Pakete vom Typ drupal-module










  • apsc-web/ubc_apsc_ckeditor_media_dialog

    Add functionality to the media dialog layout and functionality in ckeditor

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 155 file_download
  • apsc-web/ubc_apsc_embedded_social_media_icons

    Modifies link field entries in Spotlight & Rising Star webforms and turn them into an icon via Twig templates.

    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 722 file_download
  • apsc-web/ubc_apsc_event_autofill

    Module that autofills the event map fields based on the event location and format fields. Fill Google Maps event field with information from location field, and when selected format is 'Online Event' check 'Disable Google Maps link in event display'

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 461 file_download
  • apsc-web/ubc_apsc_helper

    Helper module to offer customisations to UBC APSC Drupal sites

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 636 file_download
  • archipelago/fragaria

    Archipelago ID and Redirect Module for Drupal 9/10

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.1.0 0 star 123 file_download
  • avblink/read_more_formatter

    Drupal 8 text_with_summary field formatter. Adds 'Read more' button to expand/collapse full content.

    • PHP
    • drupal
    • expand
    • collapse
    • field formatter
    • read more
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 1.100 file_download
  • azt3k/drupal-minify

    Fork of the original drupal minify module

    • PHP
    new_releases7.1.1.1 0 star 83 file_download
  • b-khouy/block_list_override

    Remove unnecessary blocks from the block list for better system performance.

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.0 0 star 1.052 file_download
  • b-khouy/cloudinary

    The module provides a library and stream wrapper of Cloudinary service.

    • PHP
    new_releases3.0.0 0 star 1.416 file_download
  • b-khouy/easy_install

    Provides UI to delete configuration while uninstalling or reinstalling the modules

    • PHP
    new_releases10.6.0 0 star 1.055 file_download
  • b-khouy/jquery_colorpicker

    A Drupal integration with the jQuery Colorpicker ( module

    • PHP
    new_releases4.0.0 0 star 1.381 file_download
  • b-khouy/merge_translations

    Allows users to merge node translations.

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.0 0 star 1.054 file_download
  • b-khouy/mobile_native_share

    This module support to share content as mobile native share dialog

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.0 0 star 1.049 file_download
  • b-khouy/shortcode

    Provides ShortCodes filter framework and API (like WP ShortCodes)

    • PHP
    new_releases2.1.0 0 star 1.046 file_download
  • b-khouy/yaml_editor

    Adds an editor for YAML configuration textareas

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.0 1 star 1.045 file_download
  • bixal/bixal_simple_map

    A module to provide a json endpoint, content type for a basic map.

    • drupal
    new_releasesv1.0.0-rc1 0 star 808 file_download
  • bixal/login_form_alert

    Delivers an alert from admin form to the login form.

    • drupal
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 11 file_download
  • bixal/style_guide_response

    This modules takes the compiled HTML style guide and serves it on a url

    • drupal
    new_releases1.0.0-rc1 1 star 75 file_download
  • bkhouy/captcha

    The CAPTCHA module provides this feature to virtually any user facing web form on a Drupal site.

    • PHP
    new_releases2.0.0 0 star 28 file_download
  • bkhouy/recaptcha

    Protect your website from spam and abuse while letting real people pass through with ease.

    • PHP
    new_releases3.2.0 0 star 12 file_download
  • bookcrossing/bookcrossing

    BookCrossing Core package

    new_releases1.10.1 0 star 1 file_download
  • bookcrossing/node_title_autocomplete

    Node title autocomplete

    new_releases1.0.1 0 star 1 file_download
  • brabhold/ip_login

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 263 file_download
  • brabhold/shops_users

    This module parse and update users based on a custom XML file

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 34 file_download
  • bradtreloar/button_link

    A button link field formatter for Drupal

    • PHP
    • drupal
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 245 file_download
  • burdamagazinorg/burdamagazine_lift

    • PHP
    • drupal
    new_releases1.0-alpha1 0 star 1.834 file_download
  • burdamagazinorg/ivw_integration_amp

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0-alpha1 0 star 3.516 file_download
  • burdamagazinorg/ivw_integration_fia

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0-alpha1 0 star 3.618 file_download
  • burdamagazinorg/weather_com_api

    Implements Weather API

    • PHP
    • drupal
    new_releases1.0-alpha1 2 star 1.835 file_download
  • burst/instagram_api_feeds

    Burst instagram API feeds.

    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 1.065 file_download
  • carcheky/line_awesome

    alternative to Fawesome font library for drupal

    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 6 file_download
  • chi-teck/config_schema_checker

    Drupal module to check configuration schema.

    • PHP
    • drupal
    new_releases2.0.0 0 star 2.687 file_download
  • ciandt-china/hundun_layout_builder

    new_releasesv0.0.1 0 star 0 file_download
  • ciandt-china/hundun_search

    new_releasesv0.0.1 0 star 0 file_download
  • ciandt-china/hundun_workflow

    new_releasesv0.0.1 1 star 0 file_download
  • ckeditor-plugin/codesnippet

    • CSS
    new_releases4.11.4 1 star 2.166 file_download
  • clockgit/content_tree_viewer

    Provides a page to display content in a tree by relationship

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0 0 star 8 file_download
  • codevit/codev_banner

    Drupal banner features, to create custom banner for pages.

    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 656 file_download
  • contentcoffee/singles

    D8+ module to make snowflake node types.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.1 0 star 71 file_download
  • crafterr/pw_group_icon_list

    My Awesome Module

    • HTML
    • drupal
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 11 file_download
  • crafterr/pw_single_block_img

    Provides paragraph contain title subtitle text and floating background

    • HTML
    • drupal
    new_releasesv1.0.1 0 star 12 file_download
  • crafterr/pw_single_block_text

    Provide a simple title, subtitle and long textarea element

    • HTML
    • drupal
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 10 file_download
  • crafterr/pw_single_icon_list

    Provides a simple icon title and description and url

    • HTML
    • drupal
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 11 file_download
  • cultuurnet/uitid

    Provides the option to login to your account using your UiTID profile

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0 0 star 280 file_download
  • cyberwoven/financial_tools

    This modules provides a collection of financial sub-modules.

    • drupal
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • daffie/swoole

    Supercharge your Drupal website's performance.

    • drupal
    • swoole
    new_releases1.0.0-alpha1 3 star 92 file_download
  • dataweb1/enable_devel_info_on_ddev

    Drupal module that enables Devel Info on DDEV whatever the perms are. (for e.g. dpm())

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 29 file_download
  • dentzau/drupal-utilities

    A collection of developer experience improvements for Drupal by Nathan Dentzau.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2.275 file_download
  • derekderaps/twigshim

    Shoehorns Twig template compiling into Drupal 7.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0-alpha1 3 star 2.070 file_download
  • derhasi/cache_split

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0-alpha1 0 star 1.975 file_download
  • diatem-net/twig_slugify

    Return slugified string

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • diatem-net/twig_truncate

    Return truncated string

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • digitalutsc/drupal_hero_banner

    This module setup Hero banner

    • CSS
    new_releases1.0.0-beta1 0 star 49 file_download
  • aaronbauman/tagbot

    Twitter bot to query license plate violations against PPA payment portal.

    • PHP
    • drupal
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 4 file_download
  • adrianodemoura/form_ajax_drupal9

    Módulo com formulário em ajax, bem simples

    • PHP
    • drupal
    • FormAjaxSimples
    new_releasesv1.0.1 0 star 13 file_download
  • agoradesign/horizontal_tabs

    Defines a horizontal_tabs render element for Drupal 8.

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.0.0-beta2 5 star 31.665 file_download
  • alexandergw/jwsa_build_info_drupal

    Provides build information for JWSA

    new_releasesv1.1 0 star 3.145 file_download
  • alloy/alloy_compact_menu

    Provides a menu link field for compact menus

    • drupal
    new_releases1.0 0 star 228 file_download
  • amcgowanca/entity_reference_tree

    A proof-of-concept for building an entity reference tree in Drupal 8.

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 5.540 file_download
  • amcgowanca/entity_utilities

    A collection of utilities and experimental implementations for working with Drupal 8's entity system.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0-alpha1 0 star 82.821 file_download
  • amcgowanca/features_extended

    A set of utilities for assisting in the creation of decoupled feature-ized modules.

    • PHP
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 40.496 file_download
  • dmwg/wisski_entity_reference_tree

    An entity reference tree builder for WissKI.

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 54 file_download
  • docomoinnovations/cloud_dashboard

    • TypeScript
    new_releases4.0.0-rc1 2 star 639 file_download
  • dof-dss/nicsdru_unity_profile

    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 15.236 file_download
  • drufony/pimple-module

    Pimple container module for Drupal 7

    • PHP
    new_releases7.0.0 0 star 43 file_download
  • drupal-generics/entity_theme_suggestions

    Provides theme suggestions plugin for all type of entities.

    • PHP
    new_releases8.1.0-alpha1 0 star 1.651 file_download
  • drupal-membership/membership_commerce

    Drupal Commerce API support for Membership module.

    • PHP
    • membership
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 1.261 file_download
  • drupal-pattern-lab/unified-twig-extensions

    Share Pattern Lab's custom Twig extensions with Drupal 8.

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.1.0 10 star 482.503 file_download
  • drupal/cforge

    new_releases1.0-beta19 0 star 218 file_download
  • drupal/rat

    new_releases1.0.0-rc1 0 star 628.971 file_download
  • drupal/stamps

    Provides Symfony Messenger stamps related to core or simple functionality.

    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 16 file_download
  • drupalninja/drupalx_bootswatch

    Bootswatch theme generator for DrupalX theme.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0-beta1 0 star 241 file_download
  • drupalninja/drupalx_gin

    DrupalX Gin integration, cleanup for Gin theme.

    • CSS
    new_releases1.0-beta1 0 star 245 file_download
  • elrems/drupal_solr

    Drupal Solr module test

    • drupal
    • drupal8
    • symfony5
    • Drupal9
    new_releases0.0.1 1 star 4 file_download
  • ericpugh/calrissian

    A Drupal module providing utilities for developing with Lando.

    • drupal
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 19 file_download
  • ericpugh/jedi-console

    A Drupal module providing utilities for developing with Lando.

    • drupal
    • lando
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 105 file_download
  • esiee/pdf_generator_drupal_module

    ESIEE - 2023 - Module de génération de PDF

    • PHP
    • generator
    • composer
    • pdf
    • esiee
    • 2023
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 37 file_download
  • esn-org/cas_server

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0-beta3 0 star 45 file_download
  • faithcatholic/faith_genesis_theme

    • SCSS
    new_releasesv1.0.1 0 star 331 file_download
  • faithcatholic/faith_genesis_theme_amp

    • HTML
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 288 file_download
  • faithcatholic/faith_subscriptions_structure_sync

    Imports and syncs structural content such as certain taxonomies, menus, and blocks.

    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • faithcatholic/hms_field

    HMS Field displays an integer formatted as Hours, Minutes or Seconds.

    • PHP
    • drupal
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 196 file_download
  • farmier/hosting


    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 21 file_download
  • fflch/webform_captcha_mandatory


    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • fivejars/vyva

    Open Y Virtual Y Video Automation

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 22 file_download
  • freely-agency/freely-foundation

    Helper function for Zurb Foundation integration with Drupal

    • PHP
    • drupal
    new_releases1.0.0-alpha7 0 star 107 file_download
  • geeks4change/h4c_embed

    new_releases1.0.0-alpha1 0 star 131 file_download
  • geeks4change/webform4json

    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • getdkan/socrata_harvest

    Optional DKAN module to harvest from Socrata catalogs.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.1 0 star 14 file_download
  • getrootid/radicati_views_switchboard

    Allows site builders to create a simple switchboard with views, routing users to a url via a select box.

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 4 file_download
  • gnikolovski/commerce_gnikolovski

    Provides some useful Drupal Commerce 2.x stuff.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 4 star 432 file_download
  • gnikolovski/jsonapi_limiter

    Limits requests to the JSON:API endpoints.

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 3 file_download

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Ein(e) ´Drupal Module´  ist ein spezielles Paket bzw. eine Ergänzung für Drupal-module

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Wir haben 92 Paket(e) vom Typ drupal-module gefunden.
Es wurden bisher 1.334.887 Pakete vom Typ drupal-module heruntergeladen bzw. installiert.
Es wurden bisher 43 Sterne für Pakete vom Typ drupal-module vergeben.