Simple tutorial bundle.

    • PHP
    • tutorial
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 56 file_download
  • disjfa/enqueue-bundle

    Enqueue bundle, bundles the enqueue bundle and add some user interfaces and examples.

    • PHP
    • message
    • ampq
    • enqueue
    • message-bus
    • php-enqueue
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 14 file_download
  • friendsofsymfony/twitter-bundle

    Symfony FOSTwitterBundle

    • PHP
    • Twitter authentication
    new_releases1.0.0 154 star 42.195 file_download
  • friendsofvictoire/siblingsmenu-widget

    Victoire DCMS SiblingsMenu widget

    • PHP
    • cms
    • dynamic
    • widget
    • victoire
    • SiblingsMenu
    • DCMS
    • FriendsofVictoire
    • FoV
    new_releases1.3.0 0 star 10 file_download
  • friendsofvictoire/snake-widget

    Victoire DCMS social buttons widget

    • PHP
    • widget
    • victoire
    • snake
    • DCMS
    • FriendsofVictoire
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 14 file_download
  • friendsofvictoire/triptych-widget

    Victoire DCMS Triptych widget

    • PHP
    • widget
    • victoire
    • DCMS
    • FriendsofVictoire
    • Triptych
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 14 file_download
  • frieser/breadcrumbs-bundle

    Breadcrumbs bundle for Symfony2

    • PHP
    • breadcrumbs
    new_releasesv0.1 0 star 57 file_download
  • froggdev/behat-installer

    Easy Behat installation with new features and multiple reports options.

    • PHP
    • framework
    • symfony
    • BDD
    • Behat
    • TDD
    • Context
    • frogg
    new_releasesv1.0.0 1 star 39 file_download
  • frontastic/rulerz-bundle

    Symfony2 Bundle for RulerZ

    • PHP
    • doctrine
    • specification
    • ruler
    • rulerz
    new_releases0.16.0 0 star 20.161 file_download
  • fruitware/yandex-geocoder-bundle

    Symfony2 bundle for interactions with geo-coding Yandex.Maps

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • geo
    • geocoder
    • api
    • bundle
    • maps
    • geocode
    • yandex
    new_releases1.0 0 star 26 file_download
  • fsi/admin-gallery-bundle

    FSiAdminBundle configuration for fsi/gallery-bundle

    • PHP
    • admin
    • Symfony2
    • bundle
    • photo
    • gallery
    • fsi
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1.953 file_download
  • fsi/admin-news-bundle

    FSiAdminBundle configuration for fsi/news-bundle

    • PHP
    • admin
    • Symfony2
    • bundle
    • news
    • fsi
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1.357 file_download
  • fsi/news-bundle

    Provides news for you Symfony2 application.

    • PHP
    • Symfony2
    • bundle
    • news
    • fsi
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 2.181 file_download
  • fulgurio/light-cms-bundle

    Light CMS using Symfony 2 framework

    • JavaScript
    • blog
    • cms
    • Content management system
    new_releasesv2.2 1 star 35 file_download
  • fullpipe/image-bundle

    Simple image storage

    • PHP
    • image
    new_releasesv0.0.1 0 star 354 file_download
  • fullpipe/sphinxsearch-bundle

    Sphinx search bundle for Symfony 2

    • PHP
    • Symfony2
    • sphinx
    • sphinxsearch
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 76 file_download
  • funddy/fixture-bundle

    FixtureBundle for Symfony2

    • PHP
    • fixture bundle
    new_releasesv2.0.0 3 star 1.160 file_download
  • funkymed/tenant-aware-bundle

    A Symfony bundle for multi-tenant applications

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • bundle
    • multi-tenant
    new_releasesv0.1 6 star 2 file_download
  • furkankulaber/symfony-logdna

    Integrates LogDna with Symfony

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • Symfony2
    • symfony3
    • logdna
    • symfony4
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 59 file_download
  • fuzzyma/contao-eloquent-example-project-bundle

    Bundle for the contao-eloquent-example-project which shows the eloquent features brought to you by the fuzzyma/contao-eloquent-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 11 file_download
  • gal-digital-gmbh/pimcore-simple-migration

    Make pimcore migration simple

    • PHP
    • bundle
    • doctrine
    • pimcore
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1.748 file_download
  • galdi/boleto-bundle

    Paggy BoletoBundle

    • PHP
    • bundle
    • boleto
    • payslip
    new_releasesv1.0 1 star 208 file_download
  • gandung/shopee-php-sdk-bundle

    Symfony bundle module for Shopee PHP SDK.

    • PHP
    • bundle
    • symfony-bundle
    • shopee
    • shopee-api
    • shopee-sdk
    • shopee-api-sdk
    • shopee-sdk-api
    • shopee-sdk-php-bundle
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • gbenitez/attribute-bundle

    Symfony Attribute Bundle para formularios

    • PHP
    • form
    • bundle
    • attribute
    new_releasesv1.0 1 star 3.198 file_download
  • geekcell/kafka-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.1 1 star 3.964 file_download
  • gekomod/files-admin-bundle

    Simple files admin to Umbrella Admin

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • gekomod/ticket-bundle

    Symfony Gekomod/TicketBundle

    • PHP
    • cms
    • block
    • Settings
    new_releases0.1 0 star 2 file_download
  • generic/dashboard

    Api de gestion de tableau de bord sous la forme de widgets génériques

    • PHP
    • framework
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 6 file_download
  • genj/frontend-url-bundle

    Symfony Frontend Url bundle

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • generator
    • routing
    • url
    • bundle
    • frontend
    • genj
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 4.151 file_download
  • gepur-it/calltask-bundle

    Calltask bundle

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • bundle
    • gepur
    • calltask
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 350 file_download
  • gepur-it/main_menu

    Gepur main menu

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 19 file_download
  • gerardtoko/assetlib-bundle

    Grouping the asset libraries in a symfony bundle

    • JavaScript
    • assets
    • asset
    • library
    • JS
    new_releases1.0 1 star 35 file_download
  • ggggino/tour-cms-bundle

    This bundle use the TourCMS Library with custom configs

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 61 file_download
  • gh05tpl/simple-influxdb-client-bundle

    Simple bundle of influxdb client for symfony framework

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0 0 star 53 file_download
  • ghost-agency/stateless-auth-bundle

    Handle stateless authentication.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 298 file_download
  • giacomoto/symfony-pagination

    Symfony Pagination Bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 16 file_download
  • giak/shibboleth-bundle

    Fork from Unicecil bundle authentication for Symfony 4+

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • gibilogic/hidden-entity-bundle

    GiBiLogic Hidden Entity Bundle

    • PHP
    • form
    • type
    • entity
    • hidden
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1.449 file_download
  • giko/sinaweibo-bundle

    Symfony FOSTwitterBundle

    • PHP
    • Twitter authentication
    new_releases1.0.0 4 star 70 file_download
  • gkocakaya/parse-bundle

    Symfony bundle to provide parse-php-sdk cliend as a Symfony service (

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • push
    • parsebundle
    new_releasesv1.0 1 star 38 file_download
  • glefer/news-bundle

    Ma description

    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • glitchr/acme-bundle

    ACME Skeleton Bundle for Symfony5

    • symfony
    • Skeleton
    • ACME
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • glitchr/base-bundle-wikidoc

    • symfony
    new_releases1.0 0 star 29 file_download
  • glitchr/htaccess-bundle

    Custom .htaccess/.htpasswd integration for Symfony

    • symfony
    new_releases0.1 0 star 1 file_download
  • glitchr/hypertext-bundle

    Custom .htaccess/.htpasswd integration for Symfony

    • symfony
    new_releases0.1 0 star 37 file_download
  • glitchr/typesense-bundle

    This bundle provides integration with Typesense in Symfony

    new_releases1.0 0 star 94 file_download
  • glitchr/ux-crisp

    Crisp integration for Symfony

    • symfony
    • ux
    • crisp
    new_releases1.0 0 star 17 file_download
  • glitchr/well-known

    .well-known directory integration for Symfony

    • symfony
    • ux
    • crisp
    new_releases0.1 0 star 104 file_download
  • gloomy/twig-decorator-bundle

    Twig extension to make conditional layout and to inject variables in templates

    • PHP
    • twig
    • layout
    • decorator
    • extends
    • decorate
    • grab
    new_releases0.1 2 star 41 file_download
  • gmaissa/redmine-user-provider-bundle

    A bundle to use Redmine as a user provider for Symfony projects.

    • PHP
    • security
    • redmine
    • user provider
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • gmorel/state-workflow-bundle

    Helping you implementing a complex yet easily maintainable workflow

    • PHP
    • Symfony2
    • workflow
    • finite state machine
    • state design pattern
    new_releases1.0.0 5 star 417 file_download
  • goldenline/imgix-bundle

    Integration of the imgix library into Symfony

    • PHP
    • imgix
    new_releases1.0.0 4 star 26.106 file_download
  • goldenline/sare-soap-api-bundle

    Symfony bundle for the SARE SOAP API

    • PHP
    • soap
    • sare
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 7 file_download
  • goncziakos/sonata-media-provider-video-bundle

    This bundle extends providers Sonata Media Bundle, creates a new provider for uploading videos and use FFmpeg

    • PHP
    • media
    • Symfony2
    • bundle
    • video
    • ffmpeg
    • sonata-media
    new_releasesv2.0.0 0 star 175 file_download
  • gonzakpo/tcpdfbundle

    Provides TCPDF integration for Symfony

    • PHP
    • pdf
    • TCPDF
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 361 file_download
  • google-gemini-php/symfony

    Symfony Bundle for Gemini

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • php
    • api
    • client
    • language
    • sdk
    • processing
    • natural
    • Gemini
    new_releases1.0.0 11 star 25 file_download
  • googlechromelabs/ise-web-security-bundle

    Web security bundle for Symfony create by google OSS

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0 10 star 18.574 file_download
  • gordalina/easypay-bundle

    EasypayBundle for the Symfony Framework

    • PHP
    • easypay
    new_releases1.0.0 5 star 1.104 file_download
  • gorgo13/database-snapshot-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 360 file_download
  • gorgo13/email-debug-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releasesv2.6.2 0 star 4 file_download
  • gorgo13/fixture-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • goutte/wordpress-bundle

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.1 15 star 39 file_download
  • grcs/internal-messages-bundle

    GrcsInternalMessages - The Internal Messages System for your Symfony 2 application

    • PHP
    • Symfony2
    • bundle
    • messages
    • Internal Messages System
    • private message
    • inbox
    • outbox
    new_releasesv1.0 1 star 166 file_download
  • grelu/surveyjs-bundle

    SurveyJs Bundle

    • JavaScript
    • surveyjs bundle questionnaire
    new_releases0.1 3 star 76 file_download
  • gremo/subscription-bundle

    Symfony2 Bundle for managing subscriptions.

    • PHP
    • subscription
    • recurrences
    new_releasesv1.0.0 5 star 30 file_download
  • groovili/rest-uploader-bundle

    A Symfony bundle to handle file upload and management for REST API

    • PHP
    • symfony
    • file
    • rest
    • upload
    • validation
    new_releases1.0.0 7 star 201 file_download
  • grossum/contact-bundle

    This bundle added contact entity with fields: address, link for map, many phones and many e-mails

    • PHP
    • contact bundle
    new_releasesv0.1 0 star 274 file_download
  • grossum/faq-bundle

    This bundle added faq entity with fields: enabled, question, answer, position, createdAt and updatedAt

    • PHP
    • faq bundle
    new_releasesv0.1 0 star 471 file_download
  • grossum/news-bundle

    This bundle added News entity with fields: name, email and message

    • PHP
    • News bundle
    new_releases1.0 0 star 76 file_download
  • gsokol/date-time-provider-bundle

    Symfony bundle for `gsokol/date-time-provider` library

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 170 file_download
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Was ist ein Paket vom Typ symfony-bundle?

Symfony Bundles sind Bausteine für modulare und wiederverwendbare Symfony-Anwendungen
Stell dir vor, du baust ein Haus. Anstatt jedes einzelne Element von Grund auf neu zu erstellen, verwendest du vorgefertigte Bausteine wie Ziegel, Fenster und Türen. Das spart Zeit, Mühe und sorgt für ein einheitliches Ergebnis.

Ähnlich funktionieren Symfony Bundles in der Welt der Softwareentwicklung. Sie sind wie wiederverwendbare Pakete voller Code, die dir helfen, modulare und strukturierte Symfony-Anwendungen zu erstellen.

Was genau sind Symfony Bundles?

  • Erweiterungen: Bundles erweitern die Funktionen von Symfony um neue Features und Funktionalitäten.
  • Organisationseinheiten: Sie dienen als strukturierte Einheiten zur Organisation von Code, inklusive Klassen, Templates, Konfigurationen und Ressourcen.
  • Wiederverwendbare Komponenten: Bundles können einfach installiert und in anderen Symfony-Projekten wiederverwendet werden, um Codeduplizierung zu vermeiden.
  • Themenanpassung: Mit Bundles kannst du das Design und die Funktionalität deiner Symfony-Anwendung einfach anpassen.

Vorteile von Symfony Bundles:

  • Modularität: Klare und strukturierte Codeorganisation, einfacheres Finden und Verwalten von Code.
  • Wiederverwendbarkeit: Zeitersparnis durch die Nutzung von fertigem Code in neuen Projekten.
  • Erweiterbarkeit: Einfaches Hinzufügen neuer Funktionen und Funktionalitäten zu deiner Anwendung.
  • Themenanpassung: Individuelle Gestaltung deiner Anwendungsoberfläche.
  • Community-Entwicklung: Förderung von Zusammenarbeit und Wissensaustausch durch die gemeinsame Nutzung von Bundles.

Wie verwende ich Symfony Bundles?

  • Erstellen oder herunterladen: Du kannst eigene Bundles entwickeln oder bereits existierende Bundles von anderen Entwicklern herunterladen.
  • Installieren: Integriere das Bundle in deine Symfony-Anwendung.
  • Konfigurieren: Passe die Einstellungen des Bundles an deine Bedürfnisse an.
  • Verwenden: Nutze die Funktionen des Bundles in deinem Code.


Symfony Bundles sind ein leistungsstarkes Werkzeug für die Entwicklung modularer, wiederverwendbarer und erweiterbarer Symfony-Anwendungen. Sie fördern Codeorganisation, Effizienz, Zusammenarbeit und tragen so zu einer nachhaltigen Softwareentwicklung bei.

Lust auf mehr?

Symfony Bundle-Dokumentation:
Beliebte Symfony Bundles:
Symfony Community:

symfony-bundle Statistiken

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