Pakete vom Typ craft-plugin










  • appyhay/datalist

    Datalist entry field.

    • PHP
    • cms
    • datalist
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 131 file_download
  • balazscsaba2006/mobiledetect

    MobileDetect integration into Craft CMS 3.

    • PHP
    • cms
    • mobile detect
    • mobiledetect
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 8 file_download
  • belniakmedia/matrix-table-cell

    Table Cell FieldType for CraftCMS 3+

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • matrix table cell
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 33 file_download
  • benjamin-smith/craft-healthcheck

    Adds a health check route to your site to indicate that Craft is health and ready to accept web traffic from a load balancer.

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 4 star 95 file_download
  • bhuvidya/craft-btn-shortcodes

    Button shortcode support in Craft v3.

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • button shortcodes
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • bhuvidya/craft-user-agent

    Support for user agent sniffing.

    • PHP
    • cms
    • user agent
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • bitpart/rename-multibyte-filename

    Rename a multibyte character filename, such as Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and so on, when assets are uploaded.

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • rename multibyte filename
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 60 file_download
  • bitsoflove/craft-easy-translations

    Easily manage your static translations in Craft CMS.

    • PHP
    • cms
    • translations
    • multisite
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • craft3
    • craft4
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 6 file_download
  • blackmagic/instagrammedia

    Plugin to retrieve instagram media using Facebook's Instagram Basic API

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • instagrammedia
    • instgram
    • instgramfeed
    new_releases1.0.0 3 star 951 file_download
  • bootsified/craft-json-decode

    A SUPER simple plugin that decodes JSON data for use in Craft CMS v3 templates.

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • craft-json-decode
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 581 file_download
  • born05/craft-matchinput

    Craft field type for text fields that match a regex pattern

    • PHP
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • match input
    new_releases3.0.0 0 star 12 file_download
  • borucreative/craft3-ses

    A CraftCMS v3 Mail Transport strategy using Amazon SES

    • PHP
    • craftcms
    • Amazon SES
    • craft-plugin
    new_releases1.0.0 7 star 3.019 file_download
  • boxhead/asset-use

    See what assets are and aren't being used across your site

    • JavaScript
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • asset use
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 11 file_download
  • boxhead/craft-solidrock-api

    Communicate and process data to and from the Solidrock API

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • solidrock
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 7 file_download
  • brixplugins/chat-widget

    Install an simple and easy to customize chat widget on your website.

    • Twig
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • chat widget
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 8 file_download
  • brixplugins/top-bar-call-to-action

    Get more clicks and leads with our easy to use Top Bar CTA.

    • PHP
    • cms
    • bar
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • Hellobar
    • top bar call to action
    • topbar
    • top bar
    • hello bar
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 93 file_download
  • burnthebook/craft-mortgage-calculator

    Craft CMS Plugin to calculate UK mortgage costs

    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • mortgage calculator
    new_releases2.0.0 0 star 0 file_download
  • buzzingpixel/craft-scheduler

    Schedule tasks to run in Craft

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 198 file_download
  • buzzingpixel/filecontent

    Add flat file content capability to your CraftCMS site

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • filecontent
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 11 file_download
  • byteq/digest-url

    Digests URLs

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • digesturl
    new_releases2.0.0 0 star 252 file_download
  • carlcs/craft-checkboxfield

    Checkbox Field plugin for Craft CMS

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.1 6 star 19 file_download
  • carlcs/craft-controlleractionfield

    Controller Action Field plugin for Craft CMS

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 15 file_download
  • carlcs/craft-glob

    Glob plugin for Craft CMS

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.1 0 star 18 file_download
  • carlcs/craft-numberconvert

    Number Convert plugin for Craft CMS

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.1.1 2 star 18 file_download
  • carlcs/craft-period

    Period plugin for Craft CMS

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.2 1 star 19 file_download
  • carlcs/craft-pushovernotificationchannel

    A Pushover notification channel for the Craft Notifications plugin

    • PHP
    • notifications
    • pushover
    • craftcms
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 2 file_download
  • carlcs/craft-revmanifest

    Rev Manifest plugin for Craft CMS

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.2 2 star 30 file_download
  • carlcs/craft-truncate

    Truncate plugin for Craft CMS

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.2 3 star 17 file_download
  • charliedev/advanced-url-field

    Configurable URL field that provides multiple format restrictions and validation.

    • PHP
    • cms
    • url
    • field
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    new_releases1.0.0 5 star 46.952 file_download
  • clark-nelson/craft-timezone-field

    Makes available a dropdown field to select a timezone.

    • PHP
    new_releases4.0.0 0 star 13 file_download
  • cliveportman/commerce-email-scheduler

    Email scheduler for Craft Commerce

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • commerce email scheduler
    new_releases1.0.1 0 star 6 file_download
  • cliveportman/save-user-notifications

    Sends a notification out to admin whenever a user updates their details using a front-end form.

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • save user notifications
    new_releases1.0.1 0 star 9 file_download
  • composedcreative/envvaluereplace

    Adds the 'envValueReplace' twig filter to Craft CMS projects

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 22 file_download
  • convergine/commerce-helcim

    Helcim payments for Craft Commerce 4

    • JavaScript
    • commerce
    • craftcms
    • helcim
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 6 file_download
  • craftcms/redactor-clips

    This plugin Adds Redactor’s “Clips” plugin to Rich Text fields in Craft, which lets you insert predefined code snippets.

    • PHP
    • cms
    • html
    • Redactor
    • yii2
    • craftcms
    • clips
    new_releases2.0.0 26 star 2.451 file_download
  • craftplugins/macroable

    Add globals, filters and functions to Twig from a config file.

    • PHP
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 36 file_download
  • craftplugins/whitelabel

    Removes mention of Craft CMS.

    • PHP
    • security
    • branding
    • white-label
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 90 file_download
  • craftpulse/craft-year-picker

    This plugin provides the user with a date picker only for years

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 18 file_download
  • craftsnippets/craft-dpd-easyship

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 39 file_download
  • craftsnippets/craft-pagination-toolbox

    Pagination toolbox

    • PHP
    • cms
    • pagination
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • pagination toolbox
    new_releases1.0.1 0 star 0 file_download
  • craftyfm/craft-feedme-filemaker

    A plugin to allow Claris Filemaker Data API v2 to work with the Feed Me plugin

    • PHP
    • cms
    • FileMaker
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • feed me
    • claris
    new_releases1.0.1 0 star 2 file_download
  • craftyfm/craft-formie-filemaker

    Send form data from Formie to Filemaker

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • cstudios/craft-smtpmailer

    A contact form plugin to send out emails in various ways

    • PHP
    • mailer
    • form
    • email
    • smtp
    • contact
    • templates
    new_releasesv1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • ctigelaar/craft-dropdowndate

    Custom fieldtype for Craft to display a DateTime field as separate dropdowns

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 157 file_download
  • danieladarve/twig-webp-filter

    Adds a twig function that returns an Object containing webp and img data

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • twig webp filter
    new_releases0.0.1 1 star 1 file_download
  • davidhellmann/existential

    A simple Craft 3 plugin which adds a Twig filter for checking whether a file exists

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • existential
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 78 file_download
  • delaneymethod/craft-vocabulary

    Vocabulary is the easiest way to create and manage your own glossary of terms in Craft CMS.

    • PHP
    • cms
    • vocabulary
    • glossary
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • craft-vocabulary
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • densham-technology/craft-youtube

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • craft-youtube
    new_releases0.1.0 0 star 9 file_download
  • devkai/craft-color-alpha

    color field with alpha channel

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • opacity
    • craft-plugin
    • craft-color-alpha
    • color-input
    • color-field
    • alpha-channel
    new_releases1.0.3 0 star 26 file_download
  • devkai/craft-shopify-resource

    shopify-resource reference field via storefront api

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • craft-shopify-resource
    new_releases1.0.2 0 star 13 file_download
  • devkokov/impersonate

    A Craft 3 plugin that allows non-admin users to log in as other non-admin users, on a per user group basis.

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • impersonate
    • craft-plugin
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 1.038 file_download
  • digitalsurgeons/twig-dig

    Assorted functions and filters for twig

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • twigdig
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 788 file_download
  • 24hoursmedia-craftcms/twig-works-image

    twig image transforms..

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • twigworksimage
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 7 file_download
  • 9thwonder/craft-rss

    Use RSS Feeds in your templates with ease

    • PHP
    • cms
    • feed
    • rss
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    new_releases2.0.1 0 star 32 file_download
  • 9thwonder/recursive-matrix

    Allow matrices to be infinitely nested.

    • JavaScript
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • recursive matrix
    new_releases2.0.0 0 star 31 file_download
  • 9thwonder/redirector

    Automatically creates Retour static redirects using an entry dump.

    • PHP
    • cms
    • redirector
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    new_releases2.0.0 0 star 1 file_download
  • adigital/x-clacks-overhead

    X-Clacks-Overhead is a non-standardised HTTP header based upon the fictional work of the late, great, Sir Terry Pratchett. This plugin enables you to add the pre-requisite 'GNU Terry Pratchett' as well as other custom X-Clacks-Overhead headers to Craft.

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • x-clacks-overhead
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 17 file_download
  • admench/craft-instagram

    Simple Instagram Api endpoint for Craft CMS - intended for Javascript to consume as AJAX post request, returning users feed

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • instagram api
    • craft-plugin
    new_releases1.0 0 star 42 file_download
  • aelvan/focal-point-field

    A utility plugin for migrating the Craft 2 focal point field to the native Craft 3 functionality.

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • focal point field
    new_releases2.0.0 72 star 3.504 file_download
  • aelvan/imager-do-spaces-driver

    Imager Storage Driver for DigitalOcean Spaces

    • PHP
    • cms
    • digitalocean
    • spaces
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • imager
    • craft-plugin
    new_releases1.0.0 8 star 2.810 file_download
  • aelvan/more-fit-images

    Fixes a bug in Craft 3.4 where thumbs in the Control Panel were cropped instead of fitted.

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • more fit images
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 1.509 file_download
  • aisleng/bitbucket-pipeline-deployment

    Uses the Bitbucket API to run pipelines and deploy to any number of services

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • bitbucket pipeline deployment
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 107 file_download
  • alexmarchant/advanced-image-field

    Image field with advanced options and validations.

    • PHP
    • image
    • cms
    • extensions
    • dimensions
    • advanced
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 2.448 file_download
  • alxmerino/craft-locked-entries

    Gives users the ability to mark entries as 'locked' so only they can edit them

    • PHP
    new_releasesv1.0.1 2 star 0 file_download
  • am-impact/amredactor

    Redactor plugin for Craft CMS

    • JavaScript
    new_releases1.1.0 1 star 177 file_download
  • amici/craft-login-attempts

    Log all login attempts

    • PHP
    • cms
    • login
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • login attempts
    • craft-plugin
    • failed login
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 53 file_download
  • aminembarki/hijridates

    Craft plugin convert Gregorian date to Hijri date and vice versa.

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • hijri-dates
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 26 file_download
  • aminembarki/nl2li

    Simple Twig filter to turn a multiline text field into list items.

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • nl2li
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 19 file_download
  • amkdev/server-files

    Craft CMS plugin to retrieve a list of files based on a specified webroot path and extracts file information.

    • PHP
    • cms
    • files
    • list
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    new_releases1.0.0.0 1 star 6 file_download
  • andrewmenich/craft-aws-sih

    A simple plugin that transforms images using AWS' Serverless Image Handler CloudFormation stack.

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • aws sih
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 18 file_download
  • dispositiontools/craft-loginlink

    Log in with a link

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • loginlink
    • craft-plugin
    new_releases0.0.1 0 star 7 file_download
  • dnunez24/craft-laravel-mix

    Manage asset builds in CraftCMS using Laravel Mix

    • PHP
    • plugin
    • laravel
    • mix
    • craftcms
    • webpack
    • craft cms
    new_releasesv0.1.0 5 star 1.869 file_download
  • dolphiq/craft3-locationpicker

    Craft Location picker

    • JavaScript
    • plugin
    • cms
    • google
    • maps
    • location
    • yii
    • picker
    • yii2
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • location-picker
    • craft-plugin
    • craft3
    new_releases1.0.0 7 star 528 file_download
  • dragan1700/pdf-report-creator

    Craft CMS plugin to generate PDF from a collection of pages.

    • JavaScript
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • pdf creator
    new_releases1.0.8 0 star 1 file_download
  • dynam/commerce-worldpay-bg

    Worldpay Business Gateway integration for Craft Commerce 2

    • PHP
    • worldpay
    • omnipay
    • commerce
    • yii2
    • craftcms
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 152 file_download
  • eaglepeak/collapse-cp-nav

    Hide the control panel’s left pane navigation to free up more screen real estate.

    • PHP
    • cms
    • navigation
    • Craft
    • control panel
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • collapse control panel navigation
    new_releases1.0.0 5 star 108 file_download
  • elivz/craft-transient

    Store variables in Twig code which will be available to other templates for the duration of the page load.

    • PHP
    • data
    • cms
    • session
    • variable
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • transient
    • craft-plugin
    new_releases1.0.0 6 star 821 file_download
  • emandiev/autop-twig-filter

    Craft CMS plugin. Adds a Twig filter that strips html and generates paragraphs from new lines.

    • PHP
    • twig
    • cms
    • formatting
    • twig filter
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • autop twig filter
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 26 file_download
  • emersonstone/stagecraft

    Import and export Craft CMS fields, sections, tags, categories, assets, and globals.

    • PHP
    new_releasesv0.1.0 2 star 619 file_download
  • emukupa/quotes

    A starter quote

    • PHP
    • cms
    • quotes
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 2 file_download
  • evoluted/craft-countryselect

    Country select field type.

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • country select
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 267 file_download
  • experience/overflow

    A plain text field with a soft or hard character limit

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • overflow
    • craft-plugin
    new_releases2.0.0 13 star 995 file_download
  • extreme/drip

    Drip connector for Craft 3.x

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • drip
    • craft-plugin
    new_releasesv1.0.2 0 star 243 file_download
  • fatfish/importer

    XML Importer

    • PHP
    • cms
    • importer
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 160 file_download
  • fatfish/redactor-grammar

    Redactor with beyond grammar extension

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • redactorgrammar
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 943 file_download
  • flipboxfactory/craft-initiatives

    Initiatives plugin for craft CMS

    • PHP
    • mailer
    • cms
    • postmark
    • yii2
    • craftcms
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 778 file_download
  • formeasy/form


    • PHP
    • form
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 8 file_download
  • fortyfive/hubspot-graphql

    This plugin adds a GraphQL definition to have access to the Blog HubSpot API using CraftQL plugin.

    • PHP
    • plugin
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • hubspot
    • graphql
    • craft plugin
    • hubspot graphql
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 40 file_download
  • fostercommerce/commerce-authorizenet

    • PHP
    • omnipay
    • commerce
    • craftcms
    new_releases1.0.0-beta.1 1 star 7 file_download
  • fostercommerce/user-activity

    • HTML
    • cms
    • Users
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    new_releases1.0.0 2 star 1.496 file_download
  • furbo/craft-renderer

    Prerenders pages / entries on the server side regardless of the client technology used (Vue js, react or similar).

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • furbo renderer
    new_releases1.0.0 1 star 24 file_download
  • futureactivities/craft-colourlimited

    Adds a new field type which allows selecting a colour limited to pre-defined options

    • PHP
    new_releases1.0 0 star 17 file_download
  • globalia/craft-hubsync

    Automated synchronization from Craft Commerce to Hubspot CRM

    • PHP
    • cms
    • synchronization
    • commerce
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • hubspot
    • craft-plugin
    • hubsync
    • commerce-plugin
    new_releases1.0.0 3 star 1 file_download
  • glue-agency/craft-hash

    Twig filter for hashing.

    • PHP
    • cms
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    • craft hash
    new_releases1.0.0 0 star 990 file_download
  • gromdigital/transliterate

    Transliterate characters from one script to another

    • cms
    • transliterate
    • Craft
    • craftcms
    • craft-plugin
    new_releases1.0.2 0 star 8 file_download

Was ist ein Paket vom Typ craft-plugin?

Ein(e) ´Craft Plugin´  ist ein spezielles Paket bzw. eine Ergänzung für Craft-plugin

craft-plugin Statistiken

Wir haben 95 Paket(e) vom Typ craft-plugin gefunden.
Es wurden bisher 78.292 Pakete vom Typ craft-plugin heruntergeladen bzw. installiert.
Es wurden bisher 209 Sterne für Pakete vom Typ craft-plugin vergeben.