Pakete vom Typ pimcore-plugin










  • basilicom-pimcore-plugin/asset-thumbnail-link

    A Pimcore plugin that provides a button to get absolute Thumbnail URLs

    • PHP
    • image
    • asset
    • plugin
    • url
    • thumbnail
    • link
    • pimcore
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 34 file_download
  • basilicom-pimcore-plugin/filestack

    Pimcore plugin that allows uploading assets via the Filestack API service

    • JavaScript
    • image
    • asset
    • plugin
    • upload
    • pimcore
    • filestack
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 15 file_download
  • basilicom-pimcore-plugin/hide-status-bar

    Hides the Pimcore status bar (version info and warnings) for ordinary users.

    • PHP
    • plugin
    • pimcore
    • statusbar
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 2.786 file_download
  • basilicom-pimcore-plugin/librato

    Configure and use Librato metrics with Pimcore

    • PHP
    • plugin
    • Metrics
    • stats
    • librato
    • pimcore
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2.687 file_download
  • basilicom-pimcore-plugin/minify

    Pimcore plugin with helper functions for minifying JS/CSS in templates

    • PHP
    • javascript
    • css
    • plugin
    • minify
    • helper
    • minifying
    • pimcore
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 488 file_download
  • basilicom-pimcore-plugin/prototyper

    Quickly create pimcore object classes with many fields from CSV data sets

    • PHP
    • plugin
    • prototyping
    • pimcore
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 186 file_download
  • basilicom-pimcore-plugin/rollbar-reporter

    Configure and use rollbar with Pimcore

    • PHP
    • log
    • logging
    • plugin
    • exception
    • error
    • logger
    • rollbar
    • pimcore
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 296 file_download
  • basilicom-pimcore-plugin/subdomain-admin

    A Pimcore plugin that disables access to the admin backend through the main domain and enables it on another domain

    • PHP
    • admin
    • plugin
    • subdomain
    • administration
    • pimcore
    new_releasesv1.0.0 4 star 140 file_download
  • basilicom-pimcore-plugin/test-plugin

    A skeleton plugin demonstrating multiple ways for extending the Pimcore

    • PHP
    • admin
    • plugin
    • Skeleton
    • administration
    • pimcore
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 20 file_download
  • coreshop/sofortueberweisung

    Sofortueberweisung Payment for CoreShop

    • PHP
    • pimcore
    • sofortueberweisung
    • coreshop
    • coreshop-payment
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 30 file_download
  • dachcom-digital/monitoring

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 3 star 22.072 file_download
  • divante-ltd/pimcore-google-login

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0 5 star 40 file_download
  • divante-ltd/pimcore5-clipboard

    Clipboard Bundle for Pimcore 5. Adding objects to special clipboard give you possibility to actions only on some marked by you objects from the whole tree.

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.1.0-alpha 11 star 1.635 file_download
  • dpfaffenbauer/workflow-gui

    Adds a nice UI to manage Workflows

    • JavaScript
    • pimcore
    • pimcore-workflow
    new_releases1.0.0 19 star 17.024 file_download
  • gatherdigital-pimcore-plugin/semantics

    Provides a tab for editing JSON-LD and document semantics within the pimcore admin panel

    • PHP
    • plugin
    • pimcore
    • semantics
    new_releases1.0 0 star 55 file_download
  • gatherdigital-pimcore-plugin/sns-subscriber

    An subscriber that can receive Messages from AWS SNS topics, storing messages as a custom persistent model

    • PHP
    • plugin
    • aws
    • SNS
    • pimcore
    new_releases0.1 2 star 14 file_download

Was ist ein Paket vom Typ pimcore-plugin?

Ein(e) ´Pimcore Plugin´  ist ein spezielles Paket bzw. eine Ergänzung für Pimcore-plugin

pimcore-plugin Statistiken

Wir haben 16 Paket(e) vom Typ pimcore-plugin gefunden.
Es wurden bisher 47.522 Pakete vom Typ pimcore-plugin heruntergeladen bzw. installiert.
Es wurden bisher 49 Sterne für Pakete vom Typ pimcore-plugin vergeben.