Pakete vom Typ elefant-app










  • elefant/app-analytics

    Google Analytics app for the Elefant CMS

    • JavaScript
    • cms
    • analytics
    • google
    • stats
    • app
    • elefant
    • traffic
    new_releases1.0 3 star 42 file_download
  • elefant/app-assetic

    Assetic app for the Elefant CMS

    • PHP
    • javascript
    • css
    • cms
    • app
    • assetic
    • elefant
    • compile
    • optimization
    new_releases1.0 6 star 39 file_download
  • elefant/app-chat

    Chat app for the Elefant CMS

    • PHP
    • cms
    • app
    • elefant
    • chat
    new_releases1.0 1 star 24 file_download
  • elefant/app-cloudfront

    CloudFront app for the Elefant CMS

    • PHP
    • amazon
    • cms
    • app
    • aws
    • elefant
    • cloudfront
    • cdn
    new_releases1.0 2 star 14 file_download
  • elefant/app-comments

    A reusable, embeddable comments component for the Elefant CMS

    • PHP
    • cms
    • comments
    • app
    • elefant
    • discussion
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 86 file_download
  • elefant/app-courses

    E-learning platform for the Elefant CMS

    • JavaScript
    • cms
    • app
    • elefant
    • training
    • elearning
    • e-learning
    • courses
    • courseware
    • lessons
    • education
    new_releases0.8.0 1 star 91 file_download
  • elefant/app-faq

    FAQ app for the Elefant CMS

    • PHP
    • cms
    • FAQ
    • app
    • elefant
    • questions
    • answers
    new_releases1.0 2 star 44 file_download
  • elefant/app-filepicker

    Filepicker app for the Elefant CMS

    • PHP
    • file
    • cms
    • upload
    • app
    • elefant
    • filepicker
    new_releases1.0 2 star 22 file_download
  • elefant/app-httpshell

    Http Shell is an HTTP testing and debugging tool for the Elefant CMS

    • PHP
    • http
    • rest
    • api
    • testing
    • debugging
    • cms
    • shell
    • app
    • elefant
    new_releases1.0 1 star 17 file_download
  • elefant/app-lists

    Member lists app for the Elefant CMS

    • PHP
    • cms
    • crm
    • app
    • elefant
    • members
    • Lists
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 25 file_download
  • elefant/app-loginradius

    LoginRadius app for the Elefant CMS

    • PHP
    • OpenId
    • cms
    • twitter
    • login
    • facebook
    • app
    • elefant
    • loginradius
    • social
    new_releases1.0 1 star 17 file_download
  • elefant/app-lorem

    A lorem ipsum generator for the Elefant CMS

    • PHP
    • generator
    • testing
    • cms
    • app
    • elefant
    • lorem
    • ipsum
    • prototyping
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 17 file_download
  • elefant/app-organizations

    Organization management app for the Elefant CMS

    • PHP
    • cms
    • crm
    • app
    • elefant
    • organizations
    • companies
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 40 file_download
  • elefant/app-products

    A reusable, embeddable products component for the Elefant CMS

    • JavaScript
    • products
    • sales
    • cms
    • app
    • elefant
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 34 file_download
  • elefant/app-scorm

    Adds SCORM support to the Elefant CMS

    • JavaScript
    • cms
    • app
    • elefant
    • training
    • elearning
    • e-learning
    • education
    • scorm
    new_releases1.0.0 9 star 77 file_download
  • elefant/app-sitemap.xml

    Google Sitemap generator app for the Elefant CMS

    • PHP
    • generator
    • cms
    • Sitemap
    • google
    • app
    • elefant
    • sitemaps
    new_releases1.0 4 star 31 file_download
  • elefant/app-stripe

    Stripe payments integration for the Elefant CMS

    • JavaScript
    • ecommerce
    • cms
    • payments
    • app
    • stripe
    • payment processing
    • elefant
    • subscriptions
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 94 file_download
  • elefant/app-swiftsearch

    Swiftype search service integration for the Elefant CMS

    • PHP
    • admin
    • search
    • cms
    • app
    • elefant
    • search engine
    • swiftype
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 14 file_download
  • elefant/app-typekit

    TypeKit app for the Elefant CMS

    • PHP
    • cms
    • app
    • elefant
    • typekit
    • font
    • fonts
    new_releases1.0 1 star 14 file_download
  • elefant/app-visor

    Visor is an API documentation browser for the Elefant CMS

    • PHP
    • documentation
    • api
    • cms
    • doc
    • Reference
    • app
    • elefant
    • libraries
    • classes
    new_releases1.0 4 star 23 file_download
  • elefant/app-wires

    Wires app for the Elefant CMS auto-connects Alpine.js for easy single-page app development

    • PHP
    • rest
    • api
    • restful
    • endpoint
    • SPA
    • alpine
    • server-side rendering
    • SSR
    • single-page application
    • livewire
    • alpinejs
    • alpine.js
    • wires
    • laravel-livewire
    new_releases0.2-beta 5 star 1 file_download

Was ist ein Paket vom Typ elefant-app?

Ein(e) ´Elefant App´  ist ein spezielles Paket bzw. eine Ergänzung für Elefant-app

elefant-app Statistiken

Wir haben 21 Paket(e) vom Typ elefant-app gefunden.
Es wurden bisher 766 Pakete vom Typ elefant-app heruntergeladen bzw. installiert.
Es wurden bisher 52 Sterne für Pakete vom Typ elefant-app vergeben.