Pakete vom Typ magento2-module










  • apcs/base-logger

    This module is required for APCS modules

    • PHP
    • magento 2
    • magento 2 extension
    • APCS Logger
    new_releases1.0 0 star 25 file_download
  • apedik/cacheautoclean

    clean config cache automatically

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 1 star 7 file_download
  • apedik/module-ai-blog

    Mageplaza blog chatgpt support

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 1 star 34 file_download
  • apedik/module-password-attributes


    • HTML
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • aplace/addressautocomplete

    Address autocomplete Magento 2 module using service in the checkout form

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • apspayments/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • aqbank/aqpago-magento-2

    Módulo de pagamento AQPAGO para Magento 2

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0.5 0 star 5 file_download
  • archapps/magento2-showconfigpath

    Magento 2 Module To Show The Config Path In Admin

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 12 file_download
  • arcmedia/catalogredirect

    A simple extension that allows to redirect to any url from a category page

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 191 file_download
  • arcmedia/mage2-customer-honeypot

    Spam Protection for Magento2 Customer Registration

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 3 star 123 file_download
  • arcmedia/mage2-initsettings

    Basic Settings for webshops in Switzerland

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 135 file_download
  • arsal/custom-tab

    Create Dynamic Custom Tabs on Product View Page

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 29 file_download
  • arslanfarrukh/color-order-customer-grid

    Makes the Sales Orders grid and Customer grid colorful.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • arslanfarrukh/core

    • Less
    new_releases1.0.2 0 star 4 file_download
  • arslanfarrukh/hero-banner-slider

    Adds a banners slider on Home Page.

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • arslanfarrukh/order-details

    ArslanFarrukh Order Details Module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.4 0 star 1 file_download
  • arslanfarrukh/share-cart

    Using this extension, the customers can share his cart with his friends and they can add that items to cart on single click.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • arslanfarrukh/top-banner

    Adds a Banner on top of every page to show campaigns, alerts etc.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.1 0 star 3 file_download
  • artera/magento2-province-italiane

    Artera modulo per l'implementazione delle province italiane su Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 80 file_download
  • artlantis/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • ascure/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • asmapostpay/magento2

    Postpay Payment Gateway for Magento 2

    • PHP
    • payment
    • gateway
    • magento
    • magento2
    • postpay
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • asoft/core

    Asoft Core module for branding, configuration and menu settings

    • PHP
    • core
    • magento2
    • asoft
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 3 file_download
  • asoft/fancypop

    Magento 2 Display Modal popup using jQuery Fancybox library

    • PHP
    • fancybox
    • popup
    • magento2
    • asoft
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 2 file_download
  • astralweb/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • atarapay/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • atconnect/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • auctane/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • aur/central-bank-integration

    The currency import service in Magento 2 doesn't work any more (, Webservicex and Yahoo Finance Exchange)e

    new_releases2.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • auroraextensions/magecroncloudfunctions

    Run Magento 2 cron jobs via Google Cloud Functions.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 10 file_download
  • auroraextensions/magentobackports

    Backport Magento classes and interfaces for older versions.

    • PHP
    new_releases100.2.3.4 0 star 1 file_download
  • auroraextensions/notificationservice

    Publish backend notifications via XML.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • auroraextensions/simplereturns-sampledata

    Sample data for AuroraExtensions_SimpleReturns.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • aurorawebsoftware/pagebuilderuikit

    Page Builder content type for PageBuilderUIKit.

    • Less
    new_releases1.0.0 3 star 53 file_download
  • authorizedby/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • avatria/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • awesoft/module-framework

    Awesoft library framework for Magento2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • awstreams/c2c

    Magento2 customer to customer(c2c) marketplace module.

    • JavaScript
    new_releases2.0.0 0 star 9 file_download
  • axsemantics/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • az2009/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • azaleasoft/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • azra/module-pricerequest

    Module responsible for enabling customers to request price quotes

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • azra/module-shipping-options

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 6 file_download
  • b2bapp/import-handler

    Import Handler module for Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 8 file_download
  • b2bapp/update-handler

    Update Handler module for Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 12 file_download
  • babenkocommerce/magento2-module-config-set-command

    Config set via console command

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 1.179 file_download
  • bajaj/product-preview

    Magento 2 Admin Product Preview

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 58 file_download
  • bajaj/store-pickup

    Magento 2 Store Pickup Shipping Method module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 4 star 11 file_download
  • balloz/magento2-developer-toolbar

    Magento 2 developer toolbar

    • CSS
    new_releases1.0.0 15 star 261 file_download
  • bancolombia/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • bandeh/magento2-currency-symbol-position-jam

    Magento 2 change the currency symbol position from left to right or from right to left

    • PHP
    • magento
    • magento 2
    • magento 2 extension
    • Magento 2 Extension Free
    • currency symbol
    • currency symbol position
    new_releases2.1.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • bangerkuwranger/magento-2-remove-admin-html

    A Magento 2 module that suppresses output from the theme configuration fields Footer > Miscellaneous HTML and HTML Head > Scripts and Style Sheets.

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 30 file_download
  • banwire/card-payment-magento-2

    Banwire card paymet integration for Magento 2

    • JavaScript
    • plugin
    • payment
    • extension
    • card
    • magento
    • Banwire
    • magento 2
    new_releasesv1.1.0 3 star 2 file_download
  • barbanet/module-sample-attribute-installer

    Create and edit Product attributes using CSV files

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 1 star 2 file_download
  • battcor/magento2-module-search

    Battcor Search Module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • battcor/magento2-user-module

    Battcor User Module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • baytonia/module-tamamfinance

    Baytonia TamamFinance

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 8 file_download
  • bdn/magento-2-meestexpress-api

    Module for API communication with MeestExpress API v3.0

    • PHP
    • meestexpress
    • magento2 meest
    • magento2 meestexpress
    • meest
    • meestexpress api
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 18 file_download
  • becopay/magento2-becopay-gateway

    becopay magento 2 payment gateway

    • PHP
    • php
    • api
    • client
    • module
    • payment
    • magento 2
    • becopay
    new_releasesv1.0.1 0 star 24 file_download
  • beecomprg/magento2-owlcarousel

    Magento 2 OwlCarousel

    • CSS
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 93 file_download
  • beecomprg/module-payment-restriction

    Magento 2 Payment Restriction Module

    • PHP
    • payment
    • checkout
    • fulfillment
    • magento
    • shipping
    • magento2
    new_releases0.1.1 5 star 138 file_download
  • beehexa/module-improvedimageapi

    Update product updated at timestamp when image is updated

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • beeketing/magento-countdowncart

    Countdown Cart app

    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 59 file_download
  • beeketing/magento-happyemail

    Happy Email app

    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 9 file_download
  • beeketing/magento-mobilewebboost

    Mobile Web Boost app

    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 12 file_download
  • beeketing/magento-personalizedrecommendation

    Personalized Recommendation app

    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 11 file_download
  • beeketing/magento-quickfacebookchat

    Quick Facebook Chat app

    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 25 file_download
  • before-logout/before-redirect

    Magento 2 module

    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • behalf/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • beljic/magento2-ordergrid

    The extension add coupon_code and discount amount to admin's sales_order_grid.

    new_releasesv1.0.1-stable 0 star 0 file_download
  • belvg/module-magento-plus-plugin-investigation


    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • belvg/module-mailhog

    for best development exprierence

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 8 file_download
  • best4mage/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • best4u/module-backend

    Best4u Backend module for Magento 2

    new_releases1.0.10 0 star 15 file_download
  • bestprice/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • betagento/magento2-private-store

    Magento2 - Private store for B2B or B2E business model

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 7 file_download
  • betterdeals/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • beyonicmobilepayments/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • bgehlot/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • bharathox/testpackage

    Test package

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • bhaveshpp/blogs

    Simple Blogs module

    • HTML
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 4 file_download
  • bhaveshpp/magento2-firstflight-firstship

    Magento 2 First Flight extension

    • PHP
    • magento 2
    • firstflight
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 5 file_download
  • bhaveshpp/module-base

    Restrict shipping method for some perticuler product on specific time period

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 6 file_download
  • bhaveshpp/module-shipping-restriction-over-month

    Restrict shipping method for some perticuler product on specific time period

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 6 file_download
  • bhaveshpp/stagebit

    Simple Crud module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • bhavin/module-calculator

    Integrates Magento with the custom price calculator based on user input on product view page.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 14 file_download
  • billiepayment/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • billsbox/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • biocryptology/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • birencms/module-cmsbanner

    Magento 2 extension for adding banners to cms pages

    • PHP
    • cms
    • banner
    • magento2
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • bitpolar/sortcatalogwidget

    Adds the ability to sort a catalog widget by a product attribute in Magento 2.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 3 star 5.162 file_download
  • biztech/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • bkozlic/module-manager

    Code generation module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 11 file_download
  • bkozlic/multiple-wishlist

    Magento 2 multiple wishlist module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 4 star 11 file_download
  • bkozlic/product-tabs

    Magento 2 Module for managing tabs on product detail page

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 38 file_download
  • bkubicki/magento2-unit-tests-doubles

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0 1 star 8.972 file_download
  • bkubicki/module-configurable-product-attribute-handles

    Module adds to catalog frontend custom layout handles based on configurable product

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 41 file_download
  • bkubicki/module-magento2-ui

    Module extending module Magento_Ui and adding new components and utils

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 928 file_download
  • blackbird/cookie-domain-cleaner

    This Magento 2 module will clean cookies from parent domains gradually while navigating on the site on a subdomain

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 8 star 2.896 file_download
  • blackbird/dto-toolkit

    DTO Toolkit module provides the tools for creating Data Transfer Objects (DTO) in Magento 2 while retaining Magento's key features such as plugins, preferences, etc.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 9 file_download
  • blackbird/hyva-photo-swipe

    An implementation of PhotoSwipe library in Hyvä Theme for Magento 2

    • HTML
    new_releases1.0.0 5 star 802 file_download
  • blackbird/module-catalog-default-qty

    This module allows you to set default qty by set of product types.

    • PHP
    • php
    • catalog
    • product
    • inventory
    • stock
    • magento
    • magento2
    new_releases1.0.0 5 star 905 file_download
  • blackbird/rounded-discount-price

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 557 file_download
  • blackbird/ticketblaster

    Ticket manager for events

    new_releases1.0.1 1 star 9 file_download
  • blackridgesoftware/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • blacksoul/base

    Magento 2 base module to some functionalities.

    • CSS
    • magento 2
    • accelerators
    • easy code
    • fast code
    • fausto marins
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • bliss/advanced-navigation

    Bliss Advanced Navigation Module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • blockonomics/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • bluebadger/mailchimp

    Mailchimp Integration for Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 10 file_download
  • bluebirdday/subcategories

    Bluebirdday subcategories thumbnails on category page

    • PHP
    • category
    • catalog
    • module
    • magento2
    • bluebirdday
    • subcategory
    • subcategories
    new_releases2.0.0 1 star 23 file_download
  • bluebottle/module-salesforce-transactional-email

    a magento 2 module will help send email via salesforce

    • PHP
    • salesforce
    • magento
    • bluebottle
    new_releasesv0.1.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • blueshift/blueshiftconnect

    Blueshift Magento2 Connect Module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 14 file_download
  • bluesnap/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • bluestonepim/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • bluethink/magento-2-restrict-state

    Bluethink Magento 2 restrict state module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 5 file_download
  • bluethinkinc/magento-2-kuebix-api

    Kuebix API Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 14 file_download
  • bluethinkinc/magento-2-newsletter-popup

    Newsletter Popup

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 5 file_download
  • bluethinkinc/module-city-province-dropdown

    city province dropdown

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.1 0 star 4 file_download
  • bluethinkinc/module-deletecustomer

    This extension helps the customer to delete their account.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • bluethinkinc/orderdelete

    Order Delete

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 23 file_download
  • bluethinkinc/restrictstate

    Bluethink Magento 2 restrict state module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 13 file_download
  • boangri/magento2-module-sergei

    Simple Tutorial Module

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.1 1 star 2 file_download
  • bogkov/magento2-module-contact

    Extended functional for default Magento 2 Contact module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.3.1 6 star 6 file_download
  • bohdanleasoft/ginger-magento2-test

    Ginger test plugin for Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.9 0 star 1 file_download
  • bold-commerce/module-checkout-self-hosted

    Provides a self-hosted checkout experience for the Bold Checkout extension.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 5 file_download
  • boolfly/module-ajax-compare

    Ajax Compare module

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 1 star 110 file_download
  • boolfly/module-giaohangnhanh

    Giao hang nhanh shipping method

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 5 star 78 file_download
  • boolfly/module-integration-base

    Boolfly Integration

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 80 file_download
  • boolfly/module-quick-view

    Quick View module

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 1.881 file_download
  • boolfly/module-zalopay

    ZaloPay Payment Gateway

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 7 star 173 file_download
  • bootcamp/pagebuilderblocktheme

    • HTML
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • bootcampw/holamundow

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.1 0 star 3 file_download
  • bootkaren/holamundok

    Este modulo saluda al mundo

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • bootsgrid/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • borisperevyazko/module-google-markup

    Insert google markup into site

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 3 star 22 file_download
  • botamp/botamp-magento

    Botamp extension for Magento2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 7 file_download
  • botfuel/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • bounteous/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • boxalino/integration-magento2

    Boxalino Magento 2 plugin for integration samples

    • PHP
    • integration
    • recommendations
    • boxalino
    • narrative
    • overlays
    • producfinder
    new_releasesv1.0.1 0 star 3 file_download
  • boxberry/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • bperevyazko/module-product-label

    Product labels module for products.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 11 file_download
  • bpost/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • brabs/module-adminshortcuts

    Gmail / JIRA style shortcuts for the Magento 2 Admin Panel

    • JavaScript
    new_releases0.1.0 8 star 2 file_download
  • brandcrock/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • brandung/magento2-gelf-logger

    Gelf Logger Handler

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 375 file_download
  • breakdesigns/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • bricht/temp


    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • brikl-bv/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • briskbrain/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • brocode/module-amqp-monitor

    Simple Amqp-Monitor for configured Queues

    • PHP
    • magento
    • composer-installer
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 176 file_download
  • brocode/module-maps

    Maps module for magento2

    • PHP
    • magento
    • composer-installer
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 557 file_download
  • brukeo/customization-brukeo

    Customization for Brukeo Theme and Core modules.

    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 19 file_download
  • brukeo/module-assign-products-stock-data

    Assign products to stock data.

    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 53 file_download
  • brukeo/module-assign-products-to-msi

    Assign products to MSI by source code.

    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 52 file_download
  • bryanyeh/emailevent

    A Magento 2 Extension, sends email of highest % off coupon code to returning customer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.3 0 star 13 file_download
  • bse/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • bss-commerce/fast-order

    Bss Fast Order Modules

    new_releases1.2.1 0 star 10 file_download
  • bsscommerce/core

    BSS Commerce - Core Module

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0.3 0 star 57.518 file_download
  • bsscommerce/magento-2-custom-product-attribute-export-extension

    Bss Custom Product Attribute Export Modules

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.6 2 star 82.773 file_download
  • bsscommercetestpackagist/testpackagist

    Test Packagist

    • testpackagist
    • bsscommerce
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 13 file_download
  • bsscommercezzz/test

    Bss test

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 8 file_download
  • buckaroo/magento2graphql

    Buckaroo Magento2 GraphQL Support

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 1.713 file_download
  • buckaroo/magento2secondchance

    Buckaroo Magento2 Second Chance extension

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 1 star 14.315 file_download
  • burlacu-web/magento2-module-moldova-regions

    Provides the list of regions for Moldova, Republic of country on the address edit/create forms

    • PHP
    • address
    • module
    • checkout
    • magento
    • regions
    • magento2
    • Moldova
    • raioane
    • municipii
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • burst-com-co/magento2-chronos

    Module to integrate events from magento 2 to Chronos

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.1 0 star 5 file_download
  • burst-com-co/magento2-efecty

    Module to genereta payment link in Efecty

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 5 file_download
  • burst-com-co/magento2-express

    Express shipping module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 5 file_download
  • burst-com-co/magento2-free

    Free shipping module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 5 file_download
  • burst-com-co/magento2-ivr

    Module to genereta payment on IVR

    • HTML
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 7 file_download
  • burst-com-co/magento2-paymentonsite

    Module to genereta payment on site

    • HTML
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • burst-com-co/magento2-vip

    VIP shipping module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 5 file_download
  • buster/company

    Magento2 company module

    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • bv/customerimport

    BV CustomerImport

    • PHP
    • module
    • extension
    • magento
    • magento2 module
    • magento 2 module
    • magento 2 extension
    • magento2 extension
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • cachewerk/magento-relay

    A Magento 2 module to integrate Relay.

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.1 3 star 84 file_download
  • canadapost/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • cannewe/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • cappasity/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • cardknox/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 5 file_download
  • cardoso/module-customer-products

    Magento 2 module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • cart2quote/module-composer-repository-fix

    Fix Magento to allow multiple repositories

    • vcs
    • magento
    • fix
    • magento2
    • cart2quote
    • artifact
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 14 file_download
  • catalog-rule/after-offer-rule

    Magento2 module

    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • cayan/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • ccbill/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • ccerda0520/alternative-http-header

    A Magento 2 module that uses a custom http remote address header used by Cloudflare or other CDN/proxies.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 3 star 43 file_download
  • cdek/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • celebros/module-autocomplete-graph-ql

    GraphQl for Caelebros AutoComplete

    • PHP
    new_releases0.9.0 0 star 27 file_download
  • celesta/advanced-google-calendar

    Integration of Google Calendar to Magento 2

    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • celigo/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • ceneo-pl/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • certiprosolutions/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 5 file_download
  • cevnn/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • chamara2/m2-custom-grid


    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 6 file_download
  • championsukplc/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • chandanbhanopa/magento2-module-cb-distributor

    Admin Grid for Distributor and Shops

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • chandanbhanopa/magento2-module-chandan-alertpopup

    Show your alert messages in popup box.

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • chandu/module-m2concepts

    M2 Concepts

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • channel-info/web-channel

    Magento2 module

    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • cheerme/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • chetuinc/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • chipulaja/magento2-blank-module

    Blank Module for magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.0.1 0 star 1 file_download
  • chk/hideforguest

    CHK HideForGuest Extension Hide's, Price and Add To Cart of Magento2 Shop Guest Users

    • HTML
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 10 file_download
  • chk/voicesearch

    Magento 2 Module for searching by voice

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0.0 3 star 1 file_download
  • chuccv/security

    Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 3 file_download
  • cin7/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • cisin/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • citcon/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • citybeach/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • cjpublicis/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • clarion/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • claudiucreanga/magento2-import

    Magento2 extension that imports products and stock from a file via a cron (the import can be done manually too)

    • PHP
    • products
    • import
    • stock
    • magento
    • magento2
    new_releases1.0.1 11 star 56 file_download
  • clawrock/m2-adwords

    New Google AdWords tracking

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • clawrock/m2-bugherd

    BugHerd tracking module for Magento2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 3.795 file_download
  • clawrock/m2-product-shipping

    Module is responsible for displaying shipping methods on product view page.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 9 star 8 file_download
  • clawrock/magento2-csv-reader

    Optimized csv reader.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 192 file_download
  • clawrock/magento2-customer-importer

    Customers importer from csv file.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.5 1 star 191 file_download
  • clawrock/magento2-twig-engine

    Magento 2 Twig Template Engine

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 128 file_download
  • clearandfizzy/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • clearsale/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • cleatsquad/magento-smarty

    Smarty template engine for Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 4 file_download
  • cleatsquad/magento2-logstream

    A Magento 2 module to redirect all logs to StdOut, ideal for dockerized environments.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 7 file_download
  • cleatsquad/magento2-prestashop-migration-tools

    Migration Tool from prestashop to Magento 2

    • PHP
    • migration
    • prestashop
    • magento2
    new_releases1.0.0 11 star 4 file_download
  • clevercomms/magento2-slick-slider-options

    Add new options for the Slick configuration in the Page Builder Slider. Extended from svdevelopments/slider-options

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 51 file_download
  • cleverzoeger/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • click4assistance/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • clickpay/magento_v4

    3rd party payment gateway

    • PHP
    new_releases3.9.2 2 star 103 file_download
  • cloudfilt/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • cloverly/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • clutch/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • cminds/module-multiuseraccounts

    This handles the Multi User Accounts

    • PHP
    new_releases1.1.21 0 star 728 file_download
  • cnankit/import-customer


    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.3 0 star 3 file_download
  • co-well/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • cocote/feed

    Magento 2 module creating xml feed file for site

    • PHP
    new_releases1.2.0 1 star 1 file_download
  • code-lands/magento-microsoft-clarity

    Tracking Users with microsoft clarity

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • code-lands/module-sms-notification

    Send SMS notification

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • code007/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • codebaby/email

    General purpose email sending module

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 1 star 8 file_download
  • codebaby/product-ean-attribute

    Ean Attribute for Products

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 10 file_download
  • codecave/magento2-ean


    • HTML
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 5 file_download
  • codedecorator/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • codeko/magento2-redsys

    Magento 2 Redsys virtual POS extension

    • PHP
    new_releases3.0.6 6 star 2.997 file_download
  • codepeak/magento2-module-movecurrency

    Move currency to the right

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 248 file_download
  • coderkube/brand

    coderkube technologies.

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0.1 0 star 143 file_download
  • coderkube/deleteorders

    Use for delete order.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.2 0 star 10 file_download
  • coderkube/featuredproduct

    coderkube technologies.

    • HTML
    new_releases1.0.1 0 star 465 file_download
  • coderkube/team

    coderkube technologies.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.1 0 star 303 file_download
  • coderkube/testimonials

    coderkube coderkube.

    • JavaScript
    new_releases100.0.2 0 star 33 file_download
  • codever/magento-scaffolder

    A tool to generate new Magento2 modules and themes from CLI

    • PHP
    • generator
    • php
    • theme
    • module
    • developer
    • scaffolding
    • magento
    • develop
    • magento2
    • developing
    • scaffolder
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 2 file_download
  • codeway/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • codextblog/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • codilar/cli-process-management

    A magento extension to allow Magento admins to execute certain CLI commands

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • codilar/gst

    Magento 2 GST Extension for India

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.5 5 star 351 file_download
  • codilar/magento2-mail_tracker

    Track all your promotional as well as transactional emails sent from your Magento platform. You'll get to know when each of the emails were sent, and also when they were opened by the customer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 5 star 12 file_download
  • codilyatechnologies/magento2-module-core

    Core module for Codilya Magento2 modules

    • PHP
    • magento 2
    • Codilya Core
    new_releases1.0.2 0 star 58 file_download
  • codingdaniel/magento2-order-tracking-notification

    Notifies customers when tracking information is added to their orders

    • PHP
    • github
    • magento
    • order management
    • order tracking
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 2 file_download
  • cognical/module-katapult-gateway-23

    Payment method Katapult Payment for Magento 2.3.x

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • coinbase/coinbase-commerce-magento

    Coinbase Commerce Api integration for Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 6 star 546 file_download
  • coinqvest/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • cointopay/paymentgateway

    Crypto currency payments

    • PHP
    new_releases100.3.7 0 star 229 file_download
  • collab/module-customer-passwordless-login

    A Magento 2 module which provides service to allow customers to login without a password

    • PHP
    • magento
    • magento2
    • oauth service
    • login without password
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 21 file_download
  • collab/module-facebook-login

    Magento 2 module which provides ability to login using Facebook

    • PHP
    • magento
    • Facebook login
    • magento2
    • social login button
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 18 file_download
  • collab/module-jquery-passive-listeners-page-speed

    Simple Magento 2 module which provides jQuery mixin with passive event listeners to improve PageSpeed score.

    • JavaScript
    • magento
    • magento2
    • magento 2 pagespeed
    • pagespeed passive listeners
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 5 file_download
  • collab/module-quicklink

    Faster subsequent page-loads by prefetching or prerendering in-viewport links during idle time.

    • PHP
    • PageSpeed
    • magento
    • magento2
    • prefetch
    • quicklink
    new_releases1.0.0 3 star 86 file_download
  • collab/module-recaptcha-page-speed-improvement

    Simple Magento 2 mixin to improve page speed by loading Google's reCaptcha only after first user interaction.

    • JavaScript
    • magento
    • magento2
    • magento 2 pagespeed
    • recaptcha pagespeed
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 21 file_download
  • collab/module-speculation-rules

    Magento 2 module which adds support for Speculation Rules API for instant page loads.

    • PHP
    • magento
    • magento2
    • magento 2 pagespeed
    • speculation rules
    new_releases1.0.0 4 star 200 file_download
  • commerceextensions/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • commerceleague/magento2-module-activecampaign


    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 3 star 974 file_download
  • commercelink/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • commercient/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • commercy/module-improved-indexer

    Optimizations and Improvements for the Magento 2 indexer.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 9 star 573 file_download
  • communitycommerce/module-charity

    A Magento 2 module donate the some amount to charity to some foundation.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.3 0 star 19 file_download
  • compactcode/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • compensate/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • comsma/remoteimageurl

    Allows Magento to use Remote Images via remote_image_url

    • HTML
    new_releases1.0.2 0 star 17 file_download
  • comunicart/magento2-doofinder

    CSV generation for Doofinder.

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.0 0 star 135 file_download
  • comunicart/magento2-minicartaddedproduct

    Display minicart after adding a product to cart.

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.0 0 star 39 file_download
  • concentrix/module-corporate-group

    Corporate Group Module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 5 file_download
  • concept-labs/

    Mtr m2 dev

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • condelab/magento2-nigeriaregions

    Regions of Nigeria for Magento2.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 6 file_download
  • configwise/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • connectify/increase-webapi-rate-limit

    Increases the Magento 2 API Rate limit to 1000

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 7 file_download
  • constantinoricardo/catalog-search-shipping

    Show shipping methos

    • PHP
    new_releases1.5 0 star 3 file_download
  • contentorab/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • controlaltdelete/swatches-sku

    • JavaScript
    new_releasesv1.0.0 4 star 184 file_download
  • convertedin/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • coolcodders/module-base

    Base module for Cool Codders Magento 2 extensions

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 72 file_download
  • coreshopsolutions/pimcore-connector

    Magento extension to enable certain API endpoints on Magento for Pimcore

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • coreway/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • corvus_pay/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • cosmiclens/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • cozmot/module-chatgpt

    Magento 2 ChatGPT Generator Extension

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • cozmot/module-customvariableapi

    Magento 2 Custom Variable Api Extension

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • crazycat/module-magento2-forms

    Customized forms management for Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.1 1 star 0 file_download
  • creationlabs/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • creativestyle/brand-management-extension

    Brand Management extension

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 87 file_download
  • creativestyle/category-hero-extension

    Hero product for the category pages

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 106 file_download
  • creativestyle/content-constructor-admin-extension

    Content Constructor Admin Magento 2 Extension

    • CSS
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 93 file_download
  • creativestyle/content-constructor-asset-extension

    Content Constructor Asset Provider

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 90 file_download
  • creativestyle/content-constructor-category-page-extension

    Content Constructor cateogry page extension

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 64 file_download
  • creativestyle/content-constructor-frontend-extension

    Content Constructor Frontend Magento 2 Extension

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 92 file_download
  • creativestyle/daily-deal-extension

    Daily deal extension

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 87 file_download
  • creativestyle/frontend-extension

    Creativestyle Frontend Magento 2 Extension

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 85 file_download
  • creativestyle/js-translation-fix-extension

    Fixes JS translation gathering for minified assets

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 116 file_download
  • creativestyle/magesuite-base-url-code

    Base Url Code

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 83 file_download
  • creativestyle/magesuite-bulk-goods-payone

    Bulk Goods integration form Payone payment

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • creativestyle/magesuite-buybox-related-products

    • HTML
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 481 file_download
  • creativestyle/magesuite-customer-export

    Customer Export

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 50 file_download
  • creativestyle/magesuite-datafeedmanager-addons

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • creativestyle/magesuite-email-logger

    Email Logger

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • creativestyle/magesuite-in-store-pickup-payment

    Payment method for in store pickup

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 7 file_download
  • creativestyle/magesuite-instant-purchase-server-side-ga

    Integration of instant-purchase with server-side-google-analytics module

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 12 file_download
  • creativestyle/magesuite-product-image-alt-tag-importer

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • creativestyle/magesuite-pwa-instant-purchase

    The module extends magesuite-pwa module with instant-purchase feature support

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 695 file_download
  • creativestyle/magesuite-report-file-cleaner

    The module for cleaning report files

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 917 file_download
  • creativestyle/magesuite-sample-import

    Sample import implementation

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • creativestyle/magesuite-seo-hreflang-url-translation

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 463 file_download
  • creativestyle/magesuite-tfa-do-not-force-all-providers

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 5.589 file_download
  • creativestyle/pager-extension

    Creativestyle Pager Extension

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 106 file_download
  • creativestyle/product-bestsellers-ranking-extension

    Product Bestsellers Ranking Extension

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 86 file_download
  • creativestyle/product-positive-indicators-extension

    Product positive indicators extension

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 87 file_download
  • creatuity/magento-2-cors-requests

    Enabling cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) requests to Magento 2 API from configured Origin domain

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1.329 file_download
  • creatuity/magento2-rich-pins

    Pinterest Rich Product Pins module for Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 5 star 3.574 file_download
  • creatuity/module-pageoptimizer

    Page DOM Optimizer for better page speeds

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 1.018 file_download
  • credevlabz/magento2-directory-indian-states

    Add Indian states in checkout form dropdown list in Magento2.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 38 file_download
  • credit_key/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • crediuspay/payment-gateway

    Magento 2.x personal loans integration via Credius PAY.

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.0 0 star 7.862 file_download
  • crimson-agility/module-products-range


    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • cristiano-pacheco/module-base

    Cristiano Pacheco Magento 2 Base Module

    • PHP
    • magento2
    • magento 2 module
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 197 file_download
  • cryptom2/currency-precision

    Auxiliary module to handle currency precision for crypto currencies

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 1 star 32 file_download
  • cryptom2/magento-crypto-currency

    Crypto Currency for Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 3 file_download
  • cryptom2/magento-crypto-payment

    Extension allows to receive crypto payments in USDT/USDC and native crypto currencies with Metamask wallet

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 1 star 3 file_download
  • cryptom2/magento-custom-currency

    Custom Currency for Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 3 file_download
  • cryptom2/magento-nftloyalty

    Magento 2 NFT Loyalty extension that allows to use NFT token as 'Discount Card' for implementing NFT Loyalty Programs.

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 5 star 3 file_download
  • cti-digital/inventory-import

    Simple inventory stock import

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • ctidigital/module-catalogjs

    Adds models that are triggered when a customer selects options on the product page.

    • JavaScript
    • magento 2
    new_releases1.0.3 2 star 3.236 file_download
  • curalate/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • cuspay/exetension

    Testing module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 5 file_download
  • customdol/productlist

    A Magento 2 module that creates a new page

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 4 file_download
  • customrock/productlist

    Magento 2 - creates a new page

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 2 file_download
  • cvdeveloper/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • cybage/cod-extracharge

    Module to add extra charge on COD payment method

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2.602 file_download
  • cybage/storepickup

    An extension to add option for store pickup shipping method on checkout page by Cybage

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 21 file_download
  • cyber_infrastructure/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • cyberhull/magento2-module-cybercache

    Generic and page cache backend using CyberCache Cluster

    • PHP
    new_releases1.3.0 0 star 14 file_download
  • cynoinfotech/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • dadolun95/magento2-category-import

    Category Import by csv module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 5 star 4 file_download
  • dadolun95/magento2-hreflang

    This extension adds the alternate hreflang tag for: Cms pages, products and categories.

    • PHP
    • php
    • seo
    • magento
    • magento2
    • hreflang
    new_releases1.0.0 3 star 108 file_download
  • daipham31/magento-2-splitdb

    Test module for Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 7 file_download
  • daisycon/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • dalibor/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • damconsultants/widen

    DamConsultants provide Acquia Dam for Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4.537 file_download
  • damcou/algoliasearch-magento2-demo-banner

    Demo module to add banner on instantsearch result pages

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 1 file_download
  • dan0sz/topmenu-products-magento2

    Easily add products to Magento 2's topmenu, instead of just categories.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 6 star 3 file_download
  • dani97/blackfire-graph-ql

    Magento 2 GraphQl Blackfire Profiler Helper. Note: Not meant for production

    • PHP
    • magento
    • magento 2
    • graphql
    • blackfire
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 34 file_download
  • daniloaldm/module-hreflang

    Identify Store Lang by Id

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 4 star 1 file_download
  • daniloaldm/uncancelorder

    Genmato Magento2 Extension Un-Cancel Order

    • PHP
    • order
    • magento2
    • genmato
    • un-cancel
    new_releasesv1.0.0 1 star 692 file_download
  • danmarcrm/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • dannegwork/attribute-of-type-select-graphql-magento2

    GraphQL plugin that accesses custom attributes. To be used on Magento2.4.* setup

    • PHP
    • magento2
    • graphql
    • danneg
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 26 file_download
  • danslo/magento2-module-protected-interceptors

    Allows you to create Magento 2 plugins for protected methods.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 17 star 3.198 file_download
  • dapl/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • dart/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • darvishani/cache-cleaner

    it clean magento invalidate cache

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 8 file_download
  • darvishani/module-zoom

    darvishani zoom module

    • HTML
    new_releasesv1.0.0 1 star 184 file_download
  • daseraf/magento2-debug-creatuity

    Compatibility module for creatuity/magento2-interceptors

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • data8/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • davay/module-snowflakes

    Magento2 module that will add magic-snowflakes to your store

    • PHP
    • module
    • magento2
    • snowflakes
    • magic-snowflakes
    new_releases1.0.0 3 star 24 file_download
  • davidandvinai/module-preferencesinfocommand

    Magento 2 bin/magento command to display configured preferences for classes or interfaces

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 14 star 173 file_download
  • davidverholen/cms

    CMS Base Elements

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 786 file_download
  • dawnwing/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • dckap/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • decimadigital/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • decimal/decimal-magento2-plugin

    Decimal - Decimal Payment Method

    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 14 file_download
  • decred/decred-magento-plugin

    • PHP
    • crypto
    • bitcoin
    • payment method
    • magento2
    • decred
    • dcr
    new_releases1.0.0 4 star 5 file_download
  • decryptweb/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • deepak-neo/storelocator-algoliasearch-custom-algolia-magento-2

    Store Locator module to extend Algolia Magento 2 extension

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • deki/magento-2-core

    magento 2 core module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 65 file_download
  • deki/magento-2-flash-sale

    Magento 2 Flash sale module

    • PHP
    • magento
    • magento 2
    • magento 2 module
    • magento 2 extension
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 2 file_download
  • delta-media/base

    Base Module von Delta Media

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • deltra/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • derfuchs/magento2-morelayouthandles

    Add some more useful layout handles to Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • descom-es/magento-class-brand

    Module for Magento2 add brand to the body class.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 245 file_download
  • designnbuy/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • deuna/magento-deuna-now

    DEUNA NOW for Magento

    • PHP
    • payment
    • gateway
    new_releasesv0.0.1-alpha 1 star 26 file_download
  • dev9ts9/dev9ts9

    Dev9 Ts9 Demo

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • devawesome/module-base

    Magento 2 : DevAwesome base module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 14 file_download
  • devawesome/module-breadcrumbs

    This is a magento 2 module which resolved PDP breadcrumbs issue when there is custom menu implementation.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • devawesome/module-sizechart

    Magento 2 : Size Chart module for 2.4 or greater versions

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 13 file_download
  • develodesign/magento-module-pagebuilder-lazyload-images

    Uses the modern browser loading="lazy" attribute on images added via page builder. Can be turned on and off per image as needed.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0 12 star 19.100 file_download
  • develodesign/module-cloudinaryimageproductoption

    Adds new product option that uses Cloudinary to upload image.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 4 star 3 file_download
  • developersalliance/module-base

    Developers-alliance's Base Module

    • Less
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 705 file_download
  • devgfnl/magento2-pixqrcode-graph-ql

    This Magento 2 module adds support for GraphQL queries related to Pix QR Code payments.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • devgfnl/module-page-builder-footer

    A module for Magento 2 that adds a new content type to enable easy creation of footers using Page Builder.

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 7 file_download
  • devhub/address-auto-complete

    By using this extension customers can get address auto complete suggestions while filling their billing or shipping address on different places.

    • HTML
    new_releases1.0.1 0 star 5 file_download
  • devhub/auto-cache-flush

    Magento 2 Auto Cache Flush Extension

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.2 0 star 2 file_download
  • devhub/bypass-two-factorauth

    Using the Bypass Two Factor Auth, the store manager can disable the 2FA authorization for specific admin users chosen from the magento backend.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.4 0 star 37 file_download
  • devhub/color-order-customer-grid

    Makes the Sales Orders grid and Customer grid colorful.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 5 file_download
  • devhub/core

    • Less
    new_releases1.0.2 0 star 50 file_download
  • devhub/delete-order

    Delete Order extension for Magento 2 has been developed by the product team at PHP Studios.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.2 0 star 4 file_download
  • devhub/hero-banner-slider

    Adds a banners slider on Home Page.

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • devhub/order-details

    DeveloperHub Order Details Module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.4 0 star 1 file_download
  • devhub/order-note

    Sends an order message/note to the vendor

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.2 0 star 6 file_download
  • devhub/product-custom-tabs

    Add Custom Tabs to products

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • devhub/product-label

    By using this extension, vendor(s) will be able to add ribbon(s) on the products to attract customer(s).

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • devhub/quick-ajax-login

    Using the quick ajax login extension, the store manager can let the customers signup & login easily using a popup.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.3 0 star 1 file_download
  • devhub/reindex

    Indexer reindex from backend

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • devhub/share-cart

    Using this extension, the customers can share his cart with his friends and they can add that items to cart on single click.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • devhub/top-banner

    Adds a Banner on top of every page to show campaigns, alerts etc.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.1 0 star 1 file_download
  • devhub/url-rewrite-pro

    By using this extension, vendor(s) will be able to generate URL rewrites for Products, Categories and Stores.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • devision/some-useful-module


    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • devstone/module-imagequality

    Add Improved image quality controls to magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 8 star 1.563 file_download
  • devtomic/magento2-module-messages

    The Messages module allows you to send success, notice, warning and error messages with HTML.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 4 star 16 file_download
  • devtomic/magento2-module-ordergrid

    The Order Grid module adds more details to the order grid in the admin.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 8 star 342 file_download
  • dexamage/dexa-indexer

    Reindex from Backend

    • PHP
    • indexer
    • magento 2
    • reindex from backend
    new_releases213.1.1 2 star 7 file_download
  • dexamage/dexa-warmer

    Magento 2 Cache Warmer

    • PHP
    • cache
    • perfomance
    • magento 2
    • warmer
    new_releases214.1.2 2 star 7 file_download
  • dgtera/magento-module-clubhouse

    DGTERA Magento2 module clubhouse

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • dgtera/magento2-module-clubhouse

    DGTERA Magento2 module clubhouse

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • dhairvi/module-iso3166

    ISO 3166-1 Data for Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • dhruvi/module-hello-world

    Custom Product Rule Page

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.1 0 star 1 file_download
  • dhs-services/composertest

    Test Package a component

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.1 0 star 1 file_download
  • dhsservices/licensedistributionmodule

    Test License and Distribution

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.1 0 star 2 file_download
  • dialoginsight/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • diazwatson/delivery-messages

    Magento2 Module, lets specify products that are to be delivered next day

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • didomi/module-consent-management

    Didomi - Consent Management for Magento 2

    • PHP
    • management
    • cookies
    • cookie
    • consent
    • gdpr
    • rgpd
    • didomi
    new_releases100.0.0 1 star 4.220 file_download
  • diepxuan/meta-for-magento2

    Facebook Business Extension for Magento 2

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.4.6 0 star 2 file_download
  • diepxuan/module-banner

    Banner in pages for Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 1 file_download
  • diepxuan/module-dbunsupport

    Override Module to allow MariaDB 10.5 to 10.9 support for development

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 0 file_download
  • diepxuan/module-landing

    Landing page in category for Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 2 file_download
  • digg-ecard/diggecard-klarna-integration

    A Magento 2 module that allow to work Diggecard with Klarna Checkout

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 51 file_download
  • digg-ecard/diggecard-klarna-payments-integration

    A Magento 2 module that allow to work Diggecard with Klarna Payments methods

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 142 file_download
  • digitalperception/catalog-graph-ql

    This module is an extension of module-catalog-graph-ql of magento-2.4

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • digitalpianism/changepassword

    A small module to be able to change customer password via the console in Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 18 star 195 file_download
  • digitalriver/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • diglin/module-username

    Real Username support for Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.0-beta 11 star 70 file_download
  • digtective/magento-digger-connector

    • PHP
    new_releases1.1.5 0 star 0 file_download
  • dinarys/core

    Dinarys core tab for Magento 2 admin panel

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 119 file_download
  • dipu/m-logger

    Simplified Magento2 Log System

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • direct7networks/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • disable-new/customer-store

    Magento2 module

    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • discount-rule/free-credit

    Magento2 module

    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • 00f100/producthome

    Módulo Magento para adicionar um produto em destaque na homepage

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • 052b-interactive-agency/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 8 file_download
  • 1o/magento-bridge-module

    Magento module for Katalys Integration

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 33 file_download
  • 247xtensions/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 5 file_download
  • 28software/module-seo

    SEO Module for Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 38 file_download
  • 3rdvision/ripe-bridge-magento

    Customisation and Made-to-Order for your business

    • JavaScript
    • Bridge
    • magento 2
    • platforme
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • aatiflko/magento-2-robots-meta-tag

    Magento 2 Robots Meta Tag Extension

    • PHP
    • module
    • extension
    • magento
    • magento2 module
    • magento 2 module
    • magento 2 extension
    • magento2 extension
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • aatiflko/robots-meta-tag

    Magento 2 Robots Meta Tag Extension

    • PHP
    • module
    • extension
    • magento
    • magento2 module
    • magento 2 module
    • magento 2 extension
    • magento 2 seo
    • magento2 extension
    • magento 2 robots meta tag
    • magento 2 robots
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • aba-bank/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • abdulrhman-sobhy-alsayed/magento-pocket-up-integration

    integration between any magento2 system and Pocket-Up sytem

    • PHP
    • integration
    • magento
    • magento 2
    • pocket-up
    • magento2-extention
    new_releases0.2.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • aberti/magento2-cleverreach

    CleverReach® extension offers synchronization of your newsletter subscribers and customers with CleverReach® subscription groups.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.1.1 0 star 15 file_download
  • aboelnoor/popcart

    Magento 2 auto popup minicart after add to cart action

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 14 file_download
  • abovo/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 5 file_download
  • absolute_design/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • abzertech/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • accelx_dbl/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • accmq/module-canadapost


    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • accmq/module-redirect


    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 12 file_download
  • accuratetax/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • aceextensions/module-onestepcheckout


    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 34 file_download
  • aceextensions/module-orderdeliverydate

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • acesofspades/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • acmewidgets/module-productpromoter

    Sample Magento 2 module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 5 file_download
  • acodesh/m2-acodesh-backend

    Acodesh Backend Module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 9 file_download
  • activeants/magento2-byteapifix

    Module to fix the missing Authorization header under PHP in CGI mode.

    • cgi
    • byte
    • magento2
    • PHPCGI
    • ActiveAnts
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 18 file_download
  • activeants/magento2-postcodevalidator

    A minor enhancement to the postcode validator for Dutch postcodes

    • validator
    • postcode
    • magento2
    • Dutch
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 153 file_download
  • activeants/magento2-tierpricingpercentagefix

    A minor fix to show the correct percentage for tier pricing on product pages

    • fix
    • percentage
    • magento2
    • ActiveAnts
    • tierpricing
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • activedemand/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • actiview/magento2-catalog-search-spam-filter

    Magento 2 honeypot spam prevention

    • PHP
    • spam
    • magento2
    new_releases0.1 1 star 112 file_download
  • activo/module-searchrefinement

    Magento 2.x Search Refinement

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 18 file_download
  • adammagestore/module-student


    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 17 file_download
  • adapttive/advance-grid

    Module for Magento2 provides enhanced ui grid with refresh and conditional filters.

    • HTML
    new_releases1.0.0 15 star 14 file_download
  • adapttive/module-catalog

    Module for Magento2 provides the feature to manage the product release.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 1 file_download
  • adarsh/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • adcell/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • addonworks/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • addresswise/addresswise

    Addresswise Extension

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 7 file_download
  • addshoppers/magento2-connector

    AddShoppers - Magento 2 Module Connector

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.1 0 star 16.577 file_download
  • addthis/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • addwish/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • adeelq/magento2-core-config-data-viewer

    A module which adds grid in admin backOffice for Magento core_config_data table.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • adeelq/magento2-core-cron-schedule-viewer

    A module which adds grid in admin backOffice for Magento cron_schedule table.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • adeelq/magento2-customer-statistics

    A module which adds grid in Magento admin backOffice for viewing customer lifetime statistics.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • adeelq/magento2-list-installed-modules

    A module which adds grid in admin backOffice showing all installed modules in the system.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 11 file_download
  • adeelq/magento2-log-viewer-downloader

    A module that shows list of all log files. User can view the logs file in the viewer as well as download it.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 4 file_download
  • adexos/fixcustomercivility

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • adexos/graphqlcors

    Allows asynchronous requests with Magento2 graphql

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 733 file_download
  • adfix/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • adithyan/customerimport

    Import customer data using csv of json file

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • adn-magento/etl

    Adn Magento ETL

    • PHP
    • import
    • export
    • magento
    • etl
    • adn
    new_releases100.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • adorncommerce/loginwithmobile

    Customer can login with mobile number

    • HTML
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 6 file_download
  • adorncommerce/module-core


    • CSS
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 59 file_download
  • adriano/teste


    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 1 file_download
  • adroll123123124/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • adscale/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • advocodo/module-cart-quantity-multiple

    Only allows checkout when cart contents are multiple of X.

    • PHP
    • php
    • cart
    • checkout
    • multiple
    • magento
    • magento2
    new_releases1.0.0 4 star 2 file_download
  • adyen/module-hyva-checkout

    Adyen Integration with Hyva Checkout

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0-rc1 5 star 51 file_download
  • afone/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • after-order/complete

    This module update the order status

    • Hack
    new_releases1.0.7 0 star 7 file_download
  • agileinfoways/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • agoris/module-popup-last-add-product-to-cart

    Module Magento 2 (Agoris_PopupLastAddProductToCart)

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 3 star 753 file_download
  • agranjeon/magento2-faker

    Faker module for Magento2

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 3 star 4 file_download
  • aheadgroups/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • aheadworks/module-buildify


    • PHP
    new_releases1.2.1 0 star 39 file_download
  • aheadworks/module-buildify-mobile-addon


    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 22 file_download
  • ahmedqualitapps/magento-module

    magento module

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 3 file_download
  • aimes/module-address-attributes-sort-order

    Allows re-ordering of checkout field from the customer address attribute admin management form.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 83 file_download
  • aimes/module-native-experience

    Aimes to provide a more native-like experience for mobile users and generally an improved experience overall

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 3 star 1 file_download
  • aimes/module-voice-search

    Add voice search functionality to Magento 2 global search

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0.0 4 star 3 file_download
  • aimsinfosoft/base

    Aimsinfosoft Base

    • PHP
    new_releases1.1.0 0 star 7 file_download
  • aimsinfosoft/module-base

    Aimsinfosoft Base

    • PHP
    new_releases1.1.0 0 star 298 file_download
  • airmee/magento-2-module

    Airmee Magento 2 Shipping Module

    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • aissyass/magento2-jobs

    Magento 2 Jobs

    • PHP
    • magento
    • jobs
    • department
    • magento 2
    • magento extension
    • magento module
    • magento module free
    • magento extension free
    new_releases2.0.0 1 star 1 file_download
  • akshaybadhe/new-bot-test

    Cense can help Online Ecommerce Stores Owners in Capturing Leads and Provide Excellent Customer Support on your Ecommerce Store using Conversational AI.

    • PHP
    • Cense-AI
    • Cense-Chatbot
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • alaa/magento2-custom-mail

    Magento2 Custom Mail

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 18 file_download
  • alaa/magento2-dynamic-front-name

    Magento 2 Dynamic Front Name

    • PHP
    • magento2
    • Admin Front Name
    • Backend Front Name
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • alaa/magento2-input-validation

    Magento2 Rv Input Validation Based on Respect Validation

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 16 file_download
  • alaa/magento2-store-config

    Magento 2 Store Configuration Setup

    • PHP
    • magento 2
    • Magento 2 Store
    • Magento 2 Store Configuration
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • alaa/magento2-table-query

    Magento 2 Table Query

    • PHP
    • magento
    • magento 2
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • alankent/module-show-application-state

    Example using 'areas' - displays application state including a list of loaded modules

    • PHP
    new_releases0.2.0 2 star 4 file_download
  • albedo/module-newsletter-api

    REST API Layer for Magento Newsletter module.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 7 star 9.669 file_download
  • albertshen/magento-module-webapi


    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.1 0 star 10 file_download
  • alcyonesi/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • aleksli/module-account-confirmation-email-fix

    Fix for Magento 2 issue #13044

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • alex-developer/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • alexander-danilenko/magento2-outdatedbrowser

    Magento2 module that prevents site for being viewed in Internet Explorer.

    • CSS
    new_releases0.1 0 star 1.230 file_download
  • alexchentinsoldier/magento-2-module

    Alex Chen test component

    • PHP
    • magento 2 extension
    • Magento 2 sample module
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • alexeyyermakov/contact-us


    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • alexvergara/alpaca-test-components

    M2Challenge Alex Test components (Alpaca)

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 5 file_download
  • algolia/algoliasearch-magento-2-es-compatibility

    Algolia Search ES Compatibility module for Magento >=2.3.1|>=2.2.8 and Algolia Search >=1.12 extension

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 28.205 file_download
  • alias/base

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 8 file_download
  • aligent/magento2-introspection-auth

    Restricts introspection GraphQL queries to authorised users

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 740 file_download
  • aliuosio/customerorderstatus

    Changes the status of an order depending on the E-Mail Confirmation status

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 5 file_download
  • aliwsolutions/magento2-minicart

    Magento 2 MiniCart Extension

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.2 0 star 3 file_download
  • allegro_consultants/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • alphaserve/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • alps/customerservice

    Magento 2 Customer-service module

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.1 1 star 5 file_download
  • alps/kiyoh

    Magento 2 Kiyoh review module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.1 1 star 6 file_download
  • altapay/magento2-fooman

    Fooman extension with Altapay integration

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • altayerins/module-customcatalog

    This module is created for assignment purposes for Altayer Insignia.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 5 file_download
  • altima/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • altmedia/sms

    Magento 2 SMS order notifications

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 27 file_download
  • alvis/magento2-core

    Wrapper to contain all module installations.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2.590 file_download
  • alvis/magento2-social

    Social media.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 12 file_download
  • alvis/magento2-twitter

    Twitter feed.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 5 star 2.307 file_download
  • amage/module-cms

    Import CMS Blocks and Pages

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 2.142 file_download
  • amage/module-sitemap

    Add/Remove custom urls from sitempa

    • HTML
    new_releasesv1.0.0 3 star 2 file_download
  • amanweb/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • amasty-extended/store-credit

    APIs related to amasty store credit.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.1 0 star 974 file_download
  • amasty/fbreview

    Amasty Facebook Review

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.5 0 star 3.679 file_download
  • amasty/module-mage-2.4.5-fix

    Fix Product Collection Changes issue in Magento 2.4.5 by Amasty

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.2 6 star 44.840 file_download
  • amastytranslations/module-checkout

    new_releasesv1.0.1 0 star 32 file_download
  • amastytranslations/module-gdpr

    new_releasesv1.0.1 0 star 372 file_download
  • amastytranslations/module-shopby

    new_releasesv1.0.1 0 star 329 file_download
  • ambab/module-couponerrormessage

    Coupon Error Message extension

    • PHP
    • magento 2
    • ambab
    • custom error message
    • coupon error message
    • custom coupon error message
    new_releases1.0.0 5 star 10.031 file_download
  • ambab/module-couponlist

    Coupon Listing extension

    • PHP
    • magento 2
    • ambab
    • coupon list
    • coupon listing
    • coupon listing on cart page
    new_releases1.0.0 5 star 746 file_download
  • ambab/module-slidingcart

    Sliding cart extension

    • JavaScript
    • magento 2
    • ambab
    • sliding cart
    • slide minicart
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 2.910 file_download
  • ambab/module-storeorderprefix

    • PHP
    • store
    • magento 2
    • ambab
    • Order Prefix
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2.892 file_download
  • ambientinfotech/ambient-paytabsexpress

    A Magento 2 module of customized paytab extension.

    • PHP
    new_releases2.1.0 0 star 5 file_download
  • ambientinfotechpvtltd/payfort

    Use Ambient Payfort module to have access to Payfort payment methods.

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • ameex/core

    Ameex core module

    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 14 file_download
  • ameeya/m2-module-core

    Ameeya Core for all our Magento 2 modules

    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 18 file_download
  • amelaraby/magento-2-mageplaza-banner-slider-api

    An extension for Magento 2 Mageplaza BannerSlider extension which expose an APIs to fetch slider and banners data

    • PHP
    • magento 2
    • Banner Slider
    • magento 2 banner slider
    • magento 2 banner slider api
    • slider api
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 14 file_download
  • amfdev/amfreview

    A Magento 2.3.x extension of Magento's Review module. Allows all reviews for a product to be shown regardless of which website or store the review was placed. Allows reviews to be automatically approved and published.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • amici/magento-core

    This is Amici Infotech core structure module for magento2.

    • PHP
    • core
    • magento2
    • amici
    • amici infotech
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 32 file_download
  • amici/super-banner-slider

    Super Banner slider allows user to add slider to magento pages

    • PHP
    • banner
    • magento
    • image slider
    • slider
    • magento2
    • magento 2
    • Banner Slider
    • hyva
    • bannerslider
    • hyva banner slider
    • hyva banner
    • hyva slider
    • hyva image slider
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 31 file_download
  • amzn/amazon-pay-magento-2-alexa-plugin

    Official Magento2 Plugin to integrate with Amazon Pay Alexa

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.1 4 star 1.249 file_download
  • andrew-stepanchuk/dynamic-recaptcha

    Allow to load reCaptcha resources dynamicaly on form focus

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • andyworkbase/base-seo-changes

    Base SEO Changes

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 318 file_download
  • andyworkbase/faq

    Category FAQ

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 444 file_download
  • anee/shopfinder

    Magento2 Shopfiner module to add shop list and search shop near to customer.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 35 file_download
  • angeldm/magento2-command-cleanner

    magento 2 module to clean directories pub and var

    • PHP
    • magento
    • composer-installer
    • magento 2
    • Angeldm
    new_releasesv2.0.0 0 star 9 file_download
  • angeldm/magento2-debug

    Magento 2 debug module based on Magento 1 Profiler with some extra features.

    • PHP
    new_releasesv2.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • ankit-root/greenwing

    A Magento 2 module that creates a new page

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 8 file_download
  • ankitdev/module-po-number

    Add a po number to Magento 2 checkout on the first step

    • HTML
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • ankitdev/module-request-invoice

    Customer can request for invoice after place an order.

    • HTML
    • magento2
    • request invoice
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • ankith-codilar/relymagento2

    Integration of Rely Payment Gateway

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 1 file_download
  • ankith/codilar-core

    Module Core

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.3 0 star 15 file_download
  • ankithg04/codilar-core

    Module Core

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.3 0 star 2 file_download
  • anktech/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • ankurvr/simple-composer-repo

    Simple Composer Repo

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 3 file_download
  • annanowgroup/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • anyhow/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • divalto/customer

    this module manage customer and order (Api,WS)

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 28 file_download
  • divalto/extraprice

    This module displays extra price

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 13 file_download
  • divante-ltd/magento2-gtm

    Google Tag Manager module for Magento 2

    • PHP
    • gtm
    • Google Tag Manager
    • magento 2
    • divante
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 32 file_download
  • divyasunarc/demo

    Demo extension for package

    • PHP
    • magento-2
    • demo-extension
    • magento-demo
    • divya rawat
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • divyasunarc/helloworld

    Demo extension for package

    • PHP
    • magento-2
    • demo-extension
    • divya rawat
    • magento-helloworld
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • dized/module-front-acl-sample

    Sample module for the DiZed Magento 2 Front ACL Module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • dized/module-wishlist-guest

    Additional Wishlist functionality for the Magento 2 project

    • PHP
    • module
    • url
    • magento
    • wishlist
    • share
    • guest
    • dized
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 10 file_download
  • dlambauer/magento2-module-backend-widget-imageupload

    Simply add Image to your Widget

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 23 star 31.391 file_download
  • dmc/m2-module-base

    Base module for otehr DMC extensions

    • PHP
    • magento2
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 96 file_download
  • dmitrykazak/magento2-custom-option-default-value

    This extension will allow you to set the default of product custom options for Magento 2

    • PHP
    • default value
    • magento
    • magento 2
    • magento2-extension
    • custom options
    new_releases1.0.0 12 star 378 file_download
  • dmtq/module-faq

    A simple FAQ module. Insert the FAQ widget into the CMS page.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 3 star 3 file_download
  • dmtq/module-gift-receipt

    The gift receipt feature in Magento 2 allows customers to choose whether they need a shopping receipt or not.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 3 file_download
  • dmtq/module-layered-breadcrumbs

    Magento2 product hierarchy breadcrumbs and structured breadcrumb data.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 6 file_download
  • dnafactory/module-check-virtual-product


    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 581 file_download
  • dnd/offer-manager

    This module allows the creation of marketing offers that display on the frontend

    • PHP
    new_releases1.1.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • dnmrk/magento2-module-sentimate

    The Sentimate module runs setiment analysis on review & more!.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 1 file_download
  • docent-soft/first


    • PHP
    new_releases104.0.1 0 star 1 file_download
  • dominicwatts/addtocart

    Magento 2 Add to cart helper - just drop in and go - avoid template block inheritance issues

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 0 file_download
  • dominicwatts/cleancategoryurl

    Layered navigation category URLs to go to child category instead of applying filter - cleaner URLs

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 2 file_download
  • dominicwatts/cmsmetafield

    Magento 2 additional meta field for CMS pages

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • dominicwatts/consolelock

    Lock console command

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • dominicwatts/contacttodb

    Magento 2 plugin to store contact us form submission to database

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 1 file_download
  • dominicwatts/fishpigwordpresswidget

    Widgets to pull content from Wordpress via Fishpig extension

    • HTML
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • dominicwatts/googleecommercetracking

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • dominicwatts/hidecachewarning

    Hide admin One or more of the Cache Types are invalidated warning

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 0 file_download
  • dominicwatts/invalidcustomeraddressid

    Invalid customer address id # QuoteAddressValidator

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 1.470 file_download
  • dominicwatts/lightweight404

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • dominicwatts/markerio

    Add header snippet to Magento 2 store

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 187 file_download
  • dominicwatts/multistatusfilter

    Filter admin order grid by multiple statuses

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 0 file_download
  • dominicwatts/nowelcomeemail

    No welcome email

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • dominicwatts/plusminusquantity

    Plus and Minus quantity on product page and minicart

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0.0 9 star 3.271 file_download
  • dominicwatts/reviewreminder

    Send email to remind customers to review products

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.3 1 star 0 file_download
  • dominicwatts/simplecollection

    Simple collection shipping method with dedicated order email template

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • dominicwatts/snippets

    Pixie media placeholder for header and body start snippets

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • dominicwatts/stopwatch

    Magneto 2 console commands with symfony stopwatch

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • doppleremail/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • dotcomweavers/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • dotdigital/dotdigital-magento2-extension-amqp

    Dotdigital for Magento 2: AMQP module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 5 file_download
  • dotdigital/magento2-dotdigitalgroup-sms

    Hyvä Themes Compatibility module for Dotdigitalgroup_Sms

    • HTML
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • dotdigital/magento2-hyva-checkout-dotdigitalgroup-email

    Hyvä Checkout Compatibility module for Dotdigitalgroup_Email

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • dpdbaltics/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • dpdro/magento2-shipping

    DPD Ro Magento2 Shipping

    • PHP
    • magento2
    • dpd
    • dpd parcelservice
    new_releases2.0.0 0 star 7 file_download
  • dphinteg/customcheckoutfields

    DPH custom checkout fields module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • dphinteg/dphcustomshipping

    dph customshipping module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • dphinteg/dphshipping

    dph shipping module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • dphinteg/webhook

    DPH webhook module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • dragdropr/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • drinks-it/smile-elasticsuite

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • drip/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • drop-down/drop

    Magento2 module

    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • drop/module-better-logout

    Drop Better Logout

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 0 file_download
  • drop/module-disable-unuseful-log

    Drop Disable Unuseful Log

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • drop/module-discount-tax

    Adds a configuration on the Magento 2 backoffice that allows you to show the discount field without taxes on the order/invoice/creditmemo and on related PDF documents and sales email.

    • PHP
    • tax
    • taxes
    • discount
    • magento2
    • order invoice creditmemo
    • pdf documents
    • sales email
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 1 file_download
  • drop/module-hide-checkout-tax

    Let the user choose hide the tax line on cart/checkout

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 190 file_download
  • drop/module-http-version

    Fix error Invalid header line detected

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 0 file_download
  • drop/module-is-path-in-directories-optimizer

    Backport to Magento 2.2 of MAGETWO-96314: Fix performance on MAGETWO-81469 commit

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • dropday/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • droppery/module-core

    Droppery Core for Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.4.11 0 star 765 file_download
  • droppin/aheadworks-ahcab2b-api

    Adds REST endpoints to Aheadworks CA B2B

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.2 0 star 2 file_download
  • droppinstudio/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • dropr/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • dublerq/sampleinputcheckout

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • due/due-magento2-payments Extension for Magento2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.1 1 star 0 file_download
  • duitku_payment_gateway/duitku_va_danamon

    Magento 2 payment module for Duitku VA danamon Host to Host

    • PHP
    • magento2
    • magento 2
    • Magento 2.4
    • duitku
    • magento24
    • duitku danamon
    • danamon
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • duitku_payment_gateway/duitku_va_sampoerna

    Magento 2 payment module for Duitku VA sampoerna Host to Host

    • PHP
    • magento2
    • magento 2
    • Magento 2.4
    • duitku
    • sampoerna
    • magento24
    • duitku sampoerna
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • duruo/ajax-scroll

    Magento2 Ajax Scroll

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • dvdam/module-core

    Dvdam Core for Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • dvdam/module-events

    Magento 2 Full Calendar

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • dys/team


    • JavaScript
    new_releases2.0.0 1 star 11 file_download
  • dzmitrydziaruzhyn/import

    Test Import

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • e-conomix/mageworx-module-customer-data-fix

    Fix error in customer data sections

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 678 file_download
  • eadesignro/module-warehouses

    Magento 2 EaDesign Warehouses Store View Inventory

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.1 20 star 116 file_download
  • easy-mage/indexer-details

    Check which products are in backlogs

    • PHP
    • products
    • index
    • magento
    • backlog
    • magento 2
    • details
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • easynolo/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • eboda/module-rce

    RCE for magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 21 file_download
  • eboosttech/magento2-disable-compare-products

    Disable compare products functionality

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 0 file_download
  • ebridge/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • ebrook/modifycontent

    A Magento 2 module that modifies content of a product page

    • HTML
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • ebrook/newpage

    A Magento 2 module that creates a new page

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • ec4you/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • echoweb/magento2-storyblok-integration

    Magento 2 extension to integrate Storyblok visual editor

    • PHP
    • magento2
    • magento2-module
    • storyblok
    • magento2-extension
    new_releases2.0.0 0 star 49 file_download
  • echoweb/module-invoice-pdf-footer

    Echo Web Module: Invoice PDF Footer

    • PHP
    • echoweb-cmt-generated
    new_releases1.0.1 0 star 1 file_download
  • eclipse-kustomer/webhook-integration

    An extension that posts Magento/Adobe Commerce data to Kustomer via webhooks

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 192 file_download
  • eclipse/core

    Eclipse Core Module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 56 file_download
  • eclipse/marketplace-aicore

    • PHP
    • magento2
    • Eclipse
    • ChatGpt
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 10 file_download
  • ecloud/integrations

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • ecobahn/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • ecombricks/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • ecommercefoundation/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • ecomplugins/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • ecomteck/module-admin-theme

    Magento 2 extension allow change admin theme styles.

    • CSS
    • magento 2
    • admin theme pro
    new_releases1.4.0 5 star 23 file_download
  • ecomteck/module-blog-graph-ql


    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 12 file_download
  • ecomteck/module-custom-attribute-management

    A Magento 2 module is extended of magento 2 attributes management to manage custom attributes on backend

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.0 4 star 1.674 file_download
  • ecomteck/module-edit-order-email

    Magento 2 edit order email

    • PHP
    • magento 2
    • edit order email
    • change order email
    • how to change order email
    • change email address
    • wrong order email
    new_releases1.0.1 1 star 4 file_download
  • ecomteck/module-megamenu

    Provides powerful megamen menu editor to replace category based menus in Magento 2

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0.0 5 star 612 file_download
  • ecomteck/module-megamenu-graph-ql


    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 22 file_download
  • ecomteck/module-minify

    Minify HTML including inline CSS and JS to speed up your site. Works with default Magento CSS/JS merger.

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.4 1 star 6.333 file_download
  • ecomteck/module-mobile-detect

    Ecomteck MobileDetect Module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 29 file_download
  • ecomteck/module-order-custom-attributes

    A Magento 2 module is allow admin create, manage custom attributes to display on checkout page, order info

    • JavaScript
    new_releases2.0.0 6 star 1.638 file_download
  • ecomteck/module-pdfgenerator

    The best pdf generator for Magento. Ecomteck PDF Generator

    • PHP
    • ecomteck
    • Invoice PDF
    • magento 2 pdf generator
    • frontend generate pdf
    • pdf template
    new_releases1.0.0 5 star 17 file_download
  • ecomteck/module-product-attachment

    Magento 2 Product Attachments extension allows admin to upload numerous file formats: Pdf, Zip, MOV, Excel or Word, etc for enriching maximally informative product pages. Grasp customers’ attention by adding eye-catching icons to attachment files thus customers recognize the file type they open or download.

    • PHP
    • ecomteck
    • product attachments
    • Magento 2 product attachments extension
    • Attach files for Magento 2
    • Magento 2 product attachments users
    • Product Attachments for Magento 2 free
    • product attachments module
    • Magento 2 downloadable product attachments
    new_releases1.1.0 9 star 241 file_download
  • ecomteck/module-product-questions

    Ecomteck Product Questions Free

    • PHP
    • Magento 2 Extension Free
    • product questions
    • questions and answers
    • question product
    • product questions free
    • ecomteck
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 3.644 file_download
  • ecomteck/module-product-questions-graph-ql


    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 16 file_download
  • ecomteck/module-product-slider-graph-ql


    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 15 file_download
  • ecomteck/module-share-cart

    Magento 2 Share Cart extension

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 2 file_download
  • econda/magento2

    econda Magento 2 extension including analytics, recommendations and personalization

    new_releasesv1.0.1 0 star 1.294 file_download
  • ecpay/magento2-module-applepay-payment-gateway

    Demonstrates integration with payment gateway

    • PHP
    new_releases2.4.2310270 0 star 2 file_download
  • ecpay/magento2-module-atm-payment-gateway

    Demonstrates integration with payment gateway

    • PHP
    new_releases2.4.2310270 0 star 2 file_download
  • ecpay/magento2-module-barcode-payment-gateway

    Demonstrates integration with payment gateway

    • PHP
    new_releases2.4.2310270 0 star 2 file_download
  • ecpay/magento2-module-credit-installment-payment-gateway

    Demonstrates integration with payment gateway

    • PHP
    new_releases2.4.2310270 0 star 2 file_download
  • ecpay/magento2-module-credit-payment-gateway

    Demonstrates integration with payment gateway

    • PHP
    new_releases2.4.2310270 0 star 2 file_download
  • ecpay/magento2-module-cvs-payment-gateway

    Demonstrates integration with payment gateway

    • PHP
    new_releases2.4.2310270 0 star 2 file_download
  • ecpay/magento2-module-general

    • PHP
    new_releases2.4.2310270 0 star 2 file_download
  • ecpay/magento2-module-invoice

    Demonstrates integration with E-Invoice

    • PHP
    new_releases2.4.2310270 0 star 2 file_download
  • ecpay/magento2-module-logistic-csv-family

    Demonstrates integration with logistic

    • PHP
    new_releases2.4.2310270 0 star 2 file_download
  • ecpay/magento2-module-logistic-csv-hilife

    Demonstrates integration with logistic

    • PHP
    new_releases2.4.2310270 0 star 2 file_download
  • ecpay/magento2-module-logistic-csv-okmart

    Demonstrates integration with logistic

    • PHP
    new_releases2.4.2310270 0 star 2 file_download
  • ecpay/magento2-module-logistic-csv-unimart

    Demonstrates integration with logistic

    • PHP
    new_releases2.4.2310270 0 star 2 file_download
  • ecpay/magento2-module-logistic-home-post

    Demonstrates integration with logistic

    • PHP
    new_releases2.4.2310270 0 star 2 file_download
  • ecpay/magento2-module-logistic-home-tcat

    Demonstrates integration with logistic

    • PHP
    new_releases2.4.2310270 0 star 2 file_download
  • ecpay/magento2-module-webatm-payment-gateway

    Demonstrates integration with payment gateway

    • PHP
    new_releases2.4.2310270 0 star 2 file_download
  • ecwhim/module-canonical-url-graph-ql


    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • edarkstore/shiphero

    Shiphero module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • editionguard/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • edmondscommerce/magento2-scripts

    Magento 2 scripts

    • Shell
    new_releases1.0.1 0 star 34 file_download
  • edspc/module-clientip

    Show client IP address on frontend.

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 6 file_download
  • efepimenta/module-import


    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • efepimenta/module-iplog

    Log de Ip

    • PHP
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  • eflyermaker/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • eggate/chalhoub-shopfinder-graph-ql

    GraphQL endpoints for module Chalhob_Shopfinder

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • eglobe-it-solutions/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • eh/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
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  • einhausdigital/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • ejporaflores/lc-practice

    Modulo Lc Practice

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • elatebrain/module-fbcomments

    Magento 2 module to add facebook comments on your e-commerce site.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.1 0 star 0 file_download
  • elatebrain/module-gdpr

    GDPR Module for Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.1 3 star 0 file_download
  • elatebrain/module-googlemap

    Magento 2 module to add google map on website cms pages.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.1 2 star 0 file_download
  • elatebrain/module-multiflatrates

    Magento 2 module to have multiple flat rates shipping methods for multiple shipping method options.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.1 1 star 0 file_download
  • elemes/data-privacy

    Data privacy

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • elephantkiss/m2-core

    Core extension EK for Magento 2.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • elfsight/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • elgentos/backend-launcher

    Magento 2 module which adds a launcher to the Magento 2 backend interface. Inspired by PulseStormLauncher.

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 19 star 28.337 file_download
  • elgentos/magento2-apicacheindexmanagement

    Extension to invalidate caches and reindex indexers through the REST API.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 7 star 25 file_download
  • elgentos/magento2-review-reminder

    Magento 2 Review reminder

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 10 star 21 file_download
  • elgentos/magento2-secondaryemailaddress

    Allows customers to enter a secondary email address to login with

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 6 star 5 file_download
  • elgentos/vat-switcher

    Common functionality for all Fooman Pdf extensions

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 8 star 944 file_download
  • elpost/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • elquchiri/core-module

    Integrate ElQuchiri Core Functionalities in your Magento Store

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 15 file_download
  • elquchiri/social-login-module

    Integrate Easy & Efficient Social Network Login in your Magento Store

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 25 file_download
  • elsnertech/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • emaphp/magento2-module-vuewidget

    Vue.js widgets for Magento 2

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.1.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • emercury/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • emergento/module-pony-u

    Consume PonyU Services

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 45 file_download
  • emergento/module-ponyu-api

    Receive communication from PonyU

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 45 file_download
  • emergento/module-ponyu-ship-automatically

    Ship automatically a PonyU order at creation

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 45 file_download
  • emergento/module-ponyu-shipment

    Create PonyU Shipment

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 45 file_download
  • emergento/module-ponyu-shipping-method

    Configuration Admin UI of the shipping method

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 45 file_download
  • emergento/module-ponyu-shipping-method-frontend-ui

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 45 file_download
  • emmo/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • empisoft/module-queue-pill


    • PHP
    • magento 2
    • magento 2 queue
    • magento consumer
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  • empye/empye-login-and-api

    Official Magento2 Plugin login using social network, Qr Code and additional extended and simplified api features

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 1 file_download
  • enanobots/admin-locale-switcher

    Magento 2 Admin Locale Switcher

    • Less
    new_releases1.0.1 20 star 672 file_download
  • enanobots/m2-customer-timeout-popup

    Magento 2 Customer Timeout Popup

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0.0 14 star 6 file_download
  • enanobots/m2-datapatchcreator-simpledata

    Magento 2 Data Patch creator - Mark Shust Simple Data Compatibility>

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 10 star 18 file_download
  • enanobots/m2-m1migration

    Magento 2 - Magento 1 migration

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 30 star 185 file_download
  • encomage/module-careers

    Encomage Careers extension for Magento 2

    • PHP
    • extension
    • jobs
    • magento 2
    • vacancy
    • careers
    • store vacancies
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 9 file_download
  • encomage/module-emailblocker

    Implement logic for filter email

    • PHP
    • extension
    • magento 2
    • email blocker
    • send email block
    • magento 2 email blocker
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 66 file_download
  • encomage/module-owlcarousel

    Encomage OwlCarousel module

    • JavaScript
    • module
    • owlcarousel
    • magento 2
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 11 file_download
  • encomage/module-storelocator

    Implement store-locator widget on Magento 2 store

    • PHP
    • extension
    • google maps
    • store locator
    • magento 2
    • magento 2 store locator
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 368 file_download
  • enid/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • eninteractive/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • eniture/unishippers-small-package-quotes

    Magento 2 Shipping Rates From Unishippers

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • eniture/wwe-spq-second-account

    Module is dependant on Worldwide Express Small Package Quotes for Magento 2 by Eniture Technology. It provides the ability to adds second worldwide express account

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • enjoydevelop/magento2-module-bundle-option-link

    Magento 2 module for adding admin product links to bundle options

    • PHP
    • admin bundle
    • magento 2
    • Bundle Backend
    • Bundle Option Admin Link
    • Magento 2 Bundle Admin
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • enjoydevelop/magento2-module-core

    EnjoyDevelop Core

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 23 file_download
  • enjoydevelop/magento2-module-reset-image-roles

    Magento 2 module to reset image roles by direct SQL queries

    • PHP
    • magento 2
    • Magento 2 Image Role
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • enoch/m2-url-keys-dup-fix

    This module checks if url-key exists in database when creating a new product and the url-key is taken from the product name.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 18 file_download
  • enqueue/magento2-enqueue

    Message Queue solutions for Magento2. Supports RabbitMQ, AMQP, STOMP, Amazon SQS, Kafka, Redis, Google PubSub, Gearman, Beanstalk, Google PubSub

    • PHP
    • redis
    • queue
    • rabbitmq
    • AMQP
    • messaging
    • gearman
    • beanstalk
    • sqs
    • magento
    • kafka
    • magento2
    • google-pubsub
    • amazon-sqs
    new_releases0.8.0 49 star 18.573 file_download
  • envisage/module-cookie-banner

    Magento 2 extension to insert a EU compliant implied consent cookie notification bar

    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • envisage/module-core

    Magento 2 extension to support and register all other Envisage Digital Magento 2 extensions.

    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • epaard/module-whatsapp

    Whatsapp module. direct whatsapp contact with product sku or link

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 8 file_download
  • eparts/relatorios_bi

    Modulo relatórios BI

    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • epaytech/epay

    Accept payments using Epay payment gateway

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.0 0 star 6 file_download
  • epicpay/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • epsilead/acadchallenge

    Academic Challenge module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • epsilead/epistolary

    Epistolary module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • equinox/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • eriocnemis/module-category-hide

    The extension hide categories in menu when they are empty.

    • PHP
    new_releases2.4.0 1 star 2 file_download
  • ersantosh007/magento2-custom-catalog

    Magento 2 custom catalog

    • PHP
    • magento
    • magento 2
    • magento 2 extension
    • Magento 2 Extension Free
    • custom catalog
    • custom catalog list
    new_releases2.2.0 1 star 1 file_download
  • ersantosh007/morecheckoutaddressfields

    Add Extra Checkout Address Fields In Magento 2

    • PHP
    • magento
    • magento 2
    • magento 2 extension
    • Magento 2 Extension Free
    • extra checkout field
    • add extra checkout address field
    new_releases2.2.0 1 star 1 file_download
  • ersantosh007/morecheckoutaddressfieldstest

    Test Extra Checkout Address Fields In Magento 2

    • PHP
    • magento
    • magento 2
    • magento 2 extension
    • Magento 2 Extension Free
    • test extra checkout field
    • test extra checkout address field
    new_releases2.2.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • esaticsas/interservice

    Shipping method for interservice, Interservicios s.a.s

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • eshipz/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • eshopswithiq/eshopswithiq

    This extension will integrate your eshop with EshopsWithIQ (

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.2 0 star 1 file_download
  • eshopworld/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • esparki-inc/add-new-address-form

    Testing Extension for Magento 2

    • JavaScript
    new_releases2.3.6 0 star 3 file_download
  • esparkmagento2/testtask

    Testing Extension for Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • esparksinc/extension


    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.1 0 star 0 file_download
  • esparksinc1/module-guest-to-customer


    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.1 0 star 1 file_download
  • esparkss/magento-testing-extension

    Testing Extension for Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases2.1.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • espertomagento/cash-on-delivery-fee

    Adds a fee for cash on delivery payment method

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • estdevs/hideprice

    Hide Price for the guest user.

    • HTML
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 104 file_download
  • ethos/module-codeinjector

    Simple module injecting a block of code in a page

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • etika/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • etracker/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • evincemage/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • ew/magento2-currency-symbol-position

    Module that allows setting the currency symbol position.

    • PHP
    • magento 2
    • magento 2 module
    • magento 2 free module
    • magento 2 currency symbol
    • magento 2 currency symbol position
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 5 file_download
  • ew/magento2-module-demo

    Module that comprises all logic related to custom demo.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • ewave/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • excellencestar/invisiblecaptcha

    Excellencestar Google Invisible Captcha

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 3 file_download
  • experiandataquality/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • experius/module-customerattributesgraphql

    GraphQl module to add custom customer attributes to graphql schema

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1.921 file_download
  • experius/module-logmanager

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 921 file_download
  • expert/module-fbshare-discount


    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.2 0 star 4 file_download
  • expertrec/module-expertrecsitesearch

    Next level search

    • PHP
    new_releases3.0.4 0 star 19 file_download
  • expivi/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • expresspay/magento

    expressPay payment plugin for Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 6 file_download
  • extensionhawk/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • extensionmagic/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • extensions/customer-pricing

    Customer Pricing Extension

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 0 file_download
  • extensions/module-featured-product

    Featured Product module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • extensions/sales-rule-enhance

    Sales Rule Enhance

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • extenstore/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • extrembler/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • eye4fraud/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • eyemagine/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • ezrentout/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • facilpago/cards

    Payment gateway plugin by for Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases2.1.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • falconmedia/m2-categorythumbnails

    Magento 2 module to Create a widget for Homepage to show categories and add subcategories to category page

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.4 2 star 9 file_download
  • falconmedia/module-supplier-inventory

    Add Supplier Inventory Stock to Products

    • PHP
    new_releases1.1.0 2 star 7 file_download
  • fanbot-ai/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • faonni/module-admin-notification

    Extension to add a RSS feed url to the Admin Notification stream in the Magento2 backend.

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.1 1 star 13 file_download
  • faonni/module-browser

    Extension determines the capabilities of the customer's browser.

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.1 2 star 27 file_download
  • faonni/module-locale-ru_ua

    Add locale ru_UA to locale config list.

    • PHP
    new_releases2.1.2 0 star 37 file_download
  • faonni/module-newsletter

    Extension include a List-Unsubscribe header in your newsletter emails.

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.1 1 star 5 file_download
  • farior/module-layout-structure

    Layout structure visualization module

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 4 star 25 file_download
  • fasapay/magento2-fasapay-sci

    FasaPay Payment SCI Module for Magento 2

    • HTML
    • module
    • magento
    • fasapay
    new_releasesv0.0.1 0 star 22 file_download
  • faslet/magento2

    Faslet module for Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • faslet/magento2-hyva

    Faslet module compatibility for Hyvä Themes

    • HTML
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • fballiano/magento2-category-sort-direction

    Magento2 module that allows you to decide the product sorting direction on category pages.

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 2 star 10 file_download
  • fedex/installer

    FedEx Installer

    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 5.122 file_download
  • feecompass/magento-integration

    feeCOMPASS integration magento module

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • feedink/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • fiko/magento2-advanced-order-number

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 13 file_download
  • fiko/magento2-uifrontend

    Implementing UI Component on Frontend Side.

    • Less
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 12 file_download
  • filejet/filejet-magento2-plugin

    FileJet integration for Magento2

    • CSS
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • firebear/coinpayments

    Add new payment method for

    • PHP
    new_releases1.1.0 8 star 40 file_download
  • firebear/fastprice

    Magento 2 FastPrice

    • PHP
    new_releases1.1.2 11 star 2.668 file_download
  • fireworkshoppablevideos/fireworkshoppablevideos

    Firework Extension for Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.1.0 0 star 10 file_download
  • fishpig/magento2-wordpress-integration-noxmlsitemapintegration

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • flagbit/magento2-virtual-customer-session

    Allows developers to login to customer sessions without knowing the password.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0 4 star 701 file_download
  • flancer32/mage2_ext_grid_column_renderer

    Example of the grid's column renderer with link to the customer card.

    • JavaScript
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 775 file_download
  • flancer32/mage2_ext_log

    Add Monolog Cascade support to Magento 2.

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 2 star 3.114 file_download
  • flancer32/mage2_fix_is12655

    Fix for 500 error in Mage 2.2.2 (issue 12655).

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 4 star 22.882 file_download
  • flancer32/mage2_fix_pr9621

    Standalone fix for PR-9621

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 6 star 8.899 file_download
  • flancer32/sample_mage2_module

    Magento 2 sample module.

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 3 star 76 file_download
  • flexydev/module-responsive-admin


    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 25 file_download
  • floa/payment

    Pay in severals installments with FloaPay

    • PHP
    new_releases1.2.1 0 star 2 file_download
  • flockler/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • fme/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • folio3ecommerce/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • foqus/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • forastudio/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • forfin/module-admin-reindex

    Magento 2 Backend Reindex via Message Queue

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 6 file_download
  • forfin/module-linenotify

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 7 file_download
  • forix/module-webscale-tools

    Webscale module support for Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • forrun/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • forter-paypal/module-braintree-core

    Braintree Extension for Forter Fraud Prevention For Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.1 0 star 37 file_download
  • forter/magento2-module-forter-paysafe

    Paysafe Extension for Forter Fraud Prevention For Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.1 0 star 1.195 file_download
  • fpx/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • fr3on/quickview

    Quickview for Magento 2

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • fredden/magento2-module-admin-authentication

    A Magento 2 module that allows access to Magento admin via Fredden Auth Portal

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 4 star 2 file_download
  • freento/audit-code-sniffer

    PHP code sniffer against Magento2 coding standard (submodule of freento/audit-report)

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 29 file_download
  • freento/audit-database

    Lists all Magento tables (submodule of freento/audit-report)

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 29 file_download
  • freento/audit-filesystem

    Overview of the filesystem usage by the Magento application (submodule of freento/audit-report)

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 29 file_download
  • freento/audit-overview

    Overview of the application and system environment (submodule of freento/audit-report)

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 30 file_download
  • freento/customerlock

    Lock/unlock customers

    • PHP
    new_releases1.1.0 1 star 642 file_download
  • freento/emailslog

    Catches all emails sent from a Magento store and additionally logs them to the database.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.2.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • freento/fast-search-autocomplete

    Freento Fast Search Autocomplete

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 9 file_download
  • freento/performance-suite

    Freento Performance Suite configuration module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 40 file_download
  • freento/sqllog

    Sql queries logger

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 3 star 12 file_download
  • freightclubllc/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • freightquote/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • freshmarketer1/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • avarda/markup-smarthsip-compatible

    Compatibility module for Markup Smartship to Avarda Checkout3

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 51 file_download
  • avasize/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • cueblocks/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • diskopete/magento-automatic-customer-group-assignment


    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • freshrelevance/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • friends-of-hyva/magento2-alpinejs-persist

    Integrate the AlpineJS persist plugin into Hyvä

    • HTML
    new_releases1.0.0 5 star 45 file_download
  • friends-of-hyva/magento2-preload-images

    Preload images above the fold to improve performance metrics.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 22 star 938 file_download
  • friends-of-hyva/purchase-order-number

    Hyvä Themes Checkout Module - addon Purchase Order Number

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 7 star 3.542 file_download
  • frithjof/magento2-cms-noindex

    Magento 2 module to enable editor in cms page to select noindex for it

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 0 file_download
  • front-commerce-magento/module-headless-chronorelais

    Headless integration for ChronoRelais shipping method in Magento

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 54 file_download
  • frontuser/magento2-integration

    A Magento 2 modules for Frontuser. Frontuser is a easiest platform to maximize user engagement, retention & conversion.

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 9 file_download
  • fruitcake/magento2-custom-image-url

    Magento2 Custom Image URLS for the catalog

    • PHP
    • image
    • catalog
    • cdn
    • magento
    • magento2
    • imgproxy
    new_releasesv0.1.1 22 star 3.675 file_download
  • fruitcake/magento2-sitemap-warmer

    Magento2 Sitemap Warmer

    • PHP
    • Sitemap
    • magento
    • magento2
    • cache warmer
    new_releasesv1.0-beta1 1 star 37 file_download
  • fyb_romania/module-popup-products

    Popup Products by FYB

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • gabrielantal/customer-import-registration

    Import customers with magento command from json and csv

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • gabrielqs/boleto

    Módulo Magento 2 para emissão de boletos, com geração de arquivos de remessa, e processamento de arquivos de retorno

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.1 8 star 199 file_download
  • gabrielqs/clearsale

    Integração entre o Magento2 e ClearSale Start para análise de risco.

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 1 star 174 file_download
  • gabrielqs/installments

    Cálculo de parcelamento genérico a ser utilizado por módulos de métodos de pagamento.Generic installments calculation module, to be used by payment method modules.

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.1 9 star 922 file_download
  • gabrielqs/pagseguro-redirect

    Integração transparente entre o Magento 2 e a Cielo utilizando o método de integração WebService

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • gabrielqs/sales-automation

    Allows the creation of rules to automate the sales process.

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 1 star 13 file_download
  • gabrielqs/theme-settings

    Creates placeholders to be used in frequently used places by themes. By doing this, and by having a theme outputting such placeholders, one can avoid template files conflicts.

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 1 star 962 file_download
  • gaggle/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • galaxpay/galaxpay-magento2

    Módulo Galax Pay para Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 7 file_download
  • gaussdev/dropdown

    • HTML
    new_releases0.0.6-beta 0 star 7 file_download
  • gdex/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • gemfind/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • genaker/helloworld

    Simple module to test integrations and clear Magneto 2 performance

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.1 0 star 2 file_download
  • genaker/module-react-emojigame

    Magento 2 React App Game

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.1.1.1 5 star 67 file_download
  • genesisoft/adminactionslogext

    Admin Actions Log Extension

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • genesisoft/amazonses

    Módulo para envio de email via API da Amazon

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 1 file_download
  • genesisoft/base

    Módulo com personalizações básicas

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 1 file_download
  • genesisoft/cleanlog

    Módulo para limpar log

    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 0 file_download
  • genesisoft/continueshopping

    Módulo para exibir um bloco de continuar comprando

    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 1 file_download
  • genesisoft/formsbr

    Módulo para organização e personalização de formulários para o Brasil

    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 0 file_download
  • genesisoft/formsbr-marketplace

    Módulo para organização e personalização de formulários do módulo de Marketplace para o Brasil

    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 0 file_download
  • genesisoft/googletagmanager

    Extensão do Google API para adicionar script do Google Tag Manager

    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 1 file_download
  • genesisoft/m2-weltpixel-backend-ext

    Módulo de extensão do Weltpixel-Backend

    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 0 file_download
  • genesisoft/marketplaceext

    Webkul Marketplace Extension

    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 0 file_download
  • genesisoft/marketplacefrenetshippingext

    Esse modulo extende o webkul/marketplace-base-frenet-shipping. Traduzindo as opções das paginas add.phtml e edit.phtml

    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 0 file_download
  • genesisoft/matrixrateext

    Extensão MatrixRate

    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 0 file_download
  • genesisoft/module-getnet

    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 1 file_download
  • genesisoft/module-searchseller

    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 1 file_download
  • genesisoft/mpmoipext

    Módulo que estende Webkul Marketplace para o MOIP

    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • genesisoft/redirectcustomer

    Redireciona o Cliente para o Checkout após registro quando há produto no carrinho

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 0 file_download
  • gento-arg/module-redsys

    Integracion con redsys

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • getmulberry/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • getnetadquirencia/split-example-magento

    Getnet - Split for Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases100.2.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • ggstart99/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • ghoster/better-boolean-attribute

    Change default look of boolean attribute Magento 2 frontend: Yes - No to ✔️ - ❌

    • HTML
    new_releases1.0.0 3 star 1 file_download
  • ghoster/product-quickview

    GhoSter Product Quickview, add quick popup view product from list, widget

    • PHP
    • magento 2
    • magento 2 extension
    • magento product quick view
    • magento 2 product quick view
    new_releases1.0.0 6 star 0 file_download
  • ghostunicorns/module-add-billing-address-information-to-checkout

    This module add the billing address information to the checkout sidebar

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 375 file_download
  • ghostunicorns/module-amasty-shopby-brand-for-snowdog-menu

    This module create a new menu type into Snowdog Menu that shows Amasty Shop By Brand Popup

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 546 file_download
  • ghostunicorns/module-checkout-newsletter-subscription

    This module add the Newsletter Subscription checkbox to Checkout

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 375 file_download
  • ghostunicorns/module-cms-fallback

    This module allows you to use local phtml template file as fallback instead of cms content

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1.567 file_download
  • ghostunicorns/module-cron-string-validator

    This Magento 2 Module add a new cron backend validator

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1.838 file_download
  • ghostunicorns/module-crt-activity

    GhostUnicorns Crt Activity module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1.840 file_download
  • ghostunicorns/module-crt-amqp-collector

    GhostUnicorns Crt Collector module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 547 file_download
  • ghostunicorns/module-crt-amqp-command

    GhostUnicorns Crt Command module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 547 file_download
  • ghostunicorns/module-crt-amqp-refiner

    GhostUnicorns Crt Refiner module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 547 file_download
  • ghostunicorns/module-crt-amqp-transferor

    GhostUnicorns Crt Transferor module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 547 file_download
  • ghostunicorns/module-crt-importer

    GhostUnicorns Crt Importer module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1.826 file_download
  • ghostunicorns/module-crt-notify

    GhostUnicorns Crt Notify module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 5 file_download
  • ghostunicorns/module-crt-reports

    GhostUnicorns Crt Reports module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1.203 file_download
  • ghostunicorns/module-crt-reports-stock

    GhostUnicorns Crt Reports module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • ghostunicorns/module-crt-table-transferor

    GhostUnicorns Crt Table Transferor module

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 253 file_download
  • ghostunicorns/module-csp-livereload

    This module allows you to use livereload for development on your Magento 2 theme

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 2.032 file_download
  • ghostunicorns/module-reset-ui-bookmarks

    GhostUnicorns Reset Bookmarks

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 235 file_download
  • ghostunicorns/module-stock-item-update-defaults

    This module fix the seleable qty after product a SYSTEM->Import->Stock Sources import

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 646 file_download
  • giftmagic/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • gilg/keyboardshortcuts

    Magento 2 Storefront Keyboard Shortcuts

    • HTML
    • magento
    • magento2
    • magento accessibility
    • magento hotkey
    new_releases1.0.0 8 star 12 file_download
  • gimmick/magento2-shipping

    The DPD Magento 2 shipping method

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 10 file_download
  • girafi/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • girit/magento2-module-core

    Girit Interactive Core module for Magento 2

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 51 file_download
  • gladd/m2-dash-shortcuts

    Useful dashboard shortcuts for Magento 2

    • HTML
    new_releases1.0.2 0 star 0 file_download
  • globalelectronictechnology/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • globalpayredeban/magento2

    GlobalPay Redeban Magento 2 Integration.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.1.12 1 star 19 file_download
  • gnexus460/module-dev-kit


    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • goalandfrance/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • godatafeed/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • goeasyship/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • goit/show-product-home

    Module to display product on the home page and update stock in real time

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 9 file_download
  • gomage/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • gonzo/bakery

    A Doctrine ORM to Magento 2 Mapper

    new_releases0.0.1 1 star 36 file_download
  • goomento/module-page-builder-sample-data

    Sample Data and Widgets Module, How To Create Widget For Goomento - Magento Page Builder Extension

    • PHP
    • magento 2
    • magento 2 page builder
    • magento page builder
    • goomento page builder
    • goomento page builder sample widget
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 4.265 file_download
  • gorgias/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • grasch/module-ccst


    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 5 star 2 file_download
  • graycore/magento2-graphql-logger

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.1.1 6 star 909 file_download
  • graycore/magento2-quote-graphql-aux

    A Magento 2 package that contains additional GraphQl modifications to the cart to solve common UI problems.

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.0.1 1 star 801 file_download
  • grazitti/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • greenrivers/maintenance-mode

    Greenrivers Maintenance Mode

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 7 file_download
  • greenwing-technology/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download
  • greyhound/dummy-pkg

    Preventing Dependency Confusion in PHP with Composer

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • grinet/doviz-tcmb

    Get currency rates from the Turkish Central Bank / Magento2 için T.C. Merkez Bankası Döviz Kuru Güncelleyici

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • grinet/duplicatefix

    Fixes 'Item with the same ID “ID” already exists' error. Inspired from

    • PHP
    • magento
    • magento2
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • groomershop/module-full-breadcrumbs

    Full breadcrumbs for product page

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 21 file_download
  • groskampweb/module-dev

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 140 file_download
  • grossmaninteractive/googleanalyticscheckouttracker

    Google Analytics Checkout Event Tracker

    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 6 file_download
  • grossmaninteractive/instagramfeedcustomgrid

    Instagram Feed Custom Grid

    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 6 file_download
  • gswo/simple-cookie-alert


    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 17 file_download
  • gtstudio/module-hyva-theme-variables

    This module enable a admin variables creation for use in frontend area.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 11 star 36 file_download
  • gtstudio/module-theme-variables

    This module enable a admin variables creation for use in frontend area.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 1 file_download
  • adexos/m2-kafka-connector

    Kafka module with Avro support

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download

Was ist ein Paket vom Typ magento2-module?

Ein(e) ´Magento2 Module´  ist ein spezielles Paket bzw. eine Ergänzung für Magento2-module

magento2-module Statistiken

Wir haben 967 Paket(e) vom Typ magento2-module gefunden.
Es wurden bisher 585.068 Pakete vom Typ magento2-module heruntergeladen bzw. installiert.
Es wurden bisher 988 Sterne für Pakete vom Typ magento2-module vergeben.